![Brief Nocturnes and Dreamless Sleep Brief Nocturnes and Dreamless Sleep]()
Here is our official CD cover artwork for Brief Nocturnes and Dreamless Sleep, designed by Thomas Ewerhard.
UPDATE: You can now use PayPal as a payment option!
PLEASE READ THIS BEFORE YOU READ ANYTHING ELSE! (A little problem avoidance before we get started)
IMPORTANT NOTES: <Shipping charges are not included in the price of the items and must be manually added by you upon check out.> Please carefully read the Indiegogo product description to determine the shipping price for the item you are ordering, and then please add that amount to your total. IT WILL NOT AUTOMATICALLY BE ADDED TO YOUR TOTAL, YOU MUST DO IT MANUALLY. For example, if you order a CD ($15) and you live outside of the U.S. and Canada, your shipping price would be $8, so you would change the total checkout amount to $23. (Each ordering option has its own set of shipping charges)
T-Shirt sizes - There is no way to tell us what size of t-shirt you need on the Indiegogo order page, so just go ahead and order the t-shirt and we will contact you via email to get the size of t-shirt that you want.
Update: As you may have noticed, we took the "name/photo" feature out of all the other perks containing that option and re-priced each item accordingly, so look for new lower prices on the more expensive perks.
Short Summary
We are once again running a preorder to finance our next studio CD. We would ideally just run this preorder on our website, but last time we tried it we sort of ran afoul of PayPal's preorder limitations so we're doing it here this time.
You'll find many more options than the preorder that we did for "X", including a digital download option. And of course there are some advantages that you'll get by preordering the Limited Edition from us now.
What We Need & What You Get
The basic reality is that the music industry has changed and the days of adequate recording advances from the record label are long gone. We spend much more recording our CDs than we get as a recording advance, so we need to get some outside funding to complete the project.
Our goal here is $25,000, which is actually far less than what we need to record, mix and master our CD, so hopefully we will exceed this goal by a large margin, but this amount will commit us to finishing the CD.
We truly appreciate the loyalty and trust that you give us by contributing to this CD sight unseen, so we are designing some perks into this preorder as a way of thanking you.
One such benefit is that you will receive a Limited Edition of the new CD at least one full month before it is available to purchase anywhere else.
Another benefit is that the Limited Edition will have a bonus track that will not exist on the official release. The Limited Edition will also have some extra booklet pages that you won't see in subsequent pressings.
Check out our list of Perks with a wide range of rewards for your contribution.
IMPORTANT NOTE ON SHIPPING: Indiegogo does not have the ability to add shipping and handling charges at checkout, but they do have a place to add additional funds in addition to the base price of the perk you are purchasing. Please note important comments in the product description box regarding shipping charges to your part of the world.
You can see more detailed descriptions of each item by going to our website www.spocksbeard.com
Target release date and shipping date for this privately released Limited Edition is March 01, 2013.
Other Ways You Can Help
Even if you can’t contribute, you can still help:
- Ask folks to get the word out and make some noise about this campaign.
- Share this campaign on Facebook and other social media!