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Spoken is a beautiful union between poetry, cinematography and spoken word. It is a film that explores love, loss and everything in between.

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Spoken is a beautiful union between poetry, cinematography and spoken word. It is a film that explores love, loss and everything in between.

Spoken is a beautiful union between poetry, cinematography and spoken word. It is a film that explores love, loss and everything in between.

Spoken is a beautiful union between poetry, cinematography and spoken word. It is a film that explores love, loss and everything in between.

Spoken is a beautiful union between poetry, cinematography and spoken word. It is a film that explores love, loss and everything in between.

Stacy Lightner
Stacy Lightner
Stacy Lightner
Stacy Lightner
1 Campaign |
Los Angeles, United States
$135 USD 5 backers
1% of $10,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

Short Summary

Hello, my name is Stacy Lightner and I am a writer and filmmaker. I am currently working on taking my first project from the page to the screen. This very unique film is called SPOKEN. SPOKEN is unique in the sense that it will be shot like a traditional film, however it will have very little dialouge. Most of the films dialouge will be expressed through spoken word. Spoken is a collection of poetry and spoken word that I've created over the years. Each piece was written at different stages of my life and developement. Many of the themes expressed are issues I've dealt with personally, or issues I see taking place around me. As an artist my desire is not only to inspire and entertain but to bring the various issues we face to the forefront. To explore and highlight issues that usually go unaddressed.

Spoken word is an art form that consists of storytelling and poetry. It has existed for centuries and was used by the Ancient Greeks in their Olympic Games. Modern Spoken Word poetry originated from the poetry of The Harlem Renaissance as well as from music, specifically the blues. This art form became popular in the underground black community in the 1960's with The Last Poets, a poetry and political music group that was formed out of the Civil Rights Movement.

As the saying goes, words are powerful. They can create conflict, mend wounds as well as express love. This art form is a wonderful way to inject words with meaning, to give words life and energy and by doing so to powerfully affect the listener. I've often heard that poetry is the language of love. I believe poetry is the language of life, it speaks to the heart, engages the spirit and has the ability to open the mind.

I ask that you take this journey with us. Please help bring this wonderful project to life. If you've ever wanted to make a film, here's your opportunity. Please view the perks below and choose one or even two that speaks to your heart. Thank you so much for taking the time to view our campaign! We greatly appreciate it.  


What We Need & What You Get

We are seeking $10,000. Although this is only a fraction of the usual cost of making a film. We are keeping our cast and crew extremely small in an effort to get this passion project made. The funds will go to purchasing additional equipment such as camera lenses. The funds will also be used to secure shooting locations and for transportation as well as for marketing. We will also need to feed our small cast and crew. If our funding goal is met a small stipend will be provided to our actors who are all working for the love of this project. 

If we do not reach our campaign goal every dollar raised will still be used to assure this project is made. Should we exceed our goal we will have the means to create an even greater film and reach a larger audience.

We have some amazing perks as a thank you for your generous contributions. Some of our perks include co producer and executive producer credits, imdb credits, a dvd of the film, the films soundtrack as well as movie posters, T-shirts and tickets to our LA screening of the film.

The Impact

I don't believe I can fully express the impact your contributions will make. Because of your contribution this film will no longer be an idea but an actual film. As a contributor you will know that you were a major part in bringing a dream to life. In fact, many dreams to life, for the actors, the writer as well as the producers and maybe even for yourself.

This project explores life in its many facets. It deals with love, loss, attraction; this project deals with life itself.

We would like to thank you for taking the time to view this campaign and for any and all contributions.

Other Ways You Can Help

If you are unable to contribute monetarily we completely understand, however it is still possible to help get this film made. Please spread the word about our campaign, someone you know may be interested in contributing.

Please like our facebook page for the movie.

Please use the indiegogo sharing tools to share our campaign on social media and via emai. Please help us get the word out!!



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Choose your Perk

Promotional Perk

$6 USD
Choose this perk to advertise on my twitter page. Do you have your own business? Do you have a campaign that needs to be advertised? For only $6 I will mention your service a minimum of seven times!
0 claimed

Thank You (Shout Out)

$10 USD
Thanks so much for contributing! In appreciation you will receive a heartfelt thank you shout out on our movies facebook page.
1 claimed

Be A Part of The Film

$15 USD
Select this perk and you have the option of being seen in the bonus footage of the film! Send us a line or two with any recorded message you have for the filmmakers. Video messages will be edited together to create a short, creative piece as a way of saying thank you to our contributors. Leave your email address on our comments page and we will send you the address to where your videos should be sent.
0 claimed

Thanks a Million!! (Postcard)

$20 USD
You are awesome!! Thanks so much for your contribution!! You will receive a signed postcard from the writer/director and a thank you shout out on our movies Facebook page!
0 claimed

You ROCK!! (Movie Poster)

$50 USD
Without you this film wouldn't be possible!! Thanks so much for your contribution!! To show our appreciation you will receive one of our amazingly beautiful movie posters. Each time you look at it you will be reminded that you helped create a wonderful film! You ROCK!!
0 claimed

You're Awesome!!! (SOUNDTRK)

$65 USD
You are truly making it happen!! Thank you so much!! Because of you we are closer to getting our movie made. In appreceiation of your generous donation you will receive a soundtrack to the movie. A collection of amazing, soulful music, poetry and spoken word.
0 claimed

You're Amazing! (DVD+Poster)

$85 USD
Has anyone told you how amazing you are lately? The cast and crew of Spoken is yelling it out loud!! Thank you so much for your contribution!! You will receive A DVD of the movie as well as a movie poster!
1 claimed

A big hug!! (DVD & Soundtrack)

$120 USD
Thank you so much!! The cast and crew of Spoken sends you a huge hug from Los Angeles! Because of your contribution this movie is being made. You will receive a DVD & a copy of the movies soundtrack.
0 claimed

You're a Star!! (DVD & More)

$250 USD
Did you know that you were a Star??!! Thank you for generously contributing to this movie!! Without your contribution this movie would not be possible.In appreciation, you will receive a DVD, the movies soundtrack and a poster.
0 claimed


$400 USD
Wow!! You are WONDERFUL!!!! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!! Because of you we are able to do what we love!! In appreciation of your kindness you will receive A DVD, soundtrack, 2 posters & T-shirt!
0 claimed

You are a PRODUCER!!!!

$500 USD
You are a blessing!! You have earned the right to be named a producer on the film Spoken. For your amazingly generous contribution you will receive a co- producer credit in the films credits and on IMDB. You will also receive a DVD, a movie poster & 2 tkts to the LA screening. transportation/accomodations not included.
0 claimed

You are a FILMMAKER!!!

$1,000 USD
You have brought tears to our eyes!! You have made this dream a REALITY. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!! You are an Exec. producer & will receive Exec. prod. credit in the film as well as on IMDB. You will also receive all of the above perks, including 4 tkts to the LA screening. travel/accomdations not included.
0 claimed
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