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Starseed Landing Collective Ecovillage Community

Ecovillage Community

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Starseed Landing Collective Ecovillage Community

Starseed Landing Collective Ecovillage Community

Starseed Landing Collective Ecovillage Community

Starseed Landing Collective Ecovillage Community

Starseed Landing Collective Ecovillage Community

Ecovillage Community

Ecovillage Community

Ecovillage Community

Ecovillage Community

Shanika Malcolm
Shanika Malcolm
Shanika Malcolm
Shanika Malcolm
2 Campaigns |
Nashville, United States
$497 USD 10 backers
0% of $3,000,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 2 Projects Mountain Filled 2 Projects


Welcome , I am Shanika Malcolm, Communitarian & Visionary of Starseed Landing. I'm so excited to share this vision & mission with you. We live in an amazing time, with many challenges and opportunities for us to create a new. We must ask ourselves what do we want to create? Our actions, thoughts and most importantly frequency must align with that desire. Starseed Landing is born out of my own desire, as well as a collective desire to experience community and life in a whole new way. To live in sacred union with nature and earth other. We weren't born to just pay bills & die. We are here to be fully and deeply a live and in love. We are here to be purposeful, of service and to make a contribution to our human and more than human family. It is our intention to bring forth an environmentally regenerative, spiritually fulfilling, socially just, human presence upon the planet. One human being at a time, one community at a time. Our primary vehicle to accomplish this vision is thru community building, sacred activism, a deep commitment to our spiritual journey and higher consciousness and love. It is our goal to build a community that is diverse, inclusive and affordable to all people, especially BIPOC. The ecovillage movement has fallen short in creating diverse communities that actually mirror the diversity that we see in nature, It has been very gentrified movement, only accessible to those with wealth privilege, leaving BIPOC underrepresented and priced out of community and sustainable living. I'm here as a bridge builder, as a catalyst to initiate and create change upon this planet, one person at a time, one heart at a time, one community at a time. Starseed Landing is a global movement , one based in love, reciprocity and harmony to help create the shift in consciousness that humanity needs to restore balance to the planet and to build a world that would make future generations, our descendants proud. This is a big mission and we require your support to make this possible. We are co-creating a new future, here and now. will you join us.

Short Summary

Starseed Landing Collective is a collective desire & vision birthed through Shanika Malcolm. This vision is a calling to transform and heal the planet & her people. Our focus is on building a DIVERSE, regenerative ecovillage based on Living, Learning, and Loving in community with one another! 

The collective members are passionate about living in accordance with nature, which mirrors to us divine balance & reciprocity.  WE are committed to creating a community based on values that reflect regenerative processes for the earth and relationships based on freedom, collaboration, and connective communication. 

This intention of this campaign is to raise the funds, resources and support to build and grow our community.

WE have spent many years immersed in permaculture education and community building networks. One glaring observation in our time spent exploring other communities is the lack of diversity in the existing network. Starseed Landing is committed to changing that by making diversity and equity a major focus of our social ecosystem, just like nature! 

The foundational components of this vision have been in the making for years and now it is time bring the vision into manifested reality! 

By contributing to the Starseed Landing Collective you are co- creating a new paradigm with us! Every dollar you donate is an investment and affirmation of the changes you wish to create & contribute to; creating a paradigm in which we live in harmony and unity with nature and one another. 

You can learn more about the entirety of this vision here.

Gift Economics

Building a community in an integral way takes dollars and experts in certain areas. Not only are we looking to raise mad cash to fund the purchase of land, build residential and community structures, and fund cooperative profit sharing businesses, but we are also looking to build the collective. 

In order to have a thriving community we need builders with natural building expertise, ecologists, gardeners, creatives, visionaries, administrative support and more! 

By launching this campaign we are hoping to do both: find like hearted people who want to join the collective building process AND raise the dollars necessary.

All funds are committed to bringing this to life. All members of the collective agree to financial transparency and we will share our progress with you, our funding partners! 

Here is the link to see inside our organization, including our agreement field and detailed fund allocation information. 

An insight from Shanika about perks:

“We want to shift the transactional reality of life, of giving to receive. I wanted to move away from giving “perks” . There is so much to receive from the joy and service of giving without attachment or expectation. This represents a fundamental shift that also is taking place within the consciousness of humanity. We give for the simple joy of giving, to enrich and benefit all of life. We offer our gratitude for your generosity and for supporting the vision and mission of Starseed Landing. You will be able to be apart of this community that you help to build. The best "perk" is contributing to creating the change, healing and transformation required upon this planet."

The Impact

Many of us can see the havoc we are wrecking on Mother Earth and desire more sustainable ways to live, by supporting Starseed Landing we are working together to build a more regenerative, life-giving world. 

This project has a huge heart for creating a community opportunity for all not limited by race, identity, socioeconomic status, etc. Many communities are only accessible to those with privilege because of the financial cost associated with starting and sustaining a project of this size. As a black single mother, Shanika has a strong will to change that and is opening the door of Starseed Landing to those who can benefit most. 

The ground team of the collective has experience living in community with one another. Experiencing the lack of diversity and full acceptance in the wealth privileged space of other communities has been a beautiful catalyst to use similar models but to strongly brew an infusion of diversity and acceptance into our model. 

Risks & Challenges

We will face some challenges as we build this vision. 

Right now we are focused on building a larger network of people with resonate values and skills, as well as raise enough funds. 

We are rich in spiritual and social capital. We are aligning to attract the monetary wealth and resources to build our community. We ask for support from our wider global community as we know that the resources are already here to make this happen. Can we count on your support?

We have a steadfast organization system to ensure we are operating in full integrity and responsibility. We are committed to being transparent at every step of the way.

Other Ways You Can Help

Spread the word using the share function Indiegogo offers, and connect to our social media pages or however you enjoy sharing things with your community! 

Grassroot efforts thrive best when we share and invite others to the space we are creating! 

If you are unable to financially contribute please connect with us about how you’d like to join us and be a part of the collective. 

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