Madii Lii - LNG activity stops here
One month ago, the Hereditary Chiefs of Madii Lii Territory of the Gitxsan Nation declared their territory permanently CLOSED TO LNG development and other unauthorized industrial activity. TransCanda's proposed PRGT Pipeline threatens to trespass "natural" (fracked) gas across our territory, and then to deliver it to a massive Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) terminal directly in the heart of our salmon's most sensitive habitat in the Skeena Estuary. This development is predicted to collapse the entire Skeena Salmon population.
This is not a risk we are willing to take.
We have almost finished building Madii Lii basecamp to monitor and control our territory and to enforce the eviction on LNG development.
But winter is coming...
We need your help now!
Construction on the PRGT pipeline project is slated to begin Jan. 15, 2015.
TransCanada plans to break ground on the PRGT fracked gas pipeline project on Jan. 15, 2015. That is less than 4 months from now.
Wilps Luutkudziiwus members are asking for support as they hunker down at Madii Lii basecamp for the first winter of occupation, surveillance, and enforcement of the Prohibition on LNG development.
Madii Lii members will ensure that TransCanada misses not only their Jan. 15, 2015 date for shovels in the ground, but never builds their pipeline at all.
What we are standing for
The Skeena supports one of the last largely intact Wild Salmon runs in the world, and is the second largest run in BC. The Skeena provides food, economic security, and identity to tens of thousands of First Nations and non-first nations people across the region.
This is a lot bigger than just our House Group's fight.
TransCanada is proposing construction and operation of the Prince Rupert Gas Transmission Project (PRGT), a 900 km "natural" (fracked) gas pipeline that is slated to bring fracked gas into the heart of the Skeena Estuary where dredging, construction, and operation of the massive proposed Pacific Northwest LNG Terminal will decimate Flora Bank (a rare and crucial juvenile salmon habitat), with nearly certain catastrophic affects on Skeena Salmon.
This would affect numerous First Nations and non-first nations food, sport, and commercial fishing for 900 km plus. Salmon are our lifeblood.
Lifeblood cannot be risked for profit.
This is the Skeena Estuary. TransCanada's PRGT pipeline is proposed to deliver gas to the massive proposed Pacific Northwest (PNW) LNG Terminal on Lelu Island. Dredging for, construction, and operation of this terminal would destroy Flora Bank, a vital and unique shallow juvenile salmon Eelgrass habitat in the estuary.
Juvenile Sockeye Salmon in the Flora Bank Eelgrass. All Skeena Salmon must adjust from fresh water to salt water in the estuary before heading out to sea, and a big percentage of them do this in the relatively small area of Flora Bank. This area will be destroyed if the PNW LNG Terminal is built.
Map showing Skeena Estuary, Flora Bank, and proposed site of PNW LNG Terminal on Lelu Island. A 2 km tanker docking jetty from the terminal will cut through Flora Bank. To make way for 275 LNG tankers a year, one of the largest dredging projects in Canadian history will be required. There is also another LNG Terminal (Prince Rupert LNG) proposed for Ridley Island, just northwest of Lelu.
Proposed route of TransCanada's PRGT Pipeline, and our Madii Lii Territory.
Building Madii Lii basecamp
Over the past month, a base camp has been nearly completed at the entrance to Madii Lii Territory to enforce our Territorial Management Plan. This plan is a vision of sustainable land use and governance that aims to preserve the land, air, and water for 1000s of years... not just dozens, or even hundreds.
The basecamp on Madii Lii is located at 15 km on the Suskwa Forest Service Road, just east of New Hazelton, BC.
So far, there has been an incredible outpouring of local support for this project from Luutkudziiwus house members, the greater Gitxsan population, and allies.
But winter is coming...
Builders at Madii Lii basecamp.
Madii Lii Territory and proposed PRGT pipeline route.
What we need now
We are fundraising for our first Winter Occupation of Madii Lii Territory. This will allow us to prevent TransCanada from beginning construction of their LNG pipeline on Jan. 15, 2015.
We are aiming to raise $20 000, which will allow us to occupy, control, and keep watch over Madii Lii from now until summer 2015.
100% of the funds raised will be used for:
- Completion of the cabin (insulation, heating, wiring, finishing).
- Basecamp supplies (back-up generator, back-up chainsaw, bridge survielance cameras, fire wood, food)
- Transportation (snowmobile, fuel)
- 24-hr basecamp occupation and territory monitoring (field excursions, etc.)
- Communications (satelite communications, media relations, First Nations Unity Summit hosting at Madii Lii)
With your support, Madii Lii members will ensure that TransCanada misses not only their Jan. 15, 2015 date for shovels in the ground, but that they never build their pipeline at all.
Stand with Madii Lii for Skeena Salmon, for Indigenous rights, and for genuine long-term sustainability.
Thank you!
Hamiiya (with gratitude),
Wilps Luutkudziiwus
Wilps Luutkudziiwus members sharing food at Madii Lii basecamp.
Other ways to support us
To volunteer, donate supplies, or to learn more, go to
More about our project:
Impacts of LNG development
In addition to the threat to salmon, LNG pipelines and terminals also threaten to drastically increase coastal air pollution, and to fragment 900 km of wildlife and fish habitat, as well as gathering and hunting grounds.
The projects will rely on thousands of mostly non-local temporary workers, which will bring increased violence, drug trafficking, soaring living costs, prostitution and social disfunction to our communities, as has occurred in other oil and gas "boom" communities like Ft. St. John and Ft. McMurray.
Our communities do not need these influences.
Moreover, if the PRGT pipeline is built, it may one day be converted to carry oil. TransCanada is already planning to convert an old gas pipeline into their Energy East Pipeline. Global uncertainty in the LNG market make this a real possibility for the PRGT pipeline as well.
We are unanimously opposed to transporting bitumen pipelines across Madii 'Lii Territory.
Trespassing on Madii Lii Territory
About 32 km of TransCanada's proposed PRGT pipeline is proposed to trespass our Madii Lii Territory from Suskwa Pass to the Shegunia River, 16 km of which will destroy the Babine Trail, the ancestral grease trail connecting Gitanmaax with Fort Babine.
The members of Wilps Luutkudziiwus have never ceded, surrendered, or treated their Madii Lii Territory. If the PRGT pipeline is built, there will be direct and indirect impacts to Luutkudziiwus rights and title, include adverse effects to fish, wildlife, terrestrial and aquatic resources, including cumulative effects, as well as to social, cultural, and economic values. The proposed PRGT pipeline project is in deep conflict with core Luutkudziiwus interests and values.
Neither government nor industry has consulted with the house of Luutkudziiwus during their proposals of these projects.
Learn more at
Hamiiya (with gratitude),
Wilps Luutkudziiwus