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Support Aid Ministry

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Support Aid Ministry

Support Aid Ministry

Support Aid Ministry

Support Aid Ministry

Support Aid Ministry

Julian McBain
Julian McBain
Julian McBain
Julian McBain
1 Campaign |
Kisumu, Kenya
$1,130 USD 11 backers
7% of $15,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
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Support Aid Ministry (SAM) is a charitable, non-profit organization dedicated to working with

vulnerable girls and boys in Kenya so that they might reach their God-given potential, heal from

neglect and abuse and become productive members of the community. Beginning in 2006 with a small class held under a tree, our Glac Community School has grown to a school building with classrooms and a teaching staff for 217 happy, thriving children. Our passion is giving children a safe, family-like experience along with educational and nutritional support. Without SAM and the school, the lives of our children would be challenging on so many levels and their future dim. SAM pursues funding, support, and expertise from a growing number of sources, and in the current global environment of increasing need, looks for effective ways to integrate efforts to meet our mission, "Giving Hope, Changing Lives."


To realize this vision, we have initiated an Outreach and Education Campaign to create a vibrant body of multi-media content to be used to broadcast our work and goals and seek funding and participation on many levels. Below are the elements of this campaign. We need your input and support.


~ We will be traveling to Kenya in early January 2018 to create a compelling film about the school which will show the many dimensions of its impact on the lives of children and the potential for SAM projects. This will be used to inspire potential partners and funders and be shared on our website and other forms of social media. While there we will be meeting with community leaders, aid organizations, medical professionals, elected officials, US Embassy staff and land use and sustainability experts about development of our programs. 


~ We will be creating a photo essay and journal to share during our trip and also exhibited in a wide variety of settings on our return.


~ We will be updating written and visual presentation materials to use with extensive outreach to churches, community and service organizations, relevant college/university programs, and local, state, national and international aid organizations to arrange meetings and explore funding and resource partnerships.


~ We are actively growing our Board of Directors and Advisory Board with those passionate and

knowledgeable about HIV-AIDS and its impact on children, families and communities; community-based education; water and food sustainability and the effects of climate change, especially in this region of Eastern/sub-Saharan Africa; community health and medical issues facing this area of Africa; trade education and sports and arts programs. But at the heart of all we do is love, respect and care for children.


GLAC Community School

Community-based education is the heart of Support Aid Ministry, and the Glac Community School has operated since 2006. The student population has grown over the years from only twenty students to its current population of 217 children, - 131 girls and 86 boys - most impacted by HIV-AIDS.


Upendo Health Program

Integral to Support Aid Ministry’s vision is a health program operating in conjunction with the Kisumu County Government to address a variety of health challenges including malaria and nutrition, but especially to support children and families impacted by HIV/AIDS. The first phase is to build a small clinic on school grounds, staffed by rotating and visiting medical professionals.


Swahil Maji Safi (Clean Water) Project

Access to fresh water helps to sustain and prolong life, prevents the spread of disease, promotes a higher quality of life and increases economic productivity. Our Swahill Maji Safi program response to water challenges includes our primary goal of drilling a water borehole, followed by hygienic toilets and sanitation education.


MOVOFA Sustainability Program

MOVOFA is dedicated to fostering integrated social and economic development in Kisumu County with programs that help provide not only the latest in sustainable conservation and ecologic practices, but also training in life and entrepreneurial skills to build a stronger future for individuals, families and the greater community.



SAM’s technical and vocational education program is to train and equip youth with practical skills to build self-esteem and increase chances for a successful, productive life. When completed, FRITE will be a key project with its own building, infrastructure, equipment, and staff.

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