I’ve wanted to be a ski cross racer ever since my first race in 2004, in which I finished second without ever trying the discipline before. However, my life revolved in such a way that I became a professional ski racer in the alpine disciplines instead.
Between 2005 and 2014 I raced for the Bulgarian Ski Team and managed to score several top 30 World Cup Finishes and a 23rd place at the 2014 Olympics in Sochi.
I’m a firm believer that our thoughts become our realities and I’m positive that I will succeed in accomplishing my next crazy idea. I’m determined to race the 2018 Olympic Ski Cross in South Korea, but in order to do that I need your help.
More about me
My whole life I have been following my heart into setting and fulfilling tasks, often considered by others to be crazy. Like the time when I combined ski racing and playing rock'n'roll shows to promote Global Warming awareness. Or the time when I pursued my dream to start a rock’n’roll band when everyone thought it was a crazy idea. No matter the outcome I always tried to enjoy the success and learn from the failures. Take a look at this music video we made together with UFO Film and Television studios in 2015. I want to personally thank Phil Roth for believing in me on this one.
Two years after I quit professional sport and two years before the next Winter Olympics in South Korea I found myself on the crossroads. And it’s a no brainer that I chose to delve into unfamiliar territories and get on with accomplishing another Olympic quest. This time however, I intend to use all the experience, knowledge and connections I have gathered during and after my professional career to start my own - Team #GoChongi.
What I Need
Ski Cross is not a popular sport and my country does not provide the necessary funding for a serious preparation yet. Moreover, ski racing is quite expensive, because of the constant travelling for training and racing camps. I’ve already invested all the money I could muster and managed to acquire funding from private sponsors that covers the expenses for the season preparation from August to October. It includes two 11-day training camps in Saas Fee, Switzerland, ski equipment, training waxes and ski tuning instruments. Once I start showing promising results, my plan is to apply for further funding from the Ministry of sport and the Ski Federation, to continue my preparation into next season.
The expenses which I am looking to cover with this campaign are:
- 15 day training camp in Pitztal, Austria in November
- Taking part in 12 FIS and European cup starts.
- Racing waxes and powders.
I have prepared the following budget:
What Others Get
First of all I've promised that if I reach my campaign goal of €18 000 I will give back to the community. I will do that by organizing one free day of skiing with an Olympic athlete (me!) for the kids from the Blagoevgrad Orphanage, located 40 km from the famous Bulgarian ski resort Bansko.
By contributing to my campaign you are not only helping me prove that no idea is too crazy! I will make you feel as a part of my team by sharing with you videos and insights about my progress on the way to the Olympics, thus letting you see the world of professional sport as an insider. This way you will also be able to see exactly where your investment is going.
Of course, you will also be entitled to choose from the sweet perks I have prepared for you, which are listed on the right side.
Last but not least, my success as the first athlete from Bulgaria to qualify and race the Olympic ski cross would have a big impact on skiing in my country. We will be able to acquire more funding to develop and popularize Ski Cross and to ultimately get the future generation of skiers inspired.
Risks & Challenges
I already mentioned the multiple challenges that I have to overcome in order to get to the 2018 Olympics. I have little experience, one year to prepare, limited financing and no permanent coach. What I have though is the guts to do whatever is in my power to achieve my goal.
Furthermore, the main risk I face is getting injured, which could drastically reduce my chances of success. Well, you can never fully avoid injuries but you can always do your best to decrease your chance of suffering one. I have spent the last 6 months getting back into top shape both physically and mentally in order to be prepared for whatever comes my way.
Well, that's it... thanks for your time. I would be forever grateful if you support my campaign and become an essential part of the bridge that connects a fella and his dream. Please leave comments with thoughts and suggestions about my campaign and how I can improve it.
And finally, remember to follow your gut and embrace your inner freak!