Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Perun Lodge is small yet highly dedicated local body of Ordo Templi Orientis in Zagreb, Croatia.
With total of more than 250 workshops and events per year we are highly motivated to continue our service to the Thelemic community in Croatia and Worldwide.
Our regular events include: Man of Earth O.T.O. Initiations, Gnostic Mass, Man of Earth O.T.O. degree Workshops, E.G.C. Workshop,Reiki Workshop, Ceremonial Magick Workshop, Hatha Yoga Workshop, and Progressive Meditations Workshop (Vipassana).
We also serve as an organizational backbone for OTOK - biannual International O.T.O. Conference which every year gathers more and more brethren from Europe and all over the world for a weekend of exciting and fruitful experience of true Brotherhood of Man.
During this campaign on Feb 25 and 26 2017 e.v. we are organizing Basic Initiation Workshop for Oasis degree officers that will host attendees from few European countries.
Our cozy living room often serves as a comfort logging for traveling brethren, and holds national O.T.O. library.
We kindly ask you for your support so we can maintain and upgrade our Temple, activities and modes of promulgation of the Peace, Tolerance and Truth in accordance with the Law of Thelema.
Thank you!
To show our gratitude for your support we have prepared flowing perks for you, your friends and loved ones. We will do our best so you receive your items before Thelemic New Year on March Equinox V:III e.n.
Here they are:
Advanced Thelemic Calendar V:III
Highly practical 16x45cm 14 page Advanced Thelemic Calendar.
It includes: vugar date, position of Sun and Moon in degrees and minutes, day of the week as planetary ruler, phase of the moon with time of major phases, Thoth Tarot rulers of Major Arcana, Court cards, and Minor Arcana, Thelemic Feasts according to Book of the Law including times of eqinoxes, solsticesand cross-quarters, Birthdays, Greater Feasts and traditional celebrations of Saints of Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica.
Also there is plenty of space so you can add your own marks and important dates.
All calculations are made for Universal Time.
Boleskine floor marker
10 cm diameter, durable hard laminated, floor sticker. to decorate your Temple or your favorite sacred space. Boleskine is considered the source of Thelemic current.
Following catastrophic fire on Dec 23rd 2015 e.v. we can only add quote from the Book of the Law:
"But your holy place shall be untouched throughout the centuries: though with fire and sword it be burnt down & shattered, yet an invisible house there standeth, and shall stand until the fall of the Great Equinox; when Hrumachis shall arise and the double-wanded one assume my throne and place." Liber Al vel Legis III:34
Small poster (45x32 cm)
One of the following fine prints on 200g quality paper. They are convenient and practical reminder tools suitable for any wall.
- Tree of Life small poster
- Liber XIII diagram small poster
Liber XV - Croatian Edition
Softcover edition of the Croatian translation of Liber XV - O.T.O. Ecclesiae Gnosticae Catholicae Canon Missae.
Liber CCXX - Croatian Edition
A hardbound pocket edition of the Croatian translation of the Book of the Law. For all those who still miss this edition in their collections. ![]()
Enochian Watchtowers set
Set of 5 Enochian tables. Large ones are 30x32,5cm and the table of Spirit is 10x12,5 cm. They are radiant and vividly colored. Fine print on 200g paper. Cut to the dimensions.
4 Small Posters set
A set of our 4 small posters shown above.
Large Tree of Life poster (98x68cm)
Although map is not the territory, the good map can be of great help to any explorer. Tree of Life is the basic blue print in the Western Mysticism. In this scheme we are presenting the Thelemic version following notes of Aleister Crowley in his books Liber ABA, Liber 777, and Book Of Thoth including:
"The general colour of the traditional card is subfusc; it represents the confusion and darkness of the material world. But the New Aeon has brought fullness of Light; in the Minutum Mundum, Earth is no longer black, or of mixed colours, but is pure bright green."- Book of Thoth
This is a true beauty in kingly size.
Love is the law, love under will.