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Support Super Ewan: A Hero To Detroit's Homeless

Help this 10 year old bring food, clothing and necessities to Detroiters who need it most.

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Support Super Ewan: A Hero To Detroit's Homeless

Support Super Ewan: A Hero To Detroit's Homeless

Support Super Ewan: A Hero To Detroit's Homeless

Support Super Ewan: A Hero To Detroit's Homeless

Support Super Ewan: A Hero To Detroit's Homeless

Help this 10 year old bring food, clothing and necessities to Detroiters who need it most.

Help this 10 year old bring food, clothing and necessities to Detroiters who need it most.

Help this 10 year old bring food, clothing and necessities to Detroiters who need it most.

Help this 10 year old bring food, clothing and necessities to Detroiters who need it most.

Angela Drum
Angela Drum
Angela Drum
Angela Drum
1 Campaign |
Detroit, United States
$11,650 USD 43 backers
77% of $15,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Super Ewan is a 10 year old boy who spends two days each month in Detroit helping his homeless Super Friends. He has some great Sidekicks but he needs you to join his team of heroes because together we can do more! Please pledge your support so we can do more to help Detroit's needy get back on their feet.

Adventures: Helping the Homeless

That's what Super Ewan calls his time helping those in need. Super Ewan's goal is to provide the basic necessities to help his Super Friends find relief from homelessness. This campaign will allow him to distribute more food, water, clothing and toiletries as well as executing extra projects such his Thanksgiving Dinner Drop-Off and Hope for the Holidays Party for children in need.

Adventure is defined as; participation in bold or exciting undertakings, uncertain of the outcome. I'd like to ask you to join me on this adventure by supporting my Indiegogo campaign.

Who is Super Ewan?

Hi, I'm Ewan and I'm 10 years old, When I was 7, I started  Super Ewan, Inc. a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that brings help and hope to the homeless and families in need throughout Metro Detroit. Over the past 3 years I have helped thousands of men, women and children through my twice monthly adventures (distributions). Serving over 5500 lunches, delivering over 6000 lbs of food, 2 tons of clothing, toiletries and just the basic necessities everyone needs.

I'm starting this Indiegogo campaign for one simple reason, the opportunity to do more! Bring more help, give more hope and change more lives. It's so important to show those in need that someone cares, that someone is concerned for their well being and that they matter.

That's what our adventures are all about and together with your support, we can make great things happen!


What We Need to Change Lives

My target goal for this campaign is $15,000, any more would be Super!  Naturally, I would love to exceed my goal of $15,000 to be able to help more but reaching it would be awesome!

Reaching our goal would allow us to;

Exceeding our goal would allow us to;

  • Purchase a van so we can distribute more.
  • Maintain and Insure the van.

​The Impact

It's important for young people to contribute to changing the world and making a difference. Since starting Super Ewan, Inc., I've tried to do just that. Getting friends to help during adventures shows them that they can be a part of positive change.

Through my work with helping those in need, I have been honored to have been selected for local and national awards. I've also had the privilege of appearing on local and national news outlets.

I don't do this for the recognition what-so-ever. The way I look at publicity is this and it's pretty simple, the more people know about my cause, the more people give, the more lives we can change.


Super Ewan is an "Imagine If, With Jif" Finalist!

Jif® Peanut Butter knows there is potential and optimism to be found in small things—moments and ideas that, one by one, reinforce our belief in ourselves and in the possibilities that lie ahead. That’s why this year, Jif Peanut Butter is helping spread a little more love in the world through the “Imagine If, With Jif” program to help fuel and nourish the potential of the next generation.

Jif in partnership with Indiegogo, has funded three kids’ positive and impactful entrepreneurial ideas to build a better future for all including Super Ewan.  Super Ewan received $10K from Jif to kick start his official crowdfunding page in November. Jif congratulates Super Ewan on making his big dreams for a better world come true!

In January 2018, Jif will award one grand prize winner with the most successful and impactful crowdfunding project an additional $20K to help make their idea a reality. More information at

Superhero Team

Super Ewan, Inc. is a small yet highly motivated non-profit organization determined to make a big impact on peoples lives. This is us!

Social Media Shout Out                                           Super Ewan Decal
$5 for a shout out from a Super Hero                           $10 and you can stick it anywhere

Super Ewan Backpack                                              Super Shout Out Plus
$25 it's Super Red and Super Awesome!                    $50 Decal, Backpack and Video Shout Out

Personalized Superhero Cape                                 Hero For A Day
$100 and you can be a Superhero like me                  $500 everything and join on an Adventure

Other Ways You Can Help

You may not be able to contribute, but you can still help:

  • Spread the word about this campaign with friends, co-workers and family.
  • Please share my campaign by using the Social Media Icons at the top.
  • Click one of the icons below to find out more about Super Ewan, Inc.



Where do your Adventures take place?
Our Adventures are held at Roosevelt Park in Detroit, MI. Roosevelt Park is located in front of the old Michigan Central Train Station in Corktown.

How often do your Adventures take place?
We have Adventures on the second Sunday and the fourth Saturday of each month.

How many homeless do you serve during an Adventure?
We serve between 50-125 people at each Adventure.

What exactly is your Hope for the Holidays Party?
The Hope for the Holidays Party is a special party for 50 underprivileged children. They are provided a meal, visit/picture with Santa, treats and presents.

Can I volunteer with Super Ewan?
Yes, we would love to have you volunteer with us! For more info click here.

Looking for more information? Check the project FAQ
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Choose your Perk

Super Ewan Backpack

Super Ewan Backpack

$25 USD
With your $25 donation you will receive this Super Awesome/Super Ewan Draw String Backpack. It's Super Red and perfect for packing full of food, water and toiletries to hand out to those in need.
Included Items
  • Draw String Backpack
Estimated Shipping
February 2018
3 out of 100 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
Social Media Shout Out

Social Media Shout Out

$5 USD
Super Ewan will give a personal Shout Out to you on Twitter. After you donate just include your @name and keep an eye out for your shout out! Thanks
Included Items
  • Twitter Shout Out
Estimated Shipping
January 2018
1 out of 500 of claimed
Super Ewan Decal

Super Ewan Decal

$10 USD
You will receive a Limited Run 3 inch Super Ewan Decal to put on your car, fridge or anything you want. Wherever you put it, you'll know you helped bring hope to someone in need.
Included Items
  • Decal
Estimated Shipping
January 2018
4 out of 300 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
Super Shout Out Plus

Super Shout Out Plus

$50 USD
Get a personal Video Shout Out on Facebook and Twitter from a Superhero. I'll also send you one of my Super Awesome/Super Ewan Drawstring Backpacks with a Super Ewan Decal inside. How cool is this?
Included Items
  • Decal
  • Draw String Backpack
  • Personal Video Shout Out
Estimated Shipping
February 2018
3 out of 50 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
Personalized Cape

Personalized Cape

$100 USD
For your $100 donation you will receive a personalized Superhero Cape. Your cape will come with the Super Ewan logo and your name printed on it. Choice of cape colors include BAM! Blue and Powerful Pink.
Included Items
  • Personalized Superhero Cape
Estimated Shipping
March 2018
0 out of 100 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
Hero For A Day

Hero For A Day

$500 USD
You can be a Superhero For A Day! Join me at one of my Adventures in Detroit where we will bring help and hope to those in need, together. I'll also give you a shout out on Twitter, Super Ewan Decal, Drawstring Backpack, Personalized Superhero Cape and a Video Shout Out on Facebook and Twitter. You will be responsible for getting to Detroit.
Included Items
  • Twitter Shout Out
  • Decal
  • Draw String Backpack
  • Personalized Superhero Cape
  • Personal Video Shout Out
  • Adventure
Estimated Shipping
April 2018
0 out of 10 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

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