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Tellurian Short Film

Help us create our most ambitious film project yet! The stunning Sci-fi action short film TELLURIAN.

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Tellurian Short Film

Tellurian Short Film

Tellurian Short Film

Tellurian Short Film

Tellurian Short Film

Help us create our most ambitious film project yet! The stunning Sci-fi action short film TELLURIAN.

Help us create our most ambitious film project yet! The stunning Sci-fi action short film TELLURIAN.

Help us create our most ambitious film project yet! The stunning Sci-fi action short film TELLURIAN.

Help us create our most ambitious film project yet! The stunning Sci-fi action short film TELLURIAN.

Peter Birnie
Peter Birnie
Peter Birnie
Peter Birnie
2 Campaigns |
Arbroath, United Kingdom
$1,180 USD $1,180 USD 29 backers
22% of $5,181 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 2 Projects Mountain Filled 2 Projects
Help Ironstar Films bring their most ambitious project yet to life. The Sci-Fi short film Tellurian.

Short Summary

Who are we?

Ironstar are Allan Jennings, Dean Pearson, Peter Birnie and Graeme Carr,  we are just four self taught, award winning filmmakers based in Arbroath, Scotland who have a passion for genre films. we want to make films that we would watch! 

Our story began in June 2014 with an idea to make a short film. That film was BLOODLOSS.


BLOODLOSS  filmed in November 2014, went  on to premiere to a sell out crowd of 400 and  went on to be selected to play in around 18 festivals worldwide in Australia, Spain, Canada and the US. It picked up several highly recommended awards and a best international horror award from a festival in Texas. 

Shot over 2 days for £1500  screened at 18 festivals. 3 highly commended awards and winner of best international thriller.

Our 2nd film THE CLEARING, the brainchild of Cinematographer Dean Pearson was filmed in one day in Ethie woods with local actor Chris O'Mara in order to try out some visual Effects shots and again it surpassed our expectations. Going on to be featured by both CG bros and Film Shortage online and shown on US television.


Shot in 1 day for £120 the clearing has done exceptionally well. Screened at several festivals and aired on US tv as well as picking up a REMI award.

The clearing was also accepted into several festivals, opening for Patrick Stewart/Anton Yelchin feature GREEN ROOM  at dundead as well as picking up a prestigious REMI award in the US. Steven Spielberg had also won a REMI for his first short film way back in the 70's so we were in good company! 

We then shot two Shorts for The fourth Wall filmmaking project. These were BEST FRIENDS COME IN BOXES and A PRIVATE REVOLUTION. Again both have went on to have festival success around the world with BFCIB winning "The Twisted film award"  at the Fantasmagorical film festival in the US.

BFCIB shot on £0 budget over two evenings. Screened at 3 festivals  Best actor nomination and one award win.

Which brings us to our most ambitious project to date. the Sci-Fi short film TELLURIAN

TELLURIAN is a tale of the enduring human spirit in the wake of an Alien invasion where all the children on earth disappear. While the War for the planet rages on a small group of militia find themselves trying to protect not only themselves and their way of life but also possibly the last child on earth. 

Tellurian is inspired by our love of 80's action Scifi movies along with the aesthetic of recent shows such as Netflix Stranger things.


The characters are strong individuals from our Leading man Craig McGinlay as Mike Walsh to our very own Ellen Ripley in the form of Kerry Browne as Breaker.

Chris O'Mara and Stephen Humpage portray Brother in arms Jack and Mole in our homage to buddy cop movies of the era! 

Tom Ingram takes his place at the head of the milita as commander Tracker and alongside him is newcomer Wayne Russell as the antagonistic Mac and Alan Cuthbert as the Doc.

Holly Woodhouse will come onboard as the personification of the invading force with Nikki Curley and Brodie Toriati as the first member of the invading force.

David Byrne and Ellie Reid with both lend their incredible talents to the roles of our young heroes, While Director and Actor David Izzat will join as Breakers father. 

We also welcome into his first film role Brandon Boyd taking on the role of Seth. The last boy on the planet! There will also be a wee cameo for another Boyd. ( Since he's there anyway!!)

The money raised will all go on making the film the best it can be. We are taking nothing for payment. This is a passion project for the team to take us to a new level of filmmaking.

The money raised will go on the following:

£1250 will go on a custom built space pod by local artist Steve Wild ( check out his hulk bluster suit online) 

£1000 will go on securing locations such as a Cold War era nuclear bunker. AWESOME!

£500 will go on custom made Uniforms for our invading force created by Talented designer Robyn Scott.

£ 250 will go on prop weapons and a qualified armourer to ensure we use them properly.

£ 500 will go on MUA's to ensure all our cast look as good or as bad as needed! 

£500 will go on Food/ Travel expenses for cast and crew out with Ironstar films for the 6 day shoot.

this is without figuring in Music/Sound effect and visual effects that will come in post production. 


We hope the project has a lot of potential and will benefit many people. But without help it would be difficult to complete. 

Please take a look at our campaign video. One of several to be released over the campaign, as well as our exciting perks that are on offer. Everything helps and you will have the cast and crews eternal gratitude!! 




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Choose your Perk


I AM SETH black t shirt

Currency Conversion $28 USD
£22 GBP
Black cotton t-shirt with I AM SETH on the front in black and white. Available in s to xxxl Also available in white or grey tshirts See in updates for images
Estimated Shipping
February 2017
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Go Go Go

Currency Conversion $6 USD
£5 GBP
Perks are great but you don't have time for all that. You just want to see this project get done. We understand and thanks for helping!
5 claimed

Big Thanks Shout Out

Currency Conversion $13 USD
£10 GBP
A shout out across social media thanking you for your contribution
Estimated Shipping
January 2017
1 claimed

Tellurian branded ear buds

Currency Conversion $13 USD
£10 GBP
Ear buds that will make your music sound out of this world! Available in black and they come packed in a Limited edition Tellurian case.
Estimated Shipping
February 2017
0 out of 100 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Tellurian Download

Currency Conversion $16 USD
£12 GBP
A digital download of the finished film. Including exclusive Campaign and behind the scenes footage. Available July/Aug 2017 approx Only available to Indiegogo contributors!!
Estimated Shipping
August 2017
1 claimed

Special Mention

Currency Conversion $26 USD
£20 GBP
All special mention contributors will see their name in the credits of the finished film.
Estimated Shipping
September 2017
14 claimed

Tellurian T shirt - Blue Title

Currency Conversion $28 USD
£22 GBP
A Black cotton T shirt emblazoned with the Blue Tellurian title. Available in s/m/l/xl/xxl/xxxl We will contact you through email to find out your size requirements See updates for photos Also available in white or grey tshirts
Estimated Shipping
January 2017
1 out of 50 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Tellurian Tshirt - Red title

Currency Conversion $28 USD
£22 GBP
A limited edition plain Black cotton Tshirt emblazoned with the Tellurian title in red. Available in s/m/l/xl/xxl/xxxl We will contact you via email for size requirements. Also available in white or grey t shirts See updates for images
Estimated Shipping
January 2017
0 out of 50 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

#IAMSETH Tshirt -Red

Currency Conversion $32 USD
£25 GBP
Limited edition Black cotton Tshirt emblazoned with the #IAMSETH logo in red Available in s/m/l/xl We will contact you via email to get size requirements
Estimated Shipping
January 2017
1 out of 50 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Tellurian poster Tshirt

Currency Conversion $32 USD
£25 GBP
Cotton Tshirt with Tellurian character photo on the chest Available in s to xxxl See updates for photo
Estimated Shipping
February 2017
2 out of 50 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Tellurian Dog Tags - Militia

Currency Conversion $39 USD
£30 GBP
Contributors will receive the Militia Level Dog Tags. These are limited edition Dog tags only given to Indiegogo backers. You too can play your part as an honorary member of the Tellurian Militia. Help us take back the planet!!
Estimated Shipping
January 2017
2 out of 100 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Tshirt and Tags combo

Currency Conversion $65 USD
£50 GBP
Choose a Tellurian T shirt and a set of personalised dog tags and save a little
Estimated Shipping
January 2017
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Be a Producer

Currency Conversion $97 USD
£75 GBP
Become an official producer of Tellurian. Get all prior perks ( one set of dog tags) and your name on the film credits and on IMDb as an official producer. Hollywood here you come! Producers also get a free ticket to the cast and crew screening. ( travel and accommodation not included)
Estimated Shipping
August 2017
3 out of 20 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Tellurian Militia Dram

Currency Conversion $130 USD
£100 GBP
Drink to our success with a customised limited edition bottle of Tellurian Militia whiskey. (70cl Jacobite) You'll also receive one set of personalised dog tags and a producer credit both on the film and on IMDb.
Estimated Shipping
January 2017
0 out of 10 of claimed
Ships to United Kingdom

Tellurian Commanders Tipple

Currency Conversion $194 USD
£150 GBP
Toast to Tellurian. Receive a limited edition bottle of Tellurian Commander Whiskey. (70cl Macallan Gold) You will also receive all prior perks including one set of dog tags.
Estimated Shipping
January 2017
1 out of 10 of claimed
Ships to United Kingdom

Executive Producer

Currency Conversion $259 USD
£200 GBP
Become a Hollywood bigwig. Be given the title of Executive Producer on both the film credits and on IMDb. Backers will also receive two tickets to cast and crew premiere, a set of dog tags, social media shout out and an invite to join us on a shooting date of your choice. Perhaps even a speaking cameo. Travel and accommodation not included. Dates 18/19 Feb , 11/12 March 2017 (TBC) , 18/19 March 2017 ( TBC)
Estimated Shipping
January 2017
0 out of 10 of claimed

E.T - Extra Tellurian

Currency Conversion $518 USD
£400 GBP
A day behind the scenes and a 1 night stay at the amazing Secret Bunker with all the cast and crew. Watch us film a scene, meet with all the cast and crew, be an extra in the film and take part in the movie making magic. Must be available the 18th/19th Feburary 2017
Estimated Shipping
February 2017
0 out of 4 of claimed

The Pod

Currency Conversion $3,885 USD
£3,000 GBP
You get all of the above perks plus you get to keep the custom built space pod. Woohoo! Shipping/Delivery of pod not included and to be arranged by the purchaser. Pod will not be available to collect until after Comic-Con Edinburgh 2017
Estimated Shipping
August 2017
0 out of 1 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
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