Short Summary
Kakapo Arts Ltd is a production company in its infancy but we have already worked with some great actors such as Maxine Peake, Emilia Fox, Martin Shaw, Stephen Berkoff, James Wilby, Hugh Quarshie and Claire Goose. Essentially, the company is a vehicle for my personal writing. I've written a number of novels, novellas, screenplays, plays, but this little poem, which was recorded for a BBC Radio 4 pitch, has been one of my most popular pieces.
Emilia Fox read it beautifully in the studio and we were both moved to tears. I realised there was something very powerful there that could benefit from being reinterpreted into another format.
It's important for me personally as I continue to come to terms with the loss of my father as this piece deals with the legacies that we leave our children. I think it will strike many a chord with people who have lost loved ones over the last year due to the pandemic. The poem offers a little light for people struggling with grief.
I am delighted that Pete Naylor has agreed to direct this film. He is phenomenally talented and you can see his work here.
If you offer your support to this project you will be part of a truly unique film which we feel will do very well in film festivals, but more importantly, will stay in people's minds and hearts for a long, long time.
What We Need & What You Get
- Explain how much funding you need and where it's going. Be transparent and specific-people need to trust you to want to fund you. We require £1000 to film on the North Norfolk coastline and in Lincolnshire. These areas have outstanding natural beauty and tonally will fit the film and it's subject matter perfectly. We will need to pay actors and crew for their time (£50 per day). There will also be costs pertaining to editing and finalizing the film for release as well as general administrative costs
- There are some great perks! These include a beautiful still from the film signed by Emilia Fox. You could own a first edition DVD complete with extras including a making of documentary. There is even the opportunity to own the original handwritten notes by Jon Lawrence in a frame with a still from the film. Other perks include a soundtrack CD, T-shirts and a chance to be a part of the filming itself. Perhaps the biggest opportunity would be for a chance to have an executive producer credit.
- If we don't reach our goal, we will prioritise the money we do raise for the license to film on the North Norfolk coastline.
The Impact
You can help make big impact on people in a small way by supporting The Beachcombers. It has been a dreadful year for all of use - some more than others - and we have seen some awful things on our screens. This is a chance for people to see something that reminds them that beauty and love still exists within us and around us
Risks & Challenges
There are risks and challenges we may have to face. Not least with regard to the location filming. The great British weather may delay filming, which may in turn add additional costs, however we have built into the budget, the cost of contingency planning.
Other Ways You Can Help
We appreciate that times are tough and although we desperately need your financial support, if you are unable to help in this way. There are other ways in which you can help. You might be able to offer support by sharing this project on your social media pages and encouraging your friends to do the same. Perhaps you know of businesses who might like to invest in the film.