The Blueprint Project was created by a small group of young leaders in Edmonton, Alberta - led by Alicia Chung - who met at an event called Justice Lab.
Gathered together in small groups around global issues and shared passions, they dreamt up world-changing projects that would engage their diverse talents and have lasting impact.
Alicia shared a simple idea with her group: brand and sell beautiful water bottles and use the profits to fund access to clean water for communities that need it most.
Our goal is to mobilize a community whose values drive their choices and whose thirst for a more beautiful world moves them to action, even small ones.
These aren't just bottles: they are vehicles for self-expression, declarations of dissatisfaction, and anthems of hope. With Blueprint bottles, we've developed a product that people will love that connects them directly to projects that change lives.
We chose to start with bottles because of the potential to impact the lives of both those who drink from them and those who will drink because of them. To make this connection and its impact more tangible, we found creative ways to incorporate these elements into the product itself without sacrificing a clean and compelling design.
Blueprint is unique in the way that we combine creative storytelling with beautiful products that generate tangible impact to foster a collective whose values are reflected in the things that they buy.
We've collaborated with Seattle-based social enterprise, MiiR, to source mind-blowing bottles and World Vision, who provides more people with clean water every year than any other NGO in the world.
We need your support to help us fund our first run of bottles and to kickstart Blueprint into a long-term project that will bring clean water to thousands for years to come.
We knew the bottles had to be amazing… and they are! Not only will you be changing the lives of an entire community, you'll look good doing it!
Choose between black or white, wide-mouth or narrow, and vacuum-insulated or single-wall stainless steel with these three styles:
Clean drinking water changes lives and is the cornerstone of a healthy and vibrant community; yet, nearly 1 in 10 people around the world still lack access to this fundamental need.
"Each day, more than 6,000 children under the age of five die from diseases spread by unsafe water or lack of basic sanitation and hygiene. More than half of these deaths are preventable through simple interventions, including the provision of clean water, proper sanitation and hygiene education." ~ World Vision
Millions of women and children around the world, especially girls, walk for hours each day to collect water for their families that is often dirty and contaminated. Not only does this put their families at risk for dangerous waterborne illnesses, but it also robs them of precious time that could be used to go to school or to earn more income.
Access to clean, safe water changes everything for a community. Health, education, income, and opportunity quickly and dramatically improve leaving a community transformed for good. We believe that together we can create a world where everyone has clean water by 2030 and we invite you to join us as we create a blueprint for a better world.
Learn more about the global water crisis and progress that is being made by visiting here and the United Nation's Global Goals for Sustainable Development.
We've worked closely with World Vision for months to identify the ideal project for our Kickstarter launch and first edition bottles. With your support, we will be helping to fund a clean water project in Manonga, Tanzania - where a 50,000 liter tank will be constructed to help provide clean water to 5,459 families.
A baseline report conducted by World Vision in 2013 found that only 1% of households in Manonga had access to water from a protected source. Other households are dependent on rivers, streams, ponds, and boreholes as a primary source of water, resulting in high risks of contracting waterborne diseases and long distances traveled to search for water. We need your help to change this.
Your limited edition Manonga Blueprint bottle will have the exact GPS coordinates to the location of the water tank etched on the spine. Once the campaign closes, you'll receive a 1 page project overview with more details and we'll report back to you within 18 months with an impact report full of stories and photos showing how we've transformed lives together.
In order to fulfill our mission to build hopeful futures and to make clean water a reality for all, we're partnering with World Vision Canada and MiiR.
Currently providing clean water and sanitation to one new person every 30 seconds, World Vision is the world's largest provider of clean water and works with local communities to develop the most appropriate safe water source for each community. World Vision invests an average of 15 years in a community equipping local people with maintenance training, resources, and hygiene education to ensure a healthy future.
As a Product to Project™ company, MiiR gives 5% of its top line revenue to trackable giving projects through organizations with sustainable methods of empowerment. They're in business to make great product, empower lives, and build community. With every bottle purchased, MiiR provides clean water to one person for one year so your impact is multiplied when you purchase a Blueprint bottle by MiiR!