How do you play?
The following is a brief overview of the setup, scoring, and how to adapt your CANS mat for even more personalized experience.
Setup: Place two CANS gameplay mats 7 feet apart depending on skill level. Divide players into groups of two. Each group chooses 1 ball and 2 cans per mat. To start, 1 player of opposing sides stand behind 10 point slot of each can and face each other.
Goal of the Game: The objective of Cans is for each player to strike or hit their opponents Cans by throwing or tossing a ball at the designated Can target. Players are awarded points based on their ability to accurately hit their opponents Cans until they reach 100 points
Players: Two players, ages 7 and above.
Version1: 2 players, 1 vs. 1
1. Player 1 throwing the ball from behind the Cans towards/ onto the other Cans cross mat.
2. Scoring consists of targeted point lines, each ranging from 10,20,30,40 points as marked on the ICAN7 gameplay mat.
3. Point range for scoring is determined by each player’s discretion throughout the course of the game.
For example: a player might choose to score points at the 10 point line mark and later in the game choose to score points at the 40 point line mark in attempt to reach a total score of 100 points before their opponent.
· 40 points= line mark furthest from the can
· 30 points= third furthest
· 20 points= second furthest
· 10 points= closest
Winning: First player to 100 points, plays again until someone out thinks her.
Cheating: Change the rules to highlight your particular skillset instead. Rules are meant to be broken, and so we encourage The Cans Game enthusiast to adapt and play however they want to play.
ENJOY LIFE! Put down the smart phones, tablets, and computers. Turn off the television and video games. Get out of the house, apt, dwelling and have a great time with friends and family in nature. We know we have!
Why cans? It’s for the children. The children who have
nothing. The children who have no voice to speak. The children whose
imagination have been hi-jacked. The children who hurt internally. The children
who, when their minds open up can create new worlds for the future. The
children who enjoy being outdoors living, breathing and exploring themselves
without hindrance. The children who reflect loving kindness and compassion.
It’s for the mothers and fathers who may not be together,
but can come together, laugh, eat good foods and enjoy each others company
through friendly play. It’s for mothers and fathers who want to rebuild their
relationship and strengthen their bonds with their children. It for families
who want to bond again and share commonalities that exist in all of us. Cans
establishes on-going relationships with brothers and sisters of all.
For the bullies who have been tormented and abused
throughout their lives. For the lonely who society decided to exclude from the
world for their hair color, shoe construction, skin hue, body type, etc..
Cans is for everyone, the entire world CAN PLAY! If you
support this game and our mission to bring excitement back to the community,
you will help create and build the minds of the future. This will mean so much
to humanity. Isn’t this what life is about. Isn’t this what you want? Support us and
support the world.
Cans is integrative and can transform any expanded area into
an energetic gameplay setting. Cans will restore amazing needs to build better
communities. Cans will become a sacred energy site for all to love. When
compassion is restored, the world heals. Cans will accelerate the planetary
energy of compassion as a counterbalance to traditional sports and division.
-The Cans game as a tool for positive self-talk to build confidence
-The Cans Game is a Gateway for humanity to express themselves willingly and without shame.
-The Cans Game is a form of movement meditation. It gives the body a sense of calmness, focus and stillness while stimulating the brain.
-The Cans Game get's everyone involved through individual and team play.
**The Cans Game is super fun. Once you play, you play all night. You'll forget to eat, check in with moms, cook, you will even neglect sleep.**
We challenge you to get a better photo! Post to @weplaycans & #weplaycans
Saturday Milwaukee Sherman Park Tournament 2015
About us
Who are we?
We are friends and family who love to travel, eat natural foods, and enjoy the energy of life. We all grew up playing Cans with one another on sidewalks and in nearby playgrounds. We enjoyed team competition like basketball and football, but cans was our time to relax from the fast moving ultra competitive world and laugh with each other. Now because we’ve matured, we’ve decided it was time to take the Cans game we’ve always played to another level. Traditional cans simply wouldn’t work in a parking lot. After tweaking and testing, we have finally come up with our Cans game prototype that we want to share with you.
This is the first of many products ICAN7 is planning to develop, with your support and contributions, that enhance our lives utilizing the exciting new science of outdoor play.
How are the Gameplay Mats made?
We are proud to say that our Mats are custom made in a facility in Aurora, Ill. Although we don’t have the resources to manufacture the custom Cans Mats, we’ve worked with a manufacturer on our design and have supplies ready to ship.
It is our dream to create the first "WE PLAY CANS" tournament right here in sunny Florida and expand it throughout the world. Beautiful foods, music and interaction that helps the planet grow. We know this will catch on quick. The more tournaments we create, the more we expose The Cans Game to the children, families, and communities throughout the world.
What are the funds for?
ALL pledge funds go directly into manufacturing costs, including supplies, and packaging, etc.
To keep us working on securing an environment to bring the tournament to life so we can fulfill our original vision.
Funds Breakdown:
20 Mats = $4500
Indoor/Outdoor Venue= $2000
Foods/Snacks = $1500
(Marketing)Flyers/Banners/Health Books/Cards = $1200
50 T-shirts = $400
Miscellaneous = $600
We know we can make quality Gameplay Mats, but we need your help getting the game up to scale. We are very thankful to be the first to recreate this classic game for humanity and even more thankful to have found a way of sharing it with you. Help us get the supplies necessary to meet The Cans Game demand. We would be forever grateful and owe every single one of you a favor. Any big donations and you'll get top priority when we choose our next tournament city and help us with the creative process. Thank you and we look forward to seeing you play The Cans Game in your neighborhood! Stay healthy!
REWARDS and Summary:
$1- Who's Amazing? You're Amazing!
$10-Heartfelt thank you email (priceless)
$20-A Heart felt thank you email, Health E-Book, Shoutout on Social Media
$30- 1 We Play Cans T-shirt, E-Book, Shout Out on Social Media
$50 - We Play Cans T-shirt, The Magical Element children's book.
$100 - Get all of the above plus your name in the credits of The Cans Game Documentary.
$300 - Get all of the above plus We Play Cans mini mat for the youth.
$700 - All of the above plus one Cans Game set with ICAN7 Banner to hang inside your home, outside in the driveway or at an event.
$1000 - Get all of the above plus our team will hand deliver to you 1 Cans Game Set at an event of your choice to share with your family or community. Offer is limited to events in one of the following cities: Jacksonville, Miami, Orlando, Tampa, Atlanta. Test your skills against us in a best of 3.
$2000 - All of the above.Our Team will deliver 2 "We Play Cans" sets to an event of your choice. Offer is limited to events in one of the following cities: Jacksonville, Miami, Orlando, Tampa, Atlanta. Test your skills against us in a best of 3. We'll also give the tools necessary to help you organize a "We Play Cans" event in your city.
Choose between the following 6 options or customize using your own theme and logo.
Risks and Challenges
We’ve spent several months working with our suppliers and designers refining our process to mitigate as many risks as possible, however, we know there can still be hurdles along the way. We’ll always share updates with our community about the challenges such as:
Ship date: We’ve built in extra time for the production and are confident we’ll ship by the estimated dates or before, but there is always a chance that things will take longer than planned and we will keep you informed every step of the way.
Product: As we refine the CANS game, slight changes may be made. We will be diligent in making sure that everything is done to the highest quality standard.
Supplier coordination: We work with a small supplier to source the best materials for CANS sets and ensure the product is created correctly, which may affect us as a result.
If You Can't Contribute You Can Still Help!
If you love The Cans Game and what we're doing, please spread the word
- Ask folks to get the word out and make some noise about The Cans Game.
- Use the Indiegogo share tools to tell your family and friends about The Cans Game.