The Carbon Negative Project aims at testing, demonstrating and spreading some of the most promising new technologies for sustainable energy production and real carbon dioxide reduction in the atmosphere. The project will enable a demonstration site showing how we can create long-term carbon storage and at the same time produce heat and power.
We would be thrilled and truly grateful if you would like to join us, choose a reward to the right and contribute to the spreading of solutions that can put the world on sustainable track for real.
Tackling a Great Challenge of Our Time
People talk a lot about global warming and sustainability, but even sustaining the situation as it is today is not enough. Renewable energy sources like solar power and wind power are great, but they will not solve the whole problem. We also quickly need to introduce carbon negative solutions that give a permanent removal of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere.
Creating a Leading Demonstration Site
We believe that the most promising solution to this challenge is a process called pyrolysis. It means that you produce biochar and heat out of wood and other biomass materials. Biochar basically is what you can use as fuel for your grill. This black carbon rich material contains loads of CO2 that used to roam freely in the atmosphere.
If we don't burn the biochar but instead integrate it with the soil of the Earth, we can create a powerful carbon storage, keeping the CO2 secured for hundreds to thousands of years. This a very concrete way to reverse global warming while at the same time heating tap water and warming up houses during the winter.
When adding sterling engines to this process we not only produce carbon negative heat, we will also get carbon negative electricity.
We truly believe these amazing technologies can change the course of the world and help create a truly sustainable future. But they are new, very few people know about them, even fewer use them. They need to be demonstrated, tested and spread widely. We need inspiring demonstration sites which is what we like to create.
Heating and Powering the Eco Barn
We, Julia and Carl, run an organic farm outside of Stockholm. We have a vision to transform the farm into a learning and inspiration center that explores new ways of future proof farming, that connects people with rich natural ecosystems and that offers a unique meeting place for big thoughts and meaningful conversations.
We plan to rebuild our large barn to a green demonstration building, using natural materials combined with cutting edge sustainable solutions. We call this project "The Eco Barn" and you can learn more about it in our sister campaign.
We have done a lot of research on how to create a building functioning in a way that the more you use it the better for the environment. Through this work we learned about pyrolysis and sterling engines and were amazed by the fact that these technologies are so promising, yet almost nowhere put into action. We want to change this and turn the Eco Barn into one of the world's first carbon negative demonstration site.
Who We Are
Julia has a background in marketing and communication. After studies in London she worked for MTV Networks International. During this time she discovered yoga and trained as a yoga teacher. Today Julia runs the farm guesthouse. She loves to connect with the visitors and to make everyone feel welcome. Julia is a trained beekeeper and permaculture designer. She is also a certified Iyengar yoga teacher. She looks forward to develop workshops around organic gardening, healthy cooking and yoga at the farm.
Carl has a Master of Science degree from Stockholm School of Economics and started his career as management consultant at McKinsey & Co. Since 2004 he has been an independent trainer and consultant. In this work he has collaborated with leading scientists focusing on climate change and other environmental challenges. Carl is a trained permaculture designer and applies a system perspective on how we can make our soil more alive, carbon rich and fertile since this is the foundation for everything at an organic farm. One of Carl’s long-term aspirations is to be able to show how human systems and organizations can learn from natural systems.
Ready to Go
We have worked out how these biochar and sterling engine technologies can be installed and how they can collaborate. The drawings are there and the building permit in place.
A few weeks ago we also got a receipt that we are on the right track, receiving a substantial grant to support the investment in biochar technology. It comes from the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency with the following motivation:
Based on the received data and the Environmental
Protection Agency's estimates, this project is among those showing
the greatest sustained reduction of greenhouse gas emissions per invested Swedish Krona.
So why are these technologies so effective? We would really like to share a bit more of the story with you. It gets a bit technical, but we can almost guarantee that it is worth the read.
Biochar 101 - a One Minute CrashCourse
Pyrolysis is a process fueled by biomass materials, such as wood from the forest. When the trees grow they absorb CO2 from the atmosphere, but when we harvest and burn the wood to heat our houses for instance, the CO2 is released back into the atmosphere, once again contributing to the increasing temperatures across our planet.
Through pyrolysis on the other hand, the wood is exposed to high temperatures under the absence of oxygen. This converts the wood into heat gas and biochar. The amazing thing is that the CO2 remains trapped in the biochar while new trees grow up in the forest absorbing more and more CO2.
We have looked into a pyrolysis machine from Germany called Biomacon. This brand new machine has an effect of up to 63 kW and an extremely clean process. We will fuel it with oat shells, wood chippings and excess hay and straw. It will heat the Eco Barn and other buildings at the farm, but more importantly we will produce 50 tons of biochar every year that we will spread in our arable fields, creating a safe carbon storage for generations and generations to come. The biochar also boosts soil fertility making this an extraordinary way to improve our ecosystems.
Sterling engine 101 - an even shorter CrashCourse
Before heating the farm buildings the heat gas from the pyrolysis process will power sterling engines. These hot air engines convert the heat gases into electricity.
At the Eco Barn demonstration site we plan to run two engines in parallell, giving us a continuous effect of 10 000 W and a peak effect of 20 000 W. This will be more than enough to power the whole site. The wonderful thing is that the more power we can produce in this way, the better for the environment since the CO2 stays in the biochar which we then store in the soil.
Sterling engines have been around for a long time but now it is the first time that they are truly efficient and available to fit the need of a household or a farm. Inre Sol, a Swedish innovation company, is at the forefront of this development and currently starting up production.
What We Need to Kick-off
We believe that the combination of pyrolysis and sterling engines connected to systematic local carbon storage is the most powerful way available today to give the world heat and power, and at the same time absorb harmful excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. We cannot wait to put these technologies into action. We would like to test and demonstrate them, to do research on their impact and to share our findings so that we can help speed up the global spreading and implementation.
The challenge that we face is that these brand new innovations require a significant investment and even with grants and and our own funding, the project still requires additional funding before we can kick it off. This crowdfunding campaign therefore plays a critical role. It would really mean a lot to us if you would like to join us on this journey and make the Carbon Negative Project happen.
The crowdfunding contributions specifically go to:
Set up a complete Pyrolysis Process ($80 000)
This part of the investment includes the pyrolysis machine itself and its installation, but also the costs for storage space for the biomass fuel and transportation screws and belts. The full investment amounts to $175 000 and the rest is covered by a grant by the Environmental Protection Agency and our own funding.
Purchase and connect the Sterling Engines ($30 000)
This investment finances two sterling engines, the steering box, installation, testing and connection to the pyrolysis process.
Creating the Carbon Negative Room ($40 000)
We also need a heart of operation, a place where the magic will happen, a room with fire proof walls and ceiling. This requires the rebuilding of a space in our barn of approximately 70 square meters. The full investment amounts to $85 000, and we will finance the remaining part ourselves.
If this project can attract more funds than the requested $150 000 we would be thrilled and put the money to good use in the following way:
Completing with an Environmentally Friendly Summer System ($104 000)
The Pyrolysis will run during the 7 coldest months per year. During the 5 summer months we would like to complement the demonstration site by increasing our solar power production by an additional 20 300 W effect ($44 000). We would also like to install an efficient heat pump that will be run by solar power to warm tap water and provide extra heating when needed. This includes investments in water tanks for heat ackumulation and a distribution system ($60 000).
- Supporting the whole Eco Barn Project
After having financed the Carbon Negative Project and the complementing Environmentally Friendly Summer System, any additional funds would go to the realization of the whole Eco Barn vision.
How We Can Give Back
We are truly grateful if you would like to join us, making a real carbon negative demonstration site possible. As a way to acknowledge your support we have developed a number of exciting ways to say thank you and give value back to you.
The Pioneer Discount!
We would love to meet you at the Eco Barn demonstration site the day we open and are happy to offer a 25% pioneer discount on your first Eco Barn experiences. This is valid to anyone contributing with $50 or more, and applies to everything at the farm including farm stays, tours, classes, conferences and workshops, our organic products, restaurant meals and so on. The discount extends one year from the day we open on purchases up to a total value of $10 000.
The Carbon Negative Promoter Signboard
When you support the campaign, you and everybody else that contributed, will be thanked by having your names and countries appear on a large signboard near the entrance to the Carbon Negative Room (unless you prefer to remain anonymous of course).
Here is a summary of the Perk Packages:
- Your Own Carbon Storage
- "Greener" - E-book or Printed Copy
- Carbon Storing Tree Champion
- Farm Visit VIP Package
Carbon Negative Project Champion
These perks are detailed to the right of the page. You can also read more about some of them below.
Get Your Own Carbon Storage Space!
We can give you the chance to become carbon neutral for real by storing carbon in your name or your organization's name. For every package that you fund, you will offset 1 ton of your CO2 emissions annually for 5 years. You will adopt your own 2000 square meter space of arable field at the farm where the total carbon equivalent of 5 tons will be stored during the period 2016-2020.
During 2017-2020 we will on average spread 333 kg of biochar on each carbon storage space every year. Each kilo of biochar contains the equivalent of approximately 3 kg of CO2, adding up to 1 ton annually. In 2016, before the pyrolysis process is in place, the carbon storage is done through increased organic matter content in the soil by the cultivation of grasses and clovers as "green manure".
Your name and your carbon storing part of the field will be shown on a map at the farm. You will also get a beautiful Carbon Storage Hero Certificate by mail and of course receive the E-book & the Pioneer Discount.
"Greener" - Creating a Farm Sanctuary Together With Nature
During the four years that we have been working to improve and develop the ecosystems around the farm, we have learnt a lot. In this book you get to visit the farm and see how far we have come up until today. We also share many useful ways to enrich any ecosystem, whether it is a balcony, a small villa garden or a large farm. The 70-page book is designed to be a source of inspiration with lots of photos and wonderful illustrations made by our talented gardener Sina.
We are really happy that we can share the farm adventure with you in this way. The book is available an e-book and in a printed copy. We will start distributing the e-book by email from May 15 and the printed version from May 25.
Carbon Negative Project Champion
This donation plays a huge part in making the Carbon Neutral Project happen. You will be closely involved in the developments and we would love to give you the chance to name the carbon negative room where the technologies will be demonstrated. We will also give you the opportunity to choose a special part of our fields where we will store sufficient carbon containing biochar to offset all your CO2 emissions up to 15 tons annually for the coming 10 years. You will of course also receive the Farm Visit VIP Package and the printed version our book along with an 80% Pioneer Discount.
The Impact
We are now ready to put all the research and planning done into action and to start making an impact by reducing CO2 in the atmosphere. With your support we can together help fight global warming by concrete actions that make a real difference:
- We will be able to produce 50 tonnes of biochar every year at the Eco Barn that integrated in the soil, trapping CO2 for hundreds to thousands of years. Just our site will reduce the CO2 in the atmosphere by 140 000 kilos annually, equivalent to one person flying back and forth from Stockholm to New York 160 times! (according to SAS CO2 calculator)
- More importantly, the demonstration site will act as an important catalyst to spread these technologies by showing them in action, by publishing onsite research results and by courses and seminars by leading experts and inventors of carbon negative solutions.
- The machines that we install are really brand new with very limited sales so far. Our purchase will make a difference for the pioneering innovating small companies that have developed them. It will help them financially and in terms of reference sites. This will enable them to continue to push the technological frontier and further improve products that can change the course of the world.
Thank You for Joining Us!
We hope that you have gotten as excited about pyrolysis machines and sterling engines as we have gotten. We are truly grateful if you would like to join us, making a real carbon negative demonstration site possible.
You can also make an impact by helping us to spread the word to as many people as possible that you think would find these future oriented technologies exciting. Two great ways are of course sharing this campaign on your favorite social media by using the Indiegogo sharing tools and sending the link in a personal message to people that you believe would be particularly interested.
Please also stay in touch and follow us through the farm's website, facebook page, instagram flow and blog. At the website you can also sign up for our newsletter. We will keep you posted on the progress of the Carbon Negative Project and really hope that we already next year can demonstrate these technologies to you in full action at the farm.
A Big Thank You!
Julia & Carl