"Somewhere between paranoia and denial lies the truth." — Neal Fox
Hi everyone. I'm award-winning composer, filmmaker, artist and activist, Neal Fox. Many of you will recognize me from my video F**k the Fed! and know that I don't back off when I have something important to say. And so it is with THE CONSPIRACY PROJECT.
I grew up in America. The greatest country on Earth. We had "rights". We were "free". We were all protected by the Constitution and the Declaration of Indepenence. Our government ensures that. They are sworn Oath Keepers. That keeps us safe. Right?
For years I've been seeing things on the News that didn't add up. In fact, some things I knew were lies. So I started digging around. Looking on the internet, reading books, watching videos—asking questions. Asking more questions. Not always liking the answers. But it opened my eyes. And that was a good thing.
Things aren't always what they seem.
We blame the conservatives. We blame the liberals. But like the Wizard of Oz, some times you have to look behind the curtain. But first you have to realize that there is a curtain. And that's where THE CONSPIRACY PROJECT comes in. It reveals the curtain. And when you decide for yourself to pull it back, you will take the first step to ensuring that mankind stays free.
Whether it's "harmless" red light cameras or airport full body scanners, our freedom is slowly and subtly eroding. And what's even more devious is that we have come to accept the changes "for our own good." But is it really?
Do you protect freedom by taking it away?
Where do you draw the line? What if the line keeps moving? What if one morning you wake up and find that the country you love no longer exists?
It could happen. It has already happened many times in countries around the world. It IS happening—here.
Many of you are already in the freedom movement. But we need to speed things up. That's why I spent the last two and a half years producing THE CONSPIRACY PROJECT.
This film is non-partisan.
It doesn't preach, doesn't dictate what to believe. It simply presents facts, ideas and situations, in an entertaining format. It is a one-of-a-kind documentary in song. It uses film, art, music, animation and live performance to present subjects in a fast-paced style that feels, at times, like a roller-coaster ride.
Viewers will disagree with some points and agree with others. But they will definitely not think about freedom the same way when it's over. And that's the point: Look, think, question—make up your own mind. Stay free.
I researched, filmed, animated and scored this film on my own dime.
That was the only way to ensure that the message remained intact and not get watered down by some controlling interests. Now I'm out of funds and need your help to finish the job and get THE CONSPIRACY PROJECT out to the public. Your support will ensure that the freedom movement keeps expanding, and that this country will go back to being the free, prosperous, and great country it once was.
And this is not just an "American problem." What happens to America will happen to all the free countries if not checked now.
Your contributions will pay for the mastering of the music, the production of the DVD/CD package, and entry fees for important film festivals. Anything leftover will be used for promotion of THE CONSPIRACY PROJECT.
If you like the idea of helping THE CONSPIRACY PROJECT but don't have money to spare...
that's fine. Even a mega budget film won't succeed if no one is aware of it. And that's where you can shine. Please spread the word wherever you can—on Facebook, Twitter, your blogs, your email lists, your friends and families…(gasp) You get the idea. Use the Indiegogo share tools and let's make this happen—together.
To get updates—and free stuff—sign up for my newsletter, and thanks for listening.
P. S. The film is just the first phase of the project. The art, graphic novel and live performance phases are in the works.
To see the some of the beginning pieces of art, check out the Art Offensive website.