The Dendy Family Support
The Dendy Family Support
The Dendy Family Support
The Dendy Family Support
The Dendy Family Support
This campaign is closed
The Dendy Family Support
Help and Support needed! Denham Springs, LA. is under water and Rachel and Jason Dendy need the support and generosity that humanity can show from around the country. A proud family that would never ask for help or support but is always giving it to others.
Their business is a Martial Arts school that gives back to community members as well as to those across the United States. Sadly, the school is under water and this wonderful family needs financial support to for their business, employees, families and homes. The objective is to carry them through a few months while they get back on their feet and horrific disaster is cleaned up which we all know will be quite some time.
From those of you that know them personally or as a Master and Martial Arts Instructor you know this family is solid, humble, and caring. Lets show our support and hit the goal to help the Dendy family. Proceeds will go directly to the Dendy family via Indiegogo.
Anything you can give WILL Help!
Thank you for the support in this time of need.