-Our Story-
Dear Friends, Families, Colleagues, Allies, and Good-hearted people all over the world.
Are YOU interested in supporting a group of diverse future leaders to complete our last step of becoming Council Guide Trainers?
After 2 and half years of intense inner leadership program in Switzerland - Tribe SUI4 - working on developing our gifts and visions, while challenging our own beliefs and patterns that keep us small, we are readying for the Last Mile of our Journey to become better leaders, entrepreneurs and individuals facing a modern world in a wholesome way! We believe that the worlds needs more people taking responsibility for what we are creating and potentially create something better for ourselves and for our children to come.
What do we gain from this training, and how does it contribute to society?
The Council Guide Training is a leadership program in mindfulness, based on ancient traditions that teach us how to live to our fullest potential and grow together. Since we started this training two years ago, we have come to see how our personal transformation impacts everything else around us. The Training has continued to change our lives. Read more about the Council Guide Trainig here: www.cgt.mono.net
Who are we?
Our tribe consists of 10 members from different parts of the world. 8 members are enrolled in a 3 year leadership and social innovation education based in Switzerland called Kaospilot (www.kaospilots.ch). The institution was founded in Denmark 25 years ago in Aarhus, and has proven to produce some of the most sought after employees, social changemakers and entrepreneurs to date (www.kaospilot.dk). The other 2 are members in society of varying capacities and working with coaching.
Why are we crowdfunding?
We are on the last mile of completion of the Council Guide Training. Our final ceremony will be held in Tulum, Mexico in July 2018. Moving together, as a tribe, our immediate task is to assure that every tribe member has the financial resources to go to Tulum, to be a sanctioned CGT Guide. To that aim, we are initiating this Crowdfunding campaign in which each member of this tribe is actively involved.
What kind of support are we looking for?
We have our final ceremony in Tulum, Mexico between the 17-24 of July. To partake we need to get flights both ways and accommodation. Our estimation is that it will add up to 24.047,50 USD for all 10 members, plus our 4 teachers and guides. As the expense to travel is high and the Kaospilot education itself is costly, we do not have the full amount ourselves, therefore we are searching to find ways to cover parts of the costs and ensure that ALL of us make it to our final ceremony and back with all bills covered.
If you are curious about the more exact details of our costs, do not hesitate to contact us!
We will be grateful if you are able to help us realise our dream to be sanctioned as Council Guides!
With love <3
Andreas, Switzerland
Ceylan, UK
Maja, Denmark
Sverre, Norway
Melilizwe, South Africa
Adrian, Switzerland
Kawira, Kenya
Lillvi, Norway
David, Zimbabwe
Shiori, Japan