The Folklore Oracle Deck
Welcome to this fund-rasier!
Thank you for being interested in bringing The Folklore Oracle to life.
The Folklore Oracle is a 40 card, full colour deck totally inspired by European folklore. Each deck will come in a card tuck-box with a hand printed cloth bag for storage. In your cloth bag will also be a booklet with explanations for the meaning of each card.
Since I finished and distributed my last oracle deck, The Gate of Horn, I have been slowly but surely working on The Folklore Oracle Deck. This deck is different from my first in that it will have full meanings behind each card, with both key words and a brief insight into the folklore behind the image. Folklore is story, and so I felt that the stories needed to be included.
The deck itself is divided into three. The first section is called Objects and has a yellow border. There are ten Objects cards.
The second section is called Traditions and has a red border. There are ten cards in this section, which deals with folklore traditions of Europe. I kept my scope close to the lands which are familiar to me because I wanted to feel I had a personal connection with the folklore I included.
The third section is Characters and contains twenty cards. These characters range from human-like to animal, and cover land from Wales to Russia.
The breakdown costs are as follows and are for a run of 100 decks:
Cloth bags - around £100
Booklets - around £250
Decks - around £500
There are also the costs of using this platform to cover and also, eventually, the postage when I ship your deck out to you.
As well as oracle decks, I will also be offering calendars of the Folklore images and original paintings as part of the fundraiser for the deck.
Thank you for reading!