The Listener
Let's begin with the Death of a man...always a good way to tell a story, right? My great uncle Les died not long ago. He was a quiet man, but when he spoke, I listened. It was always worth it. Les talked about being a Native American soldier in WW2 frequently and the hardships he went through. There was no regret in his stories, there was, however, horror in his words.
There are a lot of stories that don't see the light of day. With The Listener, I'd like to bring to light numerous stories that we as people dismiss. From war stories to horrifying tales passed from individual to individual. The Listener follows Aditsan (or Adi as we'll refer to him going forward). Adi is a Native American soldier who'll be our primary protagonist. Many of Adi's experiences are ones that actually occurred to my uncle, as well as other vets. Alongside the factual events, I've woven a world of horror based around myths and religion. What would it be like if the spiritual realm was literally only separated by a thin veil from the living? What if you woke up one day and could see the dead? Gods? Demons? There's a bit of truth in every scary story you've heard throughout your life.
What You Get
I've gathered some brilliant talent together to bring Adi's story to life. Eric Viola's interior artwork lends a beautiful aspect to the story (24 pgs, cardstock cover!!) Whether it's a bloody battlefield or Chinese spirits flitting through a market, his pages are absolutely stunning.
I also couldn't ask for a better group of comrades/friends to do the covers for The Listener Book 1. With covers by Gabriella Ramos, Adam Fields, Kyle Willis, Mike DeBalfo, Marissa Pope and Eric Viola.
What We Need
We're trying to raise 2,000$ USD to continue developing the story and releasing it to a larger audience. That being said the book is done and Book 1 will go out to every backer, so back with confidence.
The Impact
Every backer helps us get stories that are often brushed aside out to more people. Native American soldiers and their stories need to be told just like any other and we know people are Listening. If stories aren't told they fade away and Les's story needs to be told. We successfully met our goal for Book One on Kickstarter and have sold a substantial amount of copies. We want to invite you all into the world of The Listener, a world where someone is always Listening when you're alone in the dark.
Risks & Challenges
There are no risks only gains. The book has been published through Cow-Abunga comics and the team is solid. We all believe in the product.
Other Ways You Can Help
We realize in this trying time that Covid has made things tight for people. Any help is appreciated, mention the project to a friend or share on your social media outlets. If you'd like a copy but just cant do it right now, please message me and I will set aside a copy of cover A for you. When you're ready we can get it to you. The entire team appreciates your support!
Dustin Brunell-Writer/Creator
Eric Viola-Interiors/Cover Art
Kyle Willis-Letterer/Cover Art
Heather Brunell-Editor
Gabriella Ramos-Cover
Artist Adam Fields
Cover Artist Marissa Pope
Cover Artist Mike DeBalfo