The North SEAL Project challenges the narrative that the Arctic Ocean is simply a sheet of permanent, dwindling ice. To date, no government or private expedition has been transparent about their findings in this region. Very little, if any, first-hand media has surfaced of the far Arctic.
Our goal is to thoroughly observe & examine this region's terrain, with aid from ancient & modern maps, accounts, aerial imaging, and a host of data collection instruments. We aim to be the first publically-funded research expedition in this North Polar area, with 100% of our findings disclosed without restriction. This project is years in the making: Countless hours of research, physical & mental preparations, studying maps, etc.
What lies in the depths of the North? Perhaps undiscovered tundras. Uncharted basins. Indigenous wildlife or flora. Or maybe, undiscovered land. The North SEAL Project will conduct a 7-10 day aerial journey, mid-July of 2018, to answer this question. We are a collective of 5 researchers & explorers, from 3 countries, who have performed nonprofit work & amateur exploration spanning all 7 continents including Antarctica, remote villages of Africa, and the jungles of the Peruvian Amazon.
Equipment costs includes remaining Arctic survival gear, personal & group Navigation equipment, and radio transmitters. Since magnetic flux in the North can disrupt aerial instruments, having backup instruments apart from the aircraft's GPS is a must.
Plane Maintenence & Operation costs include Twin Otter rental from Icelandic Charter company Norlandair, pilot arrangements, & general maintenance (deicing fluid, tire servicing, etc.) Total direct operating costs are estimated $664.98/hr.
Data Collection & Miscellaneous costs includes remaining live-streaming equipment, support for scientific field analysis, and aerial imaging software.
Fuel costs include purchasing, shipping, and maintaining the fuel at & from our our base provided by Upernavik Airport. We factor in 7 days worth of fuel. (Fuel cost is based on an average ground speed of 165kts and typical sector fuel burn of 575lb per hour at a fuel cost of $4 per US Gallon).
Our goal is to raise at least $100,000. Exceeding our goal would simply make the journey safer, easier, and more comprehensive. Any unused funds will be allocated for future Arctic research & public exploration pursuits.
The DHC-6 Twin Otter is the ideal aircraft for Arctic exploration. Designed specifically for takeoff and landing in difficult terrain, it's capable of landing anywhere in the northern Greenland region with cargo and up to 9 passengers. It is ideal for carrying our crew of five.
Special tundra wheels enable it to land in rough terrain -- and with skis it can land on inland ice and snow, making the Twin Otter perfect for uneven or emergency landings in the deep Arctic.
July Climate in Peary Land.
Peary Land is a peninsula in northern Greenland, about 450 miles away from the North Pole, extending into the southern Arctic Ocean. It reaches from Victoria Fjord in the west to Independence Fjord in the south and southeast. One of the northernmost land regions of the world, ending at Cape Morris Jesup, it is Greenland’s largest ice-free part, with a generally mountainous surface rising to 6,398 feet (1,950 m) and scattered smooth rocky plains. The area is named after Robert E. Peary, who first explored it during his expeditions of 1892, 1895, and 1900.
Its ice-free conditions with flat plains & its distance from the Pole make Peary Land the ideal location to set up our scouting camp & reference point. It is just over 300 miles away from Upernavik, an under 2 hour flight. In emergency circumstances, extra fuel & supplies can be brought to Peary Land with relative ease, compared to the surrounding frozen tundras.
"I'd like to see that land beyond the North Pole. That area beyond the Pole is the Center of the Great Unknown." - U.S. Navy Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd
"In all ancient cosmologies 'the door of heaven' is at the North Pole." - Johann Andreas Eisenmenger, Entdecktes Judenthum
"To the first men, on the hypothesis of an Arctic Eden, the zenith and the north pole of the heavens were identical." - Boston University President William H. Warren, Paradise Found
"If the existence of the Vedic home near the North Pole is proved...it is sure to strengthen the probability of the northern home of the whole human race." - Bal Gangadhar Tilak, The Arctic Home in the Vedas
"In the midst of the four countries is a Whirl-pool, into which there empty these four indrawing Seas which divide the North [Arctic]..." - Gerardus Mercator, 1577 Letter to John Dee
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