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The Phoenix Quest -- a Phoenix Isle Novel

A good, clean and fun-filled, fantasy/adventure novel for teens and young adults.

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The Phoenix Quest -- a Phoenix Isle Novel

The Phoenix Quest -- a Phoenix Isle Novel

The Phoenix Quest -- a Phoenix Isle Novel

The Phoenix Quest -- a Phoenix Isle Novel

The Phoenix Quest -- a Phoenix Isle Novel

A good, clean and fun-filled, fantasy/adventure novel for teens and young adults.

A good, clean and fun-filled, fantasy/adventure novel for teens and young adults.

A good, clean and fun-filled, fantasy/adventure novel for teens and young adults.

A good, clean and fun-filled, fantasy/adventure novel for teens and young adults.

Greg Baker
Greg Baker
Greg Baker
Greg Baker
1 Campaign |
Gold Canyon, United States
$160 USD 3 backers
5% of $3,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

The Isle of the Phoenix novels is my attempt to share Christian truths through a medium of entertaining adventure. All of my currently published books are in the realm of Christian self-help/devotionals. But as a father, I wanted to write something for my children as they enter their teenage years—something that would pull my boys into reading while providing me with an opportunity to share biblical truths and concepts in a unique way.

Having read many different genres, I felt that the use of a fantasy realm would provide me with the most varied, flexible, interesting, and entertaining series of adventure novels…thus the Isle of the Phoenix was born.

Read an excerpt here!

They are fast-paced novels that will draw young readers in and captivate their imagination in an engaging manner while sharing lessons of life that will prepare them for their own adventures. Each novel is a complete story, though often laying the foundation for the novels yet to follow. The novels will follow a wide variety of characters and their descendants to form an in-depth world that a young imagination can blossom in a positive way.

Read another excerpt here!

This is an ambitious project. I anticipate writing dozens of adventure novels attuned to the Isle of the Phoenix. But anyone who has ever published a book knows how expensive it can get, so the purpose of this campaign is to raise the necessary funds to get it published right—proper editing, art preparation, publishing expenses, and marketing.

This isn’t just about my children. It’s about having clean books absent all the sex, casual death, foul language, and humanistic philosophies—while dealing with real issues of everyday life and promoting Christian values. These books will be great for anyone—kids, teens, young adults, old fogies...everyone. What we read has a huge impact on our thinking, our way of life, our understanding of life, and our attitudes. Fiction is a perfect medium to positively affect those ideals, strengthen our morals, and instill positive values.

With this campaign, you can help fund this dream…and I pray you will.

Read excerpts of the first book, The Phoenix Quest, at:

Imagine an island that changes every year. I mean really changes. The Isle of the Phoenix undergoes a dramatic topography transformation every year upon the advent of the Phoenix’s Rebirth. Valleys can appear where mountains once towered. Swamps can replace scorching desert. Volcanoes can form where only trees once grew. Deep snow can be found where a steaming tropical jungle once stood. The entire ecosystem and climate of the island changes every year at the Rebirth. However, the general outline of the island never changes.

The only things other things that do not change are human built structures, but even these are only safe towards the coastline of the island. Anything in the interior can find itself on a cliff one year and in a river the next. The effect is not so dramatic towards the coastline, so most of the human population lives there. Only creatures of the island live in the interior, making the interior not only unmapable, but also incredibly dangerous.

There are two main population centers. The inhabitants of Khol, the northern city, are typically followers of the Phoenix and those with a Gift of the Phoenix serve as the public servants within the city. The inhabitants of Taninim, the southern city, are typically worshipers of the Dragon. Those with a Gift of the Dragon are rulers, often ruling dictatorially and harshly. Around both cities can be found a scattering of villages and farms.

A mysterious fog surrounds the island, preventing anyone from leaving. Those who attempt it are never seen again, though the wreckage of their ships are often found washed ashore. Occasionally, someone emerges from the fog having entered it from the other side, became wrecked on the treacherous reefs hidden within the fog, and is then washed ashore, marooned.

Within the interior of the island live a variety odd creatures that seem to have emerged from folklore. Though their natures tend to remain consistent, their physiology changes with each Rebirth. One year, a creature can be taller than a human and the next year, no higher than the same human’s knees. Their overall appearance remains the same, but they can be thinner, stockier, fatter, stronger, weaker, etc. than precious years. They are different than normal animals which, like humans, don’t change from year to year. Some are very intelligent and some have intelligence little better than animals. Regardless, they are special and can be either helpful or incredibly dangerous if encountered. 

It is in this fantastical land that all the adventures take place. The map above is what the characters of the first book discover. The next book will have an entirely different map as the island will have changed.

Everything in the book symbolizes some aspect of Christianity. This is not overtly stated in the actual novel, but anyone who tries to see the symbols will find them easily enough.

For example, the Phoenix is actually an ancient Christian symbol that depicted salvation and the new birth in Christ. In my book, the Phoenix symbolizes the Holy Spirit and the Gifts of the Phoenix represent the various gifts of the Spirit found in 1 Corinthians 12. The Dragon represents Satan and his "gifts" represent the three sources of sin: Lust of the Eyes, Lust of the Flesh, and the Pride of Life (1 John 2:16).

Each book has an overall theme that is represented by a Scripture verse at the very beginning of the book. For the first book, The Phoenix Quest, the theme deals with two intertwined themes: the problem with a bad reputation and bullying. It shows the difficulties of changing a bad reputation once you have it and issues surrounding bulling and friendships. The particular Scripture used is Proverbs 22:1. Every book will follow a similar theme straight out of the Bible.

Although these books are intended for teenagers and young adults, anyone, adult or otherwise, will benefit from seeing these Biblical truths illustrated in these fun-filled, clean adventures. The stories make for great discussions.

I think so. I absolutely loved writing the first one and I tested it out on two of my own children. One is nearly 13 and the other nearly 11. Both of them consumed the book. In fact, I have never seen my 11 year old so singly determined to read a book such as he did this one. As the author, I loved watching him read and read and read. It is written at about an 8th grade reading level, so he came to me on numerous occasions asking about what a particular word meant, but I figured he is still young enough that if he didn't like it, he would have gotten bored and wandered away--no matter if his daddy wrote it or not. 

After he finished, we had a great discussion on the many lessons on the book. For me, this book is already a success. Both of my two oldest cannot wait for the second book to be finished. 

My brother, in his 30's, and his wife both loved the book as well.  My brother said, "This is probably the best book you've ever written." He began reading a chapter each night to his own children. His oldest got impatient with that and wanted to read it on his own.

A teenager in our church who is not a reader by any stretch of the imagination has started reading it. He said, "I like the story!" His father likes it too.

Both of my parents have read the first book and these "old fogies" loved the adventure as well. My mother commented that it would make a great movie. My father is already tossing around ideas with me for the second book. Both are avid readers and they felt the book is on par with many other well known authors.

You can read excerpts of the book and explore the Isle of the Phoenix yourself by going to

The funds that are raised here will go for a variety of purposes:

  1. Editing and Proofreading - up to $1000
  2. Art work, cover design - up to $500
  3. Publishing expenses - up to $1000
  4. Website development - up to $500

I am planning to publish this book regardless of what comes in or does not come in, so be assured that I will fulfill all contribution perks. 

Contribution Perks:

$10 - A Helping Hand

  • Receive a special edition e-book available only through this campaign. Includes two scenes viewed from an alternate character perspective and a special forward from the author. The e-book will be available in mobi, epub, azw, or PDF and emailed to you before the official launch (sometime in September).

$25 - Two Helping Hands

  • Everything in the Helping Hand perk
  • Plus a paperback copy of the book signed by the author after the official launch.
  • For international shipping only, add $20. 

$50 - A True Believer

  • Everything in the Helping Hand perk
  • Plus 2 paperback copies of the book signed by the author after the official launch.
  • Plus have YOUR NAME mentioned in the acknowledgements of all official versions of the published book.
  • For international shipping only, add $20. 
$100 - Your Name in Print

  • Everything in the Helping Hand perk
  • Plus 3 paperback copies of the book signed by the author after the official launch.
  • Plus "photo-bomb" the book with your first name (or someone of your choice) appearing here and there in all official versions of the book. Your first name will appear at least three times in a tasteful manner within the the normal story of the book.
  • Plus your full name will appear in a special section of the acknowledgements page. This could be a great gift idea for those who love to see their name in print
  • For international shipping only, add $20. 

$250 - Personalized Story!

  • Everything in the Helping Hand perk.
  • Plus 5 paperback copies of the book signed by the author after the official launch.
  • Plus a personalized "prologue" to the special edition that only you receive, but will be available on the website for all to read. Your name and the names of two others of your choice will be the central characters of the prologue, meshed as a prelude to the adventure of The Phoenix Quest.
  • Plus your first name will be given to a minor character in the book that will play a small part in the story, but might be brought back in later books for an expanded role.
  • Plus your full name and of the two others will appear in a special section of the acknowledgements page. This could be a great gift idea for those who love to see their name in print.
  • For international shipping only, add $20. 

$1000 - Change the Book

  • Perk Applies to Future Books Only: Name a Major Character after you (or someone of your choice) first name only, your full name in the acknowledgements in reference to the character.
  • Plus you get to include a significant real-life event of said person that the author will incorporate into the book somewhere and in some manner as a significant element of the plot.
  • Plus you will receive an e-book, and 10 signed copies of the book in which your name appears.
  • There is a limit of 1 per book for this.

$2000 - Become "THE" Character

  • Perk Applies to Future Books Only: Name “the” Major Character after you (or someone of your choice) upon which the perspective of the book is based on, first name only, but your full name will be in the acknowledgements in reference to the character.
  • Plus you get to include a significant real-life event of said person that the author will incorporate into the book somewhere and in some manner as a significant element of the plot.
  • Plus you can provide the author with a character sketch of yourself or the person you are wanting to use (character strengths/weaknesses, physical appearance, likes/dislikes, etc).
  • Plus you will receive an e-book, and 15 signed copies of the book in which your name appears.
  • There is a limit of 1 per book for this.

The Phoenix Quest

  • Story line / Plot: 100% complete
  • Writing: 100% complete
  • Editing: 50% complete
  • Art / Cover Design: 10% complete
  • Publishing: 5% complete

Book 2 (Untitled)

  • Story line / Plot: 100% complete
  • Writing: 2% complete
  • Editing: 0% complete
  • Art / Cover Design: 5% complete
  • Publishing: 0% complete

Website Development

Check back for more updates or go to the website.

    Get the word out! Share this with your friends and others who may have an interest in good, clean adventure stories for teens and young adults. Use the Indiegogo share tools and spread the word.

    Feel free to make suggestions. All comments and thoughts--particularly your prayers--are appreciated. 

    You can also make comments on the website:

    Thank you for your consideration.

    Greg S. Baker

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    Choose your Perk

    A Helping Hand

    $10 USD
    Receive a special edition e-book available only through this campaign. Includes two scenes viewed from an alternate character perspective and a special forward from the author. The e-book will be available in mobi, epub, azw, or PDF and emailed to you before the official launch (sometime in September).
    0 claimed

    Two Helping Hands!

    $25 USD
    * Everything in the Helping Hand perk * Plus a paperback copy of the book signed by the author after the official launch.
    0 claimed

    A True Believer

    $50 USD
    * Everything in the Helping Hand perk * Plus 2 paperback copies of the book signed by the author after the official launch. * Plus have YOUR NAME mentioned in the acknowledgements of all versions of the book.
    1 out of 25 of claimed

    Your Name in Print

    $100 USD
    * Everything in the Helping Hand perk * Plus 3 paperback copies of the book signed by the author. *Plus "photo-bomb" the book with your first name (or someone of your choice) appearing here and there in all official versions of the book. *Plus your full name will appear in a special section of the acknowledgements page.
    1 out of 10 of claimed

    Personalized Story!

    $250 USD
    * Everything in the Helping Hand perk. * Plus 5 signed paperback copies. * Plus a personalized "prologue" to the special edition that only you receive, but will be available on the website for all to read. Your name and the names of two others of your choice will be the central characters of the prologue and full names in the acknowledgements. * Plus your first name will be given to a minor character in the book.
    0 out of 4 of claimed

    Change the Book

    $1,000 USD
    * Perk Applies to Future Books Only: Name a Major Character after you (or someone of your choice) first name only, your full name in the acknowledgements in reference to the character * Plus you get to include a significant real-life event of said person that the author will incorporate into the book somewhere and in some manner as a significant element of the plot * Plus you will receive an e-book, and 10 signed copies of the book in which your name appears
    0 out of 2 of claimed

    Become "THE" Character

    $2,000 USD
    * Perk Applies to Future Books Only: Name “the” Major Character after you (or someone of your choice) upon which the perspective of the book is based on, first name only, but your full name will be in the acknowledgements in reference to the character * Plus you get to include a significant real-life event of said person to be included in the plot * Plus you can provide the author with a character sketch of yourself * Plus an e-book and 15 signed copies of the book in which your name appears
    0 out of 1 of claimed

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