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The River Runs Red - A Comedy Short

Macho guy gets in touch with his feminine side - in the most unexpected way! A Comedy.

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The River Runs Red - A Comedy Short

The River Runs Red - A Comedy Short

The River Runs Red - A Comedy Short

The River Runs Red - A Comedy Short

The River Runs Red - A Comedy Short

Macho guy gets in touch with his feminine side - in the most unexpected way! A Comedy.

Macho guy gets in touch with his feminine side - in the most unexpected way! A Comedy.

Macho guy gets in touch with his feminine side - in the most unexpected way! A Comedy.

Macho guy gets in touch with his feminine side - in the most unexpected way! A Comedy.

Susan Sutton
Susan Sutton
Susan Sutton
Susan Sutton
2 Campaigns |
Glasgow, United Kingdom
$740 USD $740 USD 23 backers
22% of $3,238 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 2 Projects Mountain Filled 2 Projects

Campaign Video:

About us, the film and how you can help

My name is Susan Sutton and I am one half of CalyRose Productions, the other half being Christina Littleson. I am, first and foremost, an actor and Christina is a screenwriter. We have both ventured into Producing and Directing, and this has resulted in the birth of CalyRose Productions. Not only do we, as a team, write and produce our own films, but we have also been approached to produce and direct both short and full length feature films and documentaries for other filmmakers.

Christina and I also have our own radio show called 'Girl on Girl' (Don't laugh, I'm serious!!) on East Dunbartonshire Radio. We go out live every Saturday between 1-3pm.

We first saw The River Runs Red being performed at a 'Stage to Page' event some time ago, and recently approached the writer - Anne Hogg - to ask her if we could make it into a film.

She was both delighted and excited at the thought of it being brought to life in film, so here we are.

We haven't done much comedy as CalyRose Productions, and felt that this is something that we really wanted to do, and the script is so funny that I defy anyone not to laugh.

Without giving too much away, all I can really say is that this is the story of a 'macho man' who gets in touch with his feminine side - but in a most highly unexpected way!

We have two fantastic actors to play the roles of these 'big, hairy-arsed' workmates and best buddies - 'JONJO' (played by John Love) and 'STEVIE' (played by Tom Russell). And behind them we have an awesome crew, many of whom we have worked with on numerous occasions - such is the faith and trust we have in them  and their abilities (and they us) to deliver top notch films.

What We Need & What You Get

After working out the hours that the cast and crew will be needed to make the film (and please don't kid yourselves that as soon as the last scene is shot that that is where it ends - there's way more to it than that), travel and other expenses, food, props, we feel that what we are campaigning for is a really fair amount. We believe in actually PAYING those who work with and for us, even if based on NMW such as this is.

Something is better than nothing, right?

Unless you are a 'known name' in the industry, you're highly unlikely to be given funding, so this is why we're here. Even the bigger names started small, so please - let's reward and give credit where credit is due. The cast and crew in small productions i.e. short films tend to give up a LOT of their time for free to entertain you, so it'd be wonderful if you could show your thanks - even if it's £1.

It ALL helps.

Did you know that to make a short film of only 20 minutes can take several days and even longer to film, and then there is all the editing, colour grading, composing of music blah blah blah which takes even longer?

1 page of script = 1 minute of film = (approximately) 1 hour of filming.
20 pages of script = 20 minutes of film = (approximately) 20 hours of filming...

(I say approximately as there are many factors that can make filming take longer. Getting cast/crew together on the same days, weather, FUNDING. So a feature film of 90 mintes could take 25 days or even years!)

As well as paying everyone, we would use some of the funds to enable us to submit the film into festivals around the world. To allow us to get it out there. To get the cast and crew names out there. To help them with their careers. To assist in getting their talents into the big wide world, not just to be known in Scotland. None of us are 'hobbyists' - Filmmaking is the real deal for us all.

If we don't reach our intended goal, then whatever IS raised will still be a great help toward being able to pay, at least, travel expenses. Please help to make everyone involved feel GENUINELY appreciated for all their hard work..

So what can we give you by way of perks/incentives to persuade you to help fund this comedy?

Of course (and it goes without saying) we shall give you a massive 'thank you' shout out on both our Facebook and Twitter pages, for all the world to see how generous you are, and more than that - how much faith you have in us and the film. How about one of the props (TBC) that will be used in the film? (Can't tell you what they are just now as they may very well give away the deep secrets of the film). How about your own copy of the film on DVD, or even be a guest on our live radio show? Want to know how much we love our cast and crew? We'll even give you all the recipes to the foods we make with our own fair hands. NO-ONE on a CalyRose Production can say they've ever been hungry.... home-made soups and cakes, chilli, casserole and more. We even make sure we take special dietary needs into account and don't offer just a basic roll/sandwich, bag of crisps and bottle of water (IF you're lucky to even get that, ha ha).

We care.... we really do!

So the biggest perk we offer you is:

A signed poster and signed copy of script. All the recipes, be a guest on our LIVE 'Girl on Girl' radio show, DVD, signed photo of your favourite cast or crew member (or a group photo), Producer credit and an invitation for 2 to the wrap party where you can meet many other industry professionals. Tempted yet?

We are offering you the chance to be in your own “multiply me” movie scene, where the camera pans and passes over the heads of an army of YOU! Be part of the fun and help fund the movie.

Green/ Blue screen chroma keying is a special effect method used in a vast number of motion pictures where an entire green or blue background is removed or made transparent and can be replaced by a new backdrop, Any non-green screen subject/s in the footage will be preserved. Many movies have used the Green screen multiply technique and masking effect as seen in movies such as Back to the Future 2, Multiplicity and Moon and many more,  This Perk will be great to show off to friends and family and, just like you in the film, can be re-created infinite times over and if stored digitally will last forever.  (N.B. This perk is only available in the UK - travel expenses not covered)

All this plus your name in the films credits and a shout out on our CalyRose twitter account (@CalyRoseFilm) and facebook pages. Please email your contact details to

And Finally...

No more 'Scottish Miserablism'.  We've had enough of that, so now it's time to show that Scotland really does have some brilliant comedy writers and actors!

With your help, no matter what the amount, we CAN and WILL make this happen. Even if you can't help financially, you can still help by just sharing this page on your own facebook and twitter profiles, text messages, phone calls to your family and friends. Spreading the word goes a long, long way. Or use the Indiegogo share tools

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Choose your Perk

A 'Gushing' Thank You!

Currency Conversion $1 USD
£1 GBP
A big 'thank you' shout-out on the CalyRose Facebook and twitter pages, and our eternal gratitude.
1 claimed

Your Name on Their Lips!

Currency Conversion $6 USD
£5 GBP
Your your name in the credits of the film, a big 'thank you' shout-out on the CalyRose Facebook and Twitter pages, Plus our eternal gratitude.
3 claimed

Making a song and dance of it

Currency Conversion $13 USD
£10 GBP
A shout-out and song request on our 'Girl on Girl' radio show on East Dunbartonshire Radio (with digital link), Plus a big 'thank you' shout-out on the CalyRose Facebook and Twitter pages, your name in the credits of the film, Plus our eternal gratitude.
3 claimed

Cooking up a storm!

Currency Conversion $13 USD
£10 GBP
The recipes used to make the food for cast and crew (via email) Yes, Christina and I DO actually spend the day before filming making soups, casseroles, chilli's, cakes etc for our cast and crew. They NEVER go hungry. Also taking into account their dietary requirements I.E. egg and dairy allergy... for this, try my chicken and vegetable soup! Nom nom nom! A big 'thank you' shout-out on the CalyRose Facebook and Twitter pages, your name in the credits of the film, Plus our eternal gratitude.
1 claimed

Be Choosy - Pick a Perk

Currency Conversion $13 USD
£10 GBP
Select *ONE ONLY* of the perks below per £10 donation (Please email us your choice & the address to send it to. Without this, we can't send it.) A signed copy of script *OR A DVD and digital download *OR A signed photo of your favourite cast or crew member *OR Signed poster of cast and crew Plus a big 'thank you' shout-out on the CalyRose Facebook and Twitter pages, your name in the credits of the film Plus our eternal gratitude N.B. Delivery dates approx. Hopefully will be sent before t
Estimated Shipping
January 2015
2 claimed

See It - Word for Word

Currency Conversion $32 USD
£25 GBP
A signed copy of script (signed by all cast and crew) + a DVD and digital download A big 'thank you' shout-out on the CalyRose Facebook and Twitter pages, AND your name in the credits of the film. Plus our eternal gratitude. N.B. Delivery date is approximate and should, hopefully, be with you before then. (Please email us the address for the perk to be sent to)
Estimated Shipping
January 2015
6 claimed

Girl on Girl Fun!!

Currency Conversion $65 USD
£50 GBP
Be our guest on the LIVE 'Girl on Girl' radio show on East Dunbartonshire Radio, see how a radio show is done + digital link to share the catch-up show with your friends and family. A big 'thank you' shout-out on the CalyRose Facebook and Twitter pages, AND your name in the credits of the film. Plus our eternal gratitude. N.B. Please email us your phone number so that we can contact you to arrange a mutually agreeable date. The show is live on Saturdays between 1-3pm.
0 claimed

Your Green Screen Movie Scene

Currency Conversion $104 USD
£80 GBP
We are offering you the chance to be in your own “multiply me” movie scene, where the camera pans and passes over the heads of an army of YOU! Be part of the fun & help fund the movie. Green/ Blue screen chroma keying is a special effect method used in a vast number of motion pictures where an entire green or blue background is removed or made transparent & can be replaced by a new backdrop, Movies like Back to the Future 2, Multiplicity & Moon & many more. Contact calyroseproduc
Estimated Shipping
January 2015
0 claimed

Girl on Girl and MORE!

Currency Conversion $130 USD
£100 GBP
A signed poster + signed copy of script (All cast/crew will sign). Our recipes, be a guest on Girl on Girl, a copy of the DVD, and a signed photo of favourite cast or crew member OR a group photo A big 'thank you' shout-out on the CalyRose Facebook and Twitter pages, AND your name in the credits of the film. Plus our eternal gratitude. N.B. Delivery date is approximate and should, hopefully, be with you before then (Please also email us your phone number for radio show - live on Saturdays 1-3)
Estimated Shipping
January 2015
0 claimed

Whole 'SHE-bang'! Oo-err, Mrs!

Currency Conversion $324 USD
£250 GBP
All of the above in the 'Girl on Girl and More' package PLUS..... Producer credit and an invitation for 2 to the wrap party. Meet the cast and crew and many others in the industry. N.B. Delivery date is approximate and should, hopefully, be with you before then (Please also email us your phone number to be our guest on the radio show to arrange a date. We go out live on Saturdays 1-3pm) Wrap party TBC.
Estimated Shipping
January 2015
1 claimed
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