What are you running from?
What are you running from?
What are you running from?
What are you running from?
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What are you running from?
What are you running from?
What are you running from?
What are you running from?
What are you running from?
Everyone was in a hurry, and their fear was growing by the second! In a thunderous roar that shook the trees of the forest, they all cried out at once. They were running from...
When two rabbits spread panic through a forest, all of the other animals begin to flee their once quiet home, following the rabbits in stride. But what are they running from; and what will they do when they meet the creature they truly fear - the great and mighty lion?
Broken Compass Entertainment is proud to present Skunk Artworks wonderous hand painted children's book, The Splash. Based on an ancient Tibetan fairytale, The Splash teaches children to think for themselves instead of following the pack; and what it means to have courage to stand up against adversity in the face of danger.
The Splash is a timeless tale to read with your kids, or a beautiful coffee table art-book to flip through with your friends!
“The Splash is coming!' the tiger cried, urging the other animals to push past the old lion. "You have to move, Leonel! Please, for our safety, you must understand! If you don’t, The Splash will gobble us all up!”
“The Splash?” Leonel laughed, “Who is this Splash? Where is he!”
The Splash is 100% complete! All paintings, writing and print files are complete and ready to be sent off to the printer. We are excited to deliver The Splash just in time for Christmas!