The Warrnambool Breastfeeding Centre
The Warrnambool Breastfeeding Centre (WBC) opened in 2014. It's a not-for-profit organisation run by a Committee of Management, and staffed by volunteer IBCLCs and qualified breastfeeding counselors. It has a strong partnership with the Australian Breastfeeding Association and through it's proactive and creative initiatives is developing a profile in Warrnambool and further afield.
The WBC is open weekdays. Parents can access support and information locally, face to face, when they need it. They can pop in and change and feed their babies, soothe a cranky toddler, make a cup of tea and have a chat any time. There are drop in sessions where parents can seek suggestions and advice from a lactation consultant without an appointment. There is a very active calendar of information sessions, breastfeeding classes and visiting specialists, as well as social events. We know that access to the right support and the right information at the right time can make a big difference to the duration of breastfeeding. These are the gaps that the WBC is filling.
Your donation will help us:
Purchase a data projector and screen. The WBC hosts regular breastfeeding education classes, seminars for health professionals and information sessions for parents. Pinky McKay (IBCLC and author) visited last year and presented to a packed venue. But we could do all of this just a bit more efficiently if we had a data projector and screen to call our own.
Purchase a hospital grade breast pump. These pumps retail in excess of $A2000. They are the most durable and efficient breast pumps and for mums experiencing particular breastfeeding challenges, they can make a world of difference. It's possible to rent them in Australia, but it costs between $20 and $60 a week. The WBC would like to purchase a pump, to hire at low or no cost to mothers who couldn't afford one otherwise.
Extend our opening hours. It's pretty self explanatory. We just want to be there for more mums when they need us :) But to do this, we need to staff the Centre. While the IBCLCs and breastfeeding counsellors are all volunteers, we do have one paid staff member on site during open hours to (wo)man the front desk and manage the shop. Longer opening hours also mean higher bills and overhead costs. Every cent we raise makes covering these costs a little bit easier.
What difference does the WBC make?
The Warrnambool Breastfeeding Centre is reaching mums, one at a time, from right across the South West of Victoria - helping them access the right information at the right time and give breastfeeding the very best shot they can. Australia has fabulous breastfeeding initiation rates, but breastfeeding duration drops off quickly. Reducing premature weaning could reduce the incidence of particular health issues in infancy and early childhood. This means healthier, happier babies and parents, and reduced pressure and expense in the health system.
The Warrnambool Breastfeeding Centre is also the focus of much interest within the health professional community. It's unique, and pioneering community-run, community-based breastfeeding care and support. Already, evidence of promising practice is emerging from the WBC model, which could be of value in other locations around the world.
While the WBC itself is still quite new, the Committee of Management is staffed with very experienced professionals and volunteers. Between them, they have decades of experience in group leadership, counselling, board membership, event management, training and assessment for health professionals and resource development. These guys know what they are doing. The WBC is in great hands, and further funding will help it fulfil its potential.
Other Ways You Can Help
If you can't contribute, you can still be a big help:
- Help us get the word out and make some noise about this campaign.
- Remember to use the Indiegogo share tools!