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The ZAP Center Project!

Groundbreaking Technology Kills Deadly Viruses! The Sick Are Cured! Help Us Save The World!

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The ZAP Center Project!

The ZAP Center Project!

The ZAP Center Project!

The ZAP Center Project!

The ZAP Center Project!

Groundbreaking Technology Kills Deadly Viruses! The Sick Are Cured! Help Us Save The World!

Groundbreaking Technology Kills Deadly Viruses! The Sick Are Cured! Help Us Save The World!

Groundbreaking Technology Kills Deadly Viruses! The Sick Are Cured! Help Us Save The World!

Groundbreaking Technology Kills Deadly Viruses! The Sick Are Cured! Help Us Save The World!

Bryan Williams
Bryan Williams
Bryan Williams
Bryan Williams
1 Campaign |
Kampala, Uganda
$2,224 USD 74 backers
11% of $20,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal


              The ZAP Center Saves Lives!!                  


The Impact: Malaria, Yellow Fever, Dengue Fever, Ebola, West Nile Virus, Bird Flu, etc,...

 The list of fatal diseases seems to grow everyday! And so too does the Death Toll.
For most, once contacted with a virus, there is no chance for survival. Everyday, children like the one pictured above suffer with sicknesses cause by viral, bacterial, or parasitic infestations that reveal themselves by the discoloration or scarring of the skin. Other illnesses remain hidden and are only revealed after every part of the body is contaminated with disease, and vomiting, headache, and organ shutdown begins. The infected live painful lives.

But it doesn't have to be that way anymore!

We HAVE the technology to end the reign of these diseases, and put an end to the suffering! Infected people can be cleansed of their illnesses and brought back to full health! The technology and protocol that follows is, IN MY OPINION, one of the greatest breakthroughs (that you never heard of) in all of medical history!

Hi, my name is Bryan Williams, and I am the Founder and Director of The ZAP Center.  I have worked in a scientific laboratory for the previous 24 years, however I have always believed that my true calling is to minister to the needy in my home city of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. I have worked in that capacity for over 20 years from the pulpit, on the streets in the "roughest" neighborhoods, at food donation centers, in the prison system, and I've even travelled abroad to minister in some of the poorest communities in Africa, such as those in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. But it was after ministering in Uganda, forming ties with MANY local pastors, and village and community leaders, and experiencing the types of ailments they live with on a daily basis, that it became apparent that the ZAP Center could have its genesis there.

I have to take a moment to state that the ZAP Center protocol is not accepted in the U.S., because it's  considered to be an "Alternative" health method. Consequently, I cannot claim that this method can cure any illness or disease (See my disclaimer below). My hope is that through the ZAP Center successes, the official Ugandan hospital and Doctor records, the American and European Doctors that will alternate coming on site to take official note of the condition of our patients, our own record keeping, and perhaps the Ugandan government as well, we will finally have the volume of documentation required to make the rest of the world hear us! Alternative Method Or Not - We Have A Cure!

Disclaimer: All the information contained in this post is for informational  purposes only. This protocol is based upon the Natural Health Method rather than the Medical Health Method, and therefore has not been evaluated by any government agency. Therefore, the ZAP Center and its workers do not claim that this therapy can treat or cure any illness or disease. Use of this protocol is at each persons own risk. Government Regulators consider testimonials from recovered patients to be unreliable sources of information. The patents awarded, Doctoral research and records,  and journalistic articles that are referred to are not proof of a cure. 

                      Scientific Background:

(At the end of this post, I will present links to medical, and scientific documentation concerning how electric currents can kill ALL forms of viruses, pathogens, etc,...)
Feb 23, 1993: Steven Kaali and Peter Schwolsky are granted a U.S. patent for blood electrification which they describe as “a method and system for treatment of blood and/or other bodily fluids and/or synthetic fluids with electric forces.” Patent # 5,188,738

In the patent, their invention is described in detail:

The present invention has been devised to attenuate any bacteria, virus (including the AIDS HIV virus) parasites and/or fungus contained in blood contributed by a donor to the point that any such contaminant is rendered ineffective for infecting a normally healthy human cell, but does not make the blood biologically unfit for use in humans…

The treatment can be accomplished in a treatment system external of the body.... to the extent that bacteria, virus, fungus, and/or parasites contained in the blood or other body fluids are rendered ineffective to infect and/or affect normally healthy human cells.” (emphasis added)

That’s straight from ONE U.S. patent! They have 14 patents total!

ANY and ALL viruses are rendered ineffective!

By the way, HIV/AIDS is a VIRUS! Ebola is a VIRUS! And YES, there's MUCH evidence to prove this therapy can be used on AIDS and Ebola patients for their recovery as well!

This is information taken directly from a patent awarded by the U.S. Government! (The U.S. government doesn't simply GIVE out patents. What is claimed must be thoroughly researched, documented, and demonstrated before a patent is awarded.)

Are you saying "Wow!" yet?

PLEASE take a moment to think about what that means in terms of saving lives, and exactly what you could be taking part in!

This is a thoroughly documented, scientifically researched, patented method of destroying disease and saving lives!


Ebola, Malaria, Yellow Fever, Bird and Swine Flu, etc,... Even AIDS!! They're ALL destroyed by our protocol!

Right now, the U.S. Government is sending thousands of workers, troops, and an estimated 70-100 million dollars to fight the Ebola outbreak by their "conventional" methods. And there's NO KNOWN "conventional" cure! BUT, WE HAVE A CURE! And it's for a FRACTION of the cost!

We will fight this terrible outbreak, and allow the world to see a technology that works EVERY TIME to save the lives of the people AND any infected workers!

Now do you see why this technology is SO exciting? 

This Is A Real World Changer!

The ZAP Center has the technology to eradicate EVERY known virus, disease, bacterial infection, or pathogenic illness! 

Think about what the success of this Project could mean to the health of the world!  It's absolutely staggering!

We will START in Uganda. But this is only Phase One!

And NOW, we have an even better chance of achieving our goals! We recently  received confirmation from our medical supplier that, due to our bulk purchase requirement, they can greatly reduce our costs for the equipment! Therefore, instead of the original $35K needed, we've now adjusted our goal to $20K for the entire Phase 1 of The ZAP Center Project!

Phase 2 places ZAP Centers throughout Uganda, then all of Africa! AND we begin offering our protocol kits to YOU, the Public, for your own security and protection! You WILL be able to protect your loved IF these illnesses hit closer to home!

The fight against disease, whether at home or abroad, is one War we NEED to win! 
Please Help Us! 

The ZAP Center Protocol:

Our Protocol is based upon acclaimed physicist, Dr Bob Becks 4 part Protocol:

Blood Electrification/Purification: 

The first and most important step in recovering health to the patient is through blood electrification. Research from Harvard, MIT and Albert Einstein College of Medicine has shown that micro-currents are known to eliminate ALL viruses, parasites, fungi, bacteria and pathogens in blood. Proper application of 50-100 micro-amperes (a tiny amount) of current ZAPS, then alters the outer protein layer of any parasite so that they can no longer attach to human cells and reproduce. Eventually they die and the body flushes them out through the kidneys, liver, lymph, etc. This minuscule amount of current does not harm the blood or normal cells in any way.

Colloidal Silver: 

The second step, which we found worked amazingly and synergistically well, was silver colloids. Silver colloids greatly assist in eliminating all known pathogens and preventing opportunistic infections. It has been shown in numerous studies to be the only substance known to eliminate hundreds of viruses, bacteria, fungus, etc., more than any modern antibiotic or "miracle drug" yet developed by the pharmaceutical companies.

Imagine how powerful our ENTIRE protocol must be. The above example was ONLY using colloidal silver to destroy the infection!


High-Intensity Pulsed Magnetic Fields:

The purpose of this third phase of treatment is to disable microbes that are not floating around in the bloodstream, but are "hiding" in root canals, organs, the lymph system, the stomach area, etc. This "zapping" of organisms causes them to release from hiding, and flow into the bloodstream, where they are destroyed by the colloidal silver and electrification. This is a very important part of the protocol for wellness. 

Ozonated Water: 

The fourth step is drinking Ozonated water for rapid, safe, totally natural cell oxygenation without damaging the cells. This cell oxygenation is also killing off any remaining living organisms not already destroyed by the electrification, or colloidal silver, then they're rapidly flushed from the body. This detoxification is essential because you are throwing off millions of dead and dying bugs, germs, bacteria, etc...  It is important to be able to deal with rapid detoxification without producing tremendous discomfort. Drinking ozonated water helps accomplish this task.

Other Ways You Can Help!

We understand that some people can't contribute monetarily, but that doesn't mean you can't help in other ways!

  • We're asking EVERYONE to PLEASE help us get the word out about the life saving, world changing possibilities of the ZAP Center Project! Share our program on your social sites, and make some noise about it! We NEED exposure, so others may join in the fight against disease!

Links To SOME of The Scientific Research Done For Each Step Of Our Protocol:

Blood Electrification: :(Biocompatible Electric Current Attentuates HIV Infectivity) (Electric Healing) : (Microcurrents - A Modern Healthcare Modality)


Colloidal Silver:

Magnetic Pulse Therapy:

Ozonated water:

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Thank You for Your Support!

$1 USD
Thank You for supporting our Project. It means you care!
4 claimed


$5 USD
We're so thankful that you chose to share with the children. Your giving hasn't gone unnoticed! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts, because EVERY BIT COUNTS!
4 claimed

Thank You!

$10 USD
We will give you a special "Thank You" on Facebook. We appreciate your sincere desire to help the less fortunate re-gain their health.
13 claimed

Facebook "Shout-Out"!

$25 USD
Inclusion into the previous Perk: A warm "Thank You" AND, a specific "Shout Out" of your name on our Facebook page,
14 claimed

Learn About Our Technology!

$50 USD
Inclusion into all the previous perks: A warm "Thank You" and personalized "Shout Out" to you on our Facebook page, AND we'll send you an booklet explaining each step of the Protocol being used to help the children! You'll understand why we're SO excited about healing the world!
8 claimed

SEE The Lives You're Changing!

$100 USD
Inclusion into all the previous Perks: We'll give you a warm "Thank You" and a personalized "Shout-Out" on our Facebook page, a booklet explaining each step of the Protocol being used to help the children, AND when we arrive in Uganda, we'll send you pictures of the children arriving at the clinic for treatment. YOUR donation will help these children live healthier lives!
2 claimed

The ZAP "T"!

$250 USD
Inclusion into all the previous perks: A warm "Thank You", and personalized "Shout Out" on our Facebook page, A booklet explaining the science behind the Protocol being used to save lives! A picture of the children being treated in the facility, AND you'll receive a One-of-a-Kind ZAP Center T-shirt designed to show everyone that you're a contributor that cares!
0 out of 1000 of claimed

The Wall Of Fame

$500 USD
Inclusion into all the previous perks: A warm "Thank You", and personalized "Shout Out" on our Facebook page, a booklet explaining the science behind the ZAP Protocol! A picture of the children being treated in the facility, a one-of-a-kind ZAP Center T-shirt, AND you will receive special recognition INSIDE the first ZAP Center in Uganda! Your name, or the name of your organization will be etched on a plaque, and placed in a position of honor where all who enter will be able to see it!
0 out of 100 of claimed

Your Name On The ZAP Center!

$1,000 USD
Inclusion into all previous Perks: A warm "Thank You" and personalized "Shout Out" on our Facebook page, a booklet explaining the science behind the Protocol being used to help the children! A picture of the children being treated in the facility, A One-Of-A-Kind ZAP Center T-shirt, Your name included on the Wall Of Fame, AND Your Name or your organizations name prominently displayed as the medical facility name for 1 year! (Example: The Lindsey Hunter ZAP Center, or The Para Church ZAP Center)
0 out of 2 of claimed

The African Experience!

$8,000 USD
Inclusion into many of the previous Perks: A warm "Thank You" & "Shout Out" on our Facebook page, a booklet explaining the science behind the Protocol! A picture of the children treated in the facility, A ZAP Center T-shirt, Your name on the Wall Of Fame, AND All accomodations IN COUNTRY on us, as you spend a week with us & experience the reality of how you helped save lives! 3 days in service, then 3 days of relaxation & safari tours in the world famous Para Lodge! A true African
0 out of 5 of claimed

Healing For Your Home!

$12,000 USD
Inclusion into many of the previous perks: A warm "Thank You", and personalized Shout-out on our Facebook page, A booklet explaining the science behind our protocol, a picture of the children in the Zap Center, a ZAP Center "T", your name on the Wall of Fame, one week IN COUNTRY on us (3 days living and working with us, and 3 days at the world famous Para Lodge!), AND a Complete Set of our groundbreaking Protocol Equipment for personal use! Feel secure knowing your loved ones are protected!
0 out of 5 of claimed

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