Follow the link to "The Valiant Heroes" Live campaign at
Thomas Valiant is a Full Color 80 page, square bound, all ages, Graphic Novel with three chapters and one continuous story.
As a former soldier and a spy, Thomas Valiant was never fully trusted by his teammates in the Legion of Justice. So now, as Valiant seeks to create his own team out of misfits, mercenaries, and former villains, the Legion has decided that he and his new team are too much of a liability to leave alive.
Our $15K Stretch Goal, for a FULL COLOR book, has been met!
Our $18K Stretch Goal, to increase the page count to 80, has been met!
Our $22K Stretch Goal, for all copies to be signed by the author, has been met!
Our $25K Stretch Goal, an Exclusive pinup poster by Nik Axe with every book, has been met!
Cover by Nik Axe - to be finished
Pin-up - Valiant and his Team by Renzo Rodriguez
Pin-up - The Legion of Justice by Renzo Rodriguez
Formerly a member of the Legion of Justice, the hero once known as Putty Man has been cast aside by his mentor and branded a traitor by those he fought beside. But, gathering together his own team, he will prove to the world that he’s worthy of the title, Hero.
Internal Pages by Renzo Rodriguez
For those of you who are familiar with my You Tube content, you will know that I love the idea of a traditional hero. And I believe that 1) stories should be told in the well worn methods developed over millennia, and 2) true quality and audience appeal come from this traditional method of storytelling and the presentation of a traditional hero. Therefore, what you see before you is my humble attempt to bring all of that to life. I have been blessed enough to find two artists that are as passionate about this kind of storytelling as I am, and, together, we present to you THOMAS VALIANT – a breakneck action/adventure about underdogs trying to live up to the ideals of being true heroes.
The Perks
Perks include:
1) 4 Pin-up posters - 3 by Renzo Rodriguez, 1 by Nik Axe (11" x 17")
2) Script (typos and all) detailing the world and book layout
3) Original art pages (Internal pages) from Renzo Rodriguez
4) Original Cover art from Nik Axe
4) Map of City (Rubicon City) the story takes place in (11" x 17")
5) Character Cards - 12 Pack
Pin-up - Phantasm by Nik Axe
Pin-up - Disk by Nik Axe (FREE WITH EVERY BOOK)
Pin-up - Phantasm by Renzo Rodriguez
Map by Patrick Benjamin and Renzo Rodriguez
The Stretch Goals
Full Color Pages at $16 K - UNLOCKED!
Increased page count to a minimum 80 PAGES at $18K - UNLOCKED!
Signed copies of the book (by RJ Shaw) at $22K - SO Close
A free pinup poster by Nik Axe at $25K
Progress so far
Before even launching here’s what we have DONE
20 Internal Pages completed
COVER rough draft
4 Pin-Up posters drawn (1 colored so far)
Character sketch by Renzo Rodriguez
What you can do to help make this project a success
The #1 priority is to Get the Word Out about THOMAS VALIANT! Even if you are not able to support the project financially, you are essential in getting the word out to others, so please post a link to the project on your social media account(s). And for those who do order the book, remember that the more the project makes, the more stretch goals we meet, and so the more you get with your purchase.
Back of Front Cover by Renzo Rodriguez
Q. Is the Graphic Novel Black and White?
A. If we hit our stretch goal of it will be colored
Q. Can I order the Pin-up’s, Map, or Cards separately?
A. All are available as Add-On Perks or upgrades for a standard perk that are available to backers when checking out.
Q. When can I expect my book to ship?
A. Our goal is to have your order shipped out by 12/2021.
More about the Artists
Visit Renzo @
@renzo_rocomic on Twitter
Visit Nik Axe @
@nik_axe on Twitter
Color artist
2DSpaceMan - Paul Bilick