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TimberFish: Sustainable Healthy Seafood

Pro-actively Improving the Environment, Local, Affordable, Economically Attractive and Scalable

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TimberFish: Sustainable Healthy Seafood

TimberFish: Sustainable Healthy Seafood

TimberFish: Sustainable Healthy Seafood

TimberFish: Sustainable Healthy Seafood

TimberFish: Sustainable Healthy Seafood

Pro-actively Improving the Environment, Local, Affordable, Economically Attractive and Scalable

Pro-actively Improving the Environment, Local, Affordable, Economically Attractive and Scalable

Pro-actively Improving the Environment, Local, Affordable, Economically Attractive and Scalable

Pro-actively Improving the Environment, Local, Affordable, Economically Attractive and Scalable

James Timlin
James Timlin
James Timlin
James Timlin
1 Campaign |
Westfield, United States
$505 USD 9 backers
5% of $10,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Pollutants are killing some seafood and becoming embedded in the food-chain and threatening the health of consumers. Timberfish is a low cost means of supplying protein-rich seafood grown from plant materials and nutrient-rich waste water from food processor facilities. This waste water is rich in phosphorous, nitrogen and other minerals which are essential for growing seafood. The technology developed will create an ecosystem that has no contaminants, internally grows feed and cleans all waste.

Five & 20 VIP Getaway Giveaway 

Donate $50 or more and you could be entered to win a VIP Five & 20 Spirits & Brewing Getaway Package for two! One lucky winner will receive a $100 travelcard and a Five & 20 swag bag including a six-pack of glasses, t-shirts, and other merchandise. Plus a free tasting of Five & 20 beers and spirits; and two free snacks from Bird our seasonal eatery that's open select days/hours. This VIP experience is available to use between Sept. 13 - 30, 2018, and April 1, 2019 - September 30, 2019. We will email all who donate $50 or more to offer a chance to win this giveaway.

Contest Rules: 

Must be 21 or older to enter. This package has no cash or trade-in value. One lucky winner will win a $100 AMEX (or other) Travelcard plus a Five & 20 swag bag. Winner will be chosen at random, contacted by email and given 72 hours to respond or we may choose another winner. We will mail out the getaway package to the winner. Entrants' information will only be shared with Timber Fish and Five & 20 Spirits & Brewing. The promotion ends on September 5th at 11:59 pm EST. 


TimberFish (TFT) Produces Sustainable, Healthy Seafood

TimberFish is an ecology based technology that avoids issues that affect current seafood supply and quality. It creates an ecosystem that contains no contaminants, internally grows feed and cleans all waste. We are an emerging technology that can create a new, local, sustainable aquaculture industry that produces safe, contaminant-free seafood.


Fish at our current facility 
 TimberFish is a low cost means of supplying protein-rich seafood grown from plant materials such as wood chips and corn stalks and nutrient-rich waste water from food processors such as distilleries, breweries, and wineries. This waste water is rich in phosphorous, nitrogen and other minerals which are essential for growing seafood, but which when released untreated into the environment destroys the natural balance leading to algae blooms and dead zones. Our processes only outputs are seafood, clean water and spent wood chips which can be used as an enhanced biofuel or a soil supplement. There is no waste!



Distillery at our site and a frog in our system

TimberFish launched was launched in 2008 and is supported by a strong team in partnership with several branches of the State University of New York and industry experts. Over the last two years we have been building momentum, winning $110,000 in New York State grants and raising an additional $150,000, which we used to build a demonstration facility at the site of the Five & 20 Spirits & Brewing facility in Westfield New York.  



 Now, with your support, we will increase the capacity of this facility to more than 10,000 lbs/year of marketable seafood for consumer testing and develop the design for a large commercial facility. Our current facility provides us with the opportunity to take our technology to the next level – a 2 to 3 million lb/year commercial operation.  Funds raised on Indiegogo will be used to develop information needed to obtain financing for commercial facilities


We’re bringing our technology to Indiegogo because we need your help to finish development and turn our vision into a new, safe global seafood supply. We need your help to make our mission of creating a healthy, non-polluting, contaminant-free affordable seafood supply for the local and global population a reality!

Don't forget to share with your friends using the Indiegogo tool


What Is TimberFish - Let’s Get Into the Details

TimberFish takes low value plant material combines it with nutrients from food processing facilities to grow feed for seafood


Our only outputs are clean water and a biological residuals that are an enhanced biofuel

Assuring the food supply is one of the most critical issues facing humanity.  Seafood is capable of being a major part of the solution, but declining supply, rising costs, health concerns and pollution issues are limiting consumption.  Wild caught seafood supply has been declining for thirty years. Seafood farms in oceans and rivers are striving to meet supply shortfalls, but they:

  • Are generally located far from major markets, create local pollution, are vulnerable to disease and natural hazards, while their costs are increasing
  • Require marine feeds that introduce additional contaminants into the farmed seafood

A potential solution is to develop recirculating land-based systems to meet future supply shortfalls, but current technologies are not able to overcome these critical shortcomings. As they:

  • Require the use of feeds from agricultural crops and marine proteins that introduce contaminants (e.g. mercury. Lead, PCBs and insecticides), which are increasingly seen as serious health problems
  • Produce seafood with inferior taste, texture, color and nutritional value
  • Require costly waste treatment to clean waste water which is high in nitrogen and phosphorus, as well as contaminants introduced in the feed
  • Are not economical - there have been several costly failures in the US


Conventional RAS treats growing seafood as a chemical process

 TimberFish represents a step change from existing land-based systems, by offering sustainable cost advantages over competitors based on our integrated, biological technology.
  • Eliminates the quality and health issues described above
  • Reuses nutrients in “wastewater” from food processors, such as breweries, distilleries and wineries to grow seafood, while cleaning wastewater, reducing the food processors’ cost and protecting the environment
  • Combining these nutrients with non-human food based inputs such as wood chips in the system as the only other input
  • Reducing greenhouse gases by bringing production closer to markets; reducing fuel usage, promoting carbon sequestering, encouraging reforestation and creating a byproduct biofuel

TimberFish‘s advantages include: 

  • Internally growing contaminant-free, natural, healthy feed that produces healthy seafood
  • Using our spent wood chips to generate heat or electricity partially offsetting energy costs
  • Producing clean output water without added equipment or operating cost
  • Reducing the length of the supply chain – On average US seafood is shipped an average of 5,500 miles to markets
  • Requiring minimal water intake
  • Lowering construction costs

In a recent article about our facility NPR wrote – “Conventional aquaculture systems rely heavily on wild fish, like anchovies and herring that are fed to the captive fish, often in the form of fish meal or pellets. This system is fundamentally wasteful, because it can take large amounts of feed — often made from fish that people could be eating directly — to produce a small amount of marketable fish. For example, it takes up to 20 pounds of raw fish to grow 1 pound of cage-fattened Bluefin tuna. Other species, including salmon, are more efficient at converting food into body mass, but growing them is still resource-intensive.”


Market - Large and Global


The $150 billion global seafood industry faces serious supply uncertainties and is growing at 2.0 to 2.5%/year. Seafood growth should be significantly higher as it is the most efficient way of producing animal protein.  In recent years, costs have steadily increased and the lack of affordable, seafood is impacting demand. In addition, concern over quality and safety issues have further limited growth. TimberFish’s technology addresses key issues limiting demand.

TimberFish’s initial customers will be US retailers for sale at their fresh seafood counters. Sales will be aimed at health, quality and environmentally concerned buyers. Our total potential sales in this market to be about $850 million/year.

  Our initial target market -fresh seafood counters

    Sales by Geographic region, by year


Longer-term, as supply shortfalls increase and public awareness demands more healthy seafood options, we believe quality and cost advantages will allow us to target the $15 billion more cost competitive frozen and canned segments. We are confident TimberFish will be competitive in this larger market.  Additionally, global sales are an even greater opportunity being about fifteen times the size of the total US market.


Short Science Section – How It Works…

TimberFish mimics nature, creating an ecosystem that simultaneously grows feed and consumes solid and dissolved wastes. The process controls pathogens and organisms that give seafood unwanted taste. Our facilities will be built beside food processing facilities, breweries and wineries. We will use their nutrient-rich wastewater, combined with local wood chips to grow microbes, which are consumed by invertebrates and in turn consumed by our happy, healthy, marketable fish!  

The process is controlled to prevent contaminants from entering the system/seafood. Water is recirculated to minimize usage.  The only residuals from the system are spent wood which will be sold as biofuel and clean water.

At least three businesses, each supporting job growth and the local economy are directly supported by our venture.  Wood harvesting and chipping, TimberFish itself and local truckers, as well as reducing costs for our nutrient source.



TimberFish is a continuous biological-based process that grows microbes, invertebrates and seafood while cleaning waste water and producing valuable byproducts and emits only clean water to the environment


Performance Details

Our technology has been demonstrated with rainbow trout:

  • In field trials at our facility in Westfield, New York, run between 2008 to 2014 (below left)
  • The technology was validated at the Freshwater Institute, located in Shepherdstown, West Virginia, is one of the world’s most eminent marine research organizations (below right)



Testing at Freshwater verified fish growth, properties and taste, as well as wastewater quality. Their final report noted several key advantages of TimberFish’s process versus other land-based processes:

  • Raised rainbow trout from fingerling to pan size in 24 weeks with only 1% mortality
  • Produced a less fatty fish with slightly more protein when compared to other farm raised rainbow trout
  • Fish had higher concentrations of polyunsaturated fats
  • Fish had a 30% higher Omega-3 fatty acid level

Freshwater reported “For these reasons, the TimberFish system appears to have considerable potential for rainbow trout production with little water or wastewater footprint and with reduced feed input.”

 Typical rainbow trout grown in TimberFish's field trial

TimberFish’s demonstration facility at the Five & 20 Brewing and Distilling has been operating for a year and a half. We are producing feed and fish.  We have been growing largemouth bass, perch and catfish since September 2017 and plan to sell our first fish in the late in 2018.

We monthly report water output quality to New York State under our Pollution Discharge Elimination System permit. Our permit sets strict limits on several levels of pollutants.  Numbers are very good and outside lab testing shows that we are operating within State requirements.


The TimberFish Technology was invented by Jere Northrop, based on 40 years of wastewater treatment experience, including nine years as a process superintendent at a large advanced wastewater treatment plant.  He is the Co‐founder and inventor of Bion Technologies, which develops manure management systems for the dairy and hog industries.

  Jere Northrop Ph.D

Managing Partner, Inventory of the technology and co-founder                                                               

James Timlin Ph.D

 Managing Partner and  Business Development

Ron Catalano

 Managing Partner and Project Management

Jennifer Russo

 Environmental Science

Scott Farr


Michael Morehead

 Electronics and Instrumentation

Lara Queen

 Intellectual Property, Director & VP, Webb Law

Aaron Resnick

   Co - founder

Five & 20 Spirits & Brewing


Our Business Plan - Where We Are Going

With funds raised on Indiegogo, TimberFish will expand our development facility using it to create the design for commercial facilities, document the superiority of our seafood and develop a marketing plan. We anticipate having our first commercial facility operating in 2021. We are currently meeting with potential partners to work with us on this facility, starting with engineering design firms and potential retail partners. 


How this Indiegogo Campaign will be used

Our next step at TimberFish Technologies is to engage an engineering firm to produce designs/blueprints for replicable commercial facilities.  Secondly, we need to fully document the superiority of our seafood by sending it for independent laboratory analysis.  Engineering, design and lab testing are necessary, but costly activities.

Our business proposition is that TimberFish Technologies is an environmentally sound solution to economically produce seafood. We believe we have significant advantages versus competitors based:

  • Creating an ecosystem that simultaneously grows feed and consumes solid and dissolved wastes, while controlling pathogens and organisms that give seafood unwanted tastes
  • On using low cost inputs to grow our own feed while cleaning waste without additional costs. 
  • Having three revenue streams from: producing natural, healthy seafood, cleaning wastewater from food processing facilities, such as wineries and breweries, and our only waste is a valuable biofuel

Our approach to rapidly growing the business is to license the technology globally to local companies, preferably already in the seafood supply chain. This strategy allows local companies to use their operating expertise, financial strength and market knowledge to rapidly grow production providing healthy, environmentally sound seafood to the public. By having multiple licensees in different regions we can simultaneously grow in several areas making our vision a reality sooner.

We have compared the costs of producing seafood with our technology to published information about the operation and cost structure of seafood farms. Our research revealed that our costs will be at least 30% below competitors.  Analysis of our operating and construction costs indicate that commercial facilities using TimberFish’s process would be excellent investments. 


Risks & Challenges

TimberFish has successfully grown salable fish from fingerlings during several years of field and validated these results in third party testing. The latter quantified health benefits as well as water quality. We are highly confident that we can reproduce these results at a larger scale in our demonstration facility and in subsequent commercial facilities.

We need to learn how to optimize the various interactions within larger systems and assure that the process runs efficiently and economically.  These are the tasks that we will use the funds we raise on Indiegogo to resolve using our demonstration facility.  Since our process is based on wastewater treatment we can rely on an existing large knowledge base and our own prior work experience to manage what is happening within the system.  Part of our team invented and lead the launch of Bion, a livestock waste management system company in the 1990s.  Bion is currently operating and listed on the OTC stock exchanges.  Other team members have extensive experiences in launching new business and new products globally.

In addition the farming of seafood is a large industry, and managing these facilities is well known and this knowledge can be applied to our system

We know that TimberFish’s technology works and we know how engineering designs for commercial facilities are generated.  The challenge is doing it economically, which will be the difference between this being a niche technology and being a disruptive change in how seafood is grown.



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Choose your Perk

Name on TFT website

Name on TFT website

$20 USD $25 USD (20% off)
Name will appear on Honor Roll tab on
Included Items
  • Honored on TimberFish website
Estimated Shipping
July 2018
0 out of 250 of claimed
Aluminium Water Bottle

Aluminium Water Bottle

$35 USD $50 USD (30% off)
Bicycle Water Bottle with TimberFish Logo. Alumium
Included Items
  • Aluminum Water Bottle
Estimated Shipping
July 2018
1 out of 100 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
TimberFish Coffee Mug

TimberFish Coffee Mug

$45 USD $60 USD (25% off)
Coffee mug with TimberFish Logo
Included Items
  • Coffee Mug
Estimated Shipping
July 2018
1 out of 100 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
Tee Shirt with TimberFish Logo

Tee Shirt with TimberFish Logo

$45 USD $65 USD (30% off)
TimberFish tee shirt, grayish beige in sizes , Shipping to the US and Canada is free , a charge will be added for other areas
Included Items
  • Tee Shirt
Estimated Shipping
July 2018
3 out of 100 of claimed
Ships to United States of America
Cap with TimberFish Logo

Cap with TimberFish Logo

$60 USD $75 USD (20% off)
Quality cap with webbed lining , adjustable with leather-like strap
Included Items
  • TimberFish Cap
Estimated Shipping
July 2018
2 out of 100 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
Dinner and Tour

Dinner and Tour

$300 USD $500 USD (40% off)
Dinner at the brewery/distillery and guided tour of the TimberFish Facility. Facility is located in Westfield NY, between Buffalo, NY and Erie PA. You will receive a gift certificate $80 Prior to dinner we will take you on a guided tour of the facility lead by TimberFish staff. Must give us ten days notice of visit and number of guests
Included Items
  • Tour and Meal at Facility
Estimated Shipping
July 2018
0 out of 20 of claimed

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