Short Summary
You know who I am, But It You don't, well here is a brief summary"
- I got Donald Trump elected twice.
- I made it fashionable to talk crap about weave and single mothers.
- I make it cool for black people to love America and being American.
- I brought a large number of blacks to the Republican party.
- I made Fox News cool for black men to be on.
- And I made people pay attention to the importance of a father in the home!
- Now I want your to help me get my social media presence back.
Please help me get back what the democrats and haters took from me over the years!
What We Need & What You Get
Here is a the breakdown:
- I need 250000 To not only hire representation to go and speak with YouTube, Instagram, Tiktok and Facebook about constantly banning me but I also want to film my next movie A Fatherless America II.
- I will not just be asking for donations but I will be adding Perks like My exclusive underground Telegram page, Personal Phone Calls and Videos and even In person shows.
- Even if i do not get the entire goal, the funds will go to that and maintaining the website as well as content going forward!
The Impact
You guys have watched people tell you that I have lost millions of dollars from YouTube alone just by being banned from spreading my message, displaying my talent and making money from it! Donating here can help me to fight this as well as help because as you know now I do the same work for free! I still do this because I believe in the message and now I would love to see that you believe in me and the message!
Risks & Challenges
People are going to talk crap and tell you that you shouldn't show love but don't you think that not helping shows people who have been flagging me and companies that have been banning me will see that silencing free speech works?
Other Ways You Can Help
Even if you can't donate, you can share this to people who might find it within their hearts to help me reach the goal!