North County Produce
We're an old fashioned farm focused on providing healthful food to the people of north county in a manner that also fosters community involvement, ecological diversity, and healthy lifestyles. The farm was founded by myself, Tony Gurnoe, at the end of 2013 after years of dreaming. I used to talk of the farm in terms of "maybe some day..." until I found a bit of land and just decided to do it. The lot started out rough as you can see in the pictures below. It was weedy, compacted, and without irrigation.
Today it is flourishing with all kinds of life. Not just plants but birds, lizards, insects, frogs, worms, snakes, and small mammals not to mention things too small to see.
To this point this operation has been entirely by the bootstraps. When I began preparing the soil and installing irrigation I was still working a full-time day job. In the time since I have developed a devoted following and a profitable seasonal produce delivery program. Locally grown organic vegetables picked and delivered at the peak of freshness is certainly not the only thing N.C.P. has to offer the community.
By now my customers and I have come to view this farm as an asset to the neighborhood's culture. I invite my customers, neighbors, and their families to come onto the farm and witness their food growing firsthand. My past experiences with public gardening and particularly vegetable gardening with kids help me to cultivate people's interests in vegetables, composting, beneficial insects, and the outdoors generally. Besides the food, kids can learn a lot about the life of the soil and how a farm affects the areas ecology. Yesterday one of my neighbors was out on the farm flying a kite with
his young son and I realized this farm can provide a lot more than just
good food. Healthy living and eating is something we learn after all.
Where You Come In
To cut to the chase, the reason I'm here asking for your help is because there is an overwhelming demand that this company is trying to serve, and a tractor would really speed things up. I've made it this far with just a broadfork and a small residential tiller but it isn't what I'd consider efficient. A tractor would enable me to get more done in less time, meaning more people with access to nutritious produce grown in their own community. $3000 would allow North County Produce to buy a used but trusty tractor which would mostly be used for soil preparation. If we don't manage to reach what I feel is a lofty goal, any lesser funds will be used towards obtaining organic certification, a producer's certificate, and/or building a small greenhouse.
I can't properly express the gratitude I have for your help but I'll be providing some token perks for you generous folks.
I fully understand that not everyone can contribute money. Another way to support this small locally focused farm is to share this campaign with all of your like-minded friends and family. Thank you sooo much!
-Tony Gurnoe
Founder of North County Produce