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Trigger Warning - A Platform for Dissident Thought

Reality still hates you, but we love our writers and contributors!

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Trigger Warning - A Platform for Dissident Thought

Trigger Warning - A Platform for Dissident Thought

Trigger Warning - A Platform for Dissident Thought

Trigger Warning - A Platform for Dissident Thought

Trigger Warning - A Platform for Dissident Thought

Reality still hates you, but we love our writers and contributors!

Reality still hates you, but we love our writers and contributors!

Reality still hates you, but we love our writers and contributors!

Reality still hates you, but we love our writers and contributors!

Rachel Haywire
Rachel Haywire
Rachel Haywire
Rachel Haywire
1 Campaign |
Los Angeles, United States
$21,836 USD by 177 backers
$20,545 USD by 170 backers on Jul 30, 2015

Trigger Warning - Do you want to be warned?

Trigger Warning is a hate letter to reality and to those who would deny it. It is a digital salon of rants, manifestos, tirades, screeds, diatribes, denunciations, agitprop, forbidden ideologies, hidden messages, in-your-face deconstructions, cultural awakenings, and outright calls for blasphemy against the ideological gods of our modern era. It is the extreme glorification of the heretical and iconoclastic, and the vigorous shutting out of the complacent and socially obedient.

We are an online publication for ideological deviants who realize that most other deviants and intellectuals have now lost their ability to see outside the mainstream box of political correctness. We declare that they have lost their radical edge and become slaves to a new type of conformity. Our job is to bring the radical edge back to the intellectual world. We recognize that we now must directly confront the decline that so many sit back and enjoy.

We invite you to be part of it.



Rachel Haywire is the creator of Trigger Warning, and your hostess for the new literary renaissance. She is a writer, artist, musician, and model. Recently she founded the INSTED festival, and is best known for her work in the fields of transhumanism and alternative media. Her latest book release was The New Reaction, a subversive collection of political rants and essays. She currently lives in Los Angeles, CA. 

Ann Sterzinger, co-editor of Trigger Warning, respectfully reserves the right to question the axioms and evidence of even her bestest buds. As an editor, she’s worked with publications as wildly diverse as The Chicago Reader, Temp Slave!, and Taki’s Magazine. She is also the author of three novels, including NVSQVAM, a cult novel of male middle-class misery. 

Ashton Blackwell is the Marketing Director and alternative media agitator for Trigger Warning, as well as being a contributing editor. Her track record in market research spans big tech companies like IBM and Logitech, as well as major healthcare systems and financial institutions. Ashton is also a freelance writer who has contributed to multiple media outlets including American Thinker.

Elizabeth Hobson is the Creative Distractor at Trigger Warning. She balances raising two meticulously untamed luminaries with being a morbid, over-excitable, yet analytic futurephile and social critic. She enjoys reading, writing, and talking. 


Why do we need money? 

-Professional writers. We don’t expect stunning writers to work for us for free. That’s bloody ridiculous. Just because the Internet is crammed with rank and smelly amateurs doesn’t mean the real dealers have to give you the fruit of their sweat for nothing.

-Professional editors. Real writers need real editors, for coordination and also to protect them from themselves. We need facts as well as egos checked, and asking editors to work for free is even more ridiculous than asking it out of writers.

-Publicity and marketing. Because we like to humblebrag that we’re not that good at humblebragging. We need someone to bring the mass to our class. In other words, marketing ain’t going to do itself.

-Staff training. We need our staffers to advance their programming skills in order to update our site on a regular basis, serving you even more triggering content for your daily ragefix. We would also like to expand our staff and become a sinister media organization. 

-Professional graphics. Unless you just like looking at our selfies. I mean, our selfies are pretty damn sexy, don’t get us wrong, but even WE get tired of looking at ourselves. 

-Legal stuff. We’re going to have to keep some cash in reserve for legal fees, especially if you want us to keep saying what you’re thinking. You never know what could happen. 

-Did we mention writers? It’s not that giving to Trigger Warning is going to get you published in the magazine personally, but it will increase the number of writers we can publish.

-Parties. Not for ourselves, but for our fans. We want to create a new kind of event called Cabaret Degenerate: in which avant-garde musicians, artists, burlesque dancers, heretical philosophers, and political theorists can get their game on. 

Ready to join our army yet? Check us out at and follow us on Twitter at @triggerwarn1ng. 

[Special thanks to David Gorge for filming us.]
[Also a special thanks to Devin Francisco for his fabulous artwork.]
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Choose your Perk


You Can Build Us

$250 USD
A customized song by Trigger Warning scribe Roxxi Wallace AKA. Girlflesh and a customized article by Rachel Haywire or Ann Sterzinger. Yes, you heard right. Girlflesh will write a song about anything you want, and Rachel or Ann will write an article about anything you want. You can literally build us.
1 claimed
Ships worldwide.


$5 USD
We will thank you through email and love you lots.
14 claimed
Ships worldwide.


$10 USD
We will thank you through email and love you lots. We'll also send you a virtual postcard.
7 claimed

On board!

$15 USD
We will thank you on our website and Twitter. You'll be infamous.
16 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Best Matey

$20 USD
We will thank you on our website and Twitter. We'll also send you a Trigger Warning poster.
7 claimed
Ships worldwide.

On board-ier!

$25 USD
Social media thank-you's plus a Trigger Warning pin.
16 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Reactionary Hipster

$35 USD
All of the above plus a copy of Issue #3 of Biopsy Zine by Chris Morgan.
3 claimed
Ships worldwide.

More Words of Thanks

$50 USD
All of the above plus a personalized cocktail napkin poem (on an actual cocktail napkin), on the subject of your choice. You could also have an insulting limerick; take your pick!
15 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Beginning with Books

$75 USD
All of the above plus signed copy of The Talkative Corpse by Ann Sterzinger.
2 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Book of the Centurion

$100 USD
All of the above plus signed copy of The New Reaction by Rachel Haywire.
15 claimed
Ships to United States of America

Ultimate Trigger Package

$125 USD
All of the above plus a copy of Party at the World's End by James Curcio. This includes a Trigger Warning postcard, poster, pin, Issue #3 of Biopsy Zine by Chris Morgan, a personalized cocktail napkin/insulting limerick, a signed copy of The Talkative Corpse by Ann Sterzinger, and a signed copy of The New Reaction by Rachel Haywire.
8 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Buying In

$200 USD
All of the above plus Trigger Warning places your banner on our website when we launch our next issue.
1 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Private Tour: City of A-holes

$500 USD
All of the above plus tour of politically incorrect Los Angeles by Rachel Haywire.
6 claimed
Ships worldwide.

The Story of Your Life

$1,000 USD
All of the above plus one of our writers will write and publish a personalized story of your life. This is the "we will write your biography for you" option.
3 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Dinner in Chicago

$2,000 USD
All of the above plus Ann Sterzinger will take you to one of her favorite Chicago dives for dinner! You're also invited to our first meeting after the campaign ends.
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Full Time TW Posse!

$5,000 USD
Honorary Trigger Warning Card-Carrying Posse Participant: All of the above plus subscription to our staff mailing list and permanent sponsorship. You know it all before it happens.
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Can't Buy This in Stores

$8,000 USD
All of the above, plus a signed copy of the first edition of Ann Sterzinger's first release on Nine-Banded Books, NVSQVAM. This 1000-copy edition is now sold out and available only through Trigger Warning. We'll also throw in a copy of Ann's translation of Octave Mirbeau's IN THE SKY: the first-ever translation of this anarchist classic into English!
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Angel Investors

$10,000 USD
Any/all of the above plus we will launch an official Trigger Warning party in your city (Cabaret Degenerate) and book whomever you want to appear. (unless, for some insane reason, they decline this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity)
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.
sold out

Discord & Zines (Hailing Eris)

$150 USD
3 out of 3 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
sold out

Art from the Underground

$300 USD
1 out of 1 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
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