Become a supporter of Twin Cities Veg Fest to make a great event even better! Your support will help us reach new audiences, provide more tasty vegan food, and host great cooking demos at the festival. This year we're expanding into even more rooms to make more space for exhibitors and attendees!
Compassionate Action for Animals is hosting our fourth Twin Cities Veg Fest on Sunday, November 1, 2015. The festival will take place from 10am to 4pm at Coffman Memorial Union on the Minneapolis campus of the University of Minnesota.
Twin Cities Veg Fest is for anyone and everyone – from vegetarians and vegans to omnivores! Attendees learn where their food comes from, how to be a healthy vegetarian or vegan, and why being compassionate benefits everyone. Attendees enjoy free food, insightful speakers, fun cooking demos, and delicious meals. For this year's festival, we're going to use more space in the venue in order to reduce crowding and make the festival a better experience for attendees.
Twin Cities Veg Fest is free to attend. Your generous support is what makes this possible.
Please back this project today by clicking on one of the options to the right.
Note: All perks must be picked up at the festival, except for the $1,000 contribution perks, which will be delivered by hand in the Twin Cities metro area.