With the Typhoon, living out your childhood dreams of flying will only be as far away as your garage. Help us make the freedom of flying accessible to everyone.
Touted as a technological breakthrough, at the heart of the Typhoon is a ducted fan "hybrid" that exhibits the properties of a gyroscope where the ducted fan is magnetized, making it function as a rotor as well. The central fan not only stabilizes the vehicle, making for easy and safe flight control, but also creates enough lift, with more than 1000 HP on tap, to take off and land vertically.
Electromagnets located within the body of the vehicle create the oscillating magnetic fields used to interact with neodymium magnets located within the rotor itself. These are the same proven principles used in inrunner electric motors that power everything from computer hard drives to the Tesla sports car.
There are four corner fans that are rotatable in three dimensions and operate in a manner similar to a quadcopter drone, allowing for directional change in flight path.
Energy will be supplied by lithium-ion batteries, and eventually fuel cells, as the technology becomes more readily available.
Small enough to fit in your garage, the Typhoon will open a whole new world of freedom to its owner. Easily scalable-- While the Typhoon f1 is designed for a single occupant, a larger Typhoon f4, or four occupant model, would only require a one foot increase in the radius of the main fan.
Unlike other offerings that require large fields or airports for take off and landing, the Typhoon can take off from your driveway.
The controls of the vehicle are similar to a modern car. With a tug on the right steering wheel paddle, you will rise off the ground in an almost silent surge that gives you butterflies. Push the gas pedal to go forward; push the brake pedal to stop; steer left to go left and right to go right. When you arrive at your destination, pull on the left paddle and you will descend to a smooth, computer-assisted landing.
The Typhoon is computer-controlled
using a fly-by-wire system that allows for multiple flight settings: From an
autonomous “Drone” mode that essentially flies itself, to a “Sport” setting
that will allow for driver-inspired, multiple g-force banking turns, and
everything in between. Simply choose
your preferred setting from a switch located on the steering wheel. If you feel like you are losing control, just
let go of the steering wheel and the vehicle will return to a stable
hover. Additionally, the computer will
take over to ensure the safety of the occupants (i.e. proximity sensor is
tripped, low batteries, unsafe maneuvers, etc…). As a last-ditch safety measure, a
rocket-launched parachute will automatically deploy.
Structurally similar to a Formula One race car, the Typhoon will be constructed almost entirely of carbon fiber.
With recent advancements in the composition of specialized filaments used in 3D printing, we will now be able to employ this technology in the fabrication of the non-structural components of the vehicle. Additionally, we will use 3D printing to make molds that will be used to lay up the carbon fiber parts for the final production model.
I have been collaborating with electrical and mechanical engineers across the globe who specialize in innovative technologies, and also material engineers from MACD Engineering and Carbon Composites.
I learned at an early age that if you mixed iodide crystals and ammonia, you could make a solution that, when stepped on, would go POP!
My journey into Science began...
While other kids in my 5th grade class were making baking soda volcanoes, I brought in a Jacob's Ladder. By the end of the school year, I constructed a Tesla Coil using the Jacob's Ladder and then rebuilt an old Van de Graaff generator of my teacher's so that I could impress the girls by making their hair stand up!
Soon after, I started developing rocket fuel; singeing a few eyebrows along the way. One summer, my brother and I helped my father build an Atom Smasher in the basement. I still remember how much those lead aprons weighed.
As the years passed, I became an avid RC modeler, where I gained the experience of working with electric motors, customizing and building my own to suit various experiments. I guess you could say I have been an "Extreme Hobbyist" as early as I can remember.
My college experience included studies in Aerospace Engineering with degrees in Finance and Economics.
As a published author, film producer and designer, I have had the privilege of sharing a cup of coffee with many brilliant minds including Physicists, Astronauts Engineers and Futurists. It is this compendium of knowledge that has guided me on a path to the doorstep of the "Typhoon".
Now, in early 2015, after decades of study and experimentation, it is time to realize this dream.
The purpose of this campaign is to build a Full scale prototype of the Typhoon for testing.
The prototype will be manufactured almost entirely with large format 3D printers using special carbon laced filaments, allowing us to start flight testing within the year.
Most of the sub-systems, computer hardware, servo controls etc.. will be directly transferable between the prototype and the final production model.
The Typhoon will represent a leap forward in our conquering of skies and the freedoms that will come along with it. You can be a big part of that leap.
Risks & Challenges
Technologically, the Typhoon is an extremely complex machine, but it's that same technology that helps to simplify the actual manufacturing of the vehicle. The scientific principles that I am using are time tested and well proven; I am simply applying the technology in a different way to make it useful for the Typhoon.
Of course there can be manufacturing delays and complications that could possibly necessitate some changes to the basic design, but none of these complications would be insurmountable.
Other Ways You Can Help
Please help us get the word out about the Typhoon and our Indiegogo campaign through your social networks, friends, and family. All support is greatly appreciated.