UNCSA Drama Class of 2018 Showcase
UNCSA Drama Class of 2018 Showcase
UNCSA Drama Class of 2018 Showcase
UNCSA Drama Class of 2018 Showcase
UNCSA Drama Class of 2018 Showcase
This campaign is closed
UNCSA Drama Class of 2018 Showcase
We are the UNCSA School of Drama senior class. Our ensemble is approaching the end of our training, which means that Artsbound 2018 is right around the corner!
“Artsbound” is a series of scenes and songs chosen by each actor to showcase their unique talents, which they present to agents, managers, and casting directors in Chicago, New York City and Los Angeles. In the past Artsbound has resulted in actors signing with top agents, and solidifying their first jobs right out of school.
To raise the money needed for booking the venues & making travel arrangements for the class, we are hosting yard sales, bake sales, a 60’s themed cabaret and selling concessions at all main stage UNCSA Drama productions. These fundraisers help out immensely, but only provide about half of our projected expenses. Last year, approximately $70,000 was spent on Artsbound. That is why we must reach out to people like you, who have supported and believed in us, as we work to bridge the gap between our dreams and reality.
To make a tax deductible donation to Artsbound 2018, checks can be made out to “UNCSA Foundation” (with “Artsbound 2018” on the memo line), and mailed to:
UNCSA School of Drama
ATTN: Artsbound 2018
1533 S. Main St.
Winston-Salem, NC 27127
We appreciate any support you are able to give, no matter the amount. Every donation gets us closer to our goal. Thank you for believing in us!
All the best,
UNCSA School of Drama Class of 2018
P.S. If you’d like to see your donations in action, please like us on Facebook (UNCSA Drama Class of 2018) and follow us on Instagram (@uncsadrama2018). We are constantly making rehearsal updates and posting pictures from our final year.