United Metal Minds
United Metal Minds is an idea I've had for a long time to bring all of our creative, collaborative efforts into making an album together. I’m looking for singers, writers, guitar players, graphic designers, photographers and creative individuals who will submit their ideas and talent for a new album.
Together we will write and record this album and be proud of the results! My goal is to bring in and include as much of your talent into this creation as possible. Through this campaign we will be able to fund the album production.
A goal of this project is also to give back to the community and provide food for dogs and cats in local shelters.
About Me...
Music has been a big part of my life for a long time! Working with great talents in Epica, MaYaN, formerly in After Forever, and many amazing artists on different projects, has always been inspiring for me. Interested in new and exciting challenges not yet tried, I've had this idea for a long time... Let's write and record an album together!
We recently had the chance to involve our fans in the release of Symphonic Death Metal band MaYaN's new album Dhyana. After exceeding our goal in a successful crowdfunding campaign, we were able to enlist The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra in the album recording. Dhyana received great reviews on this shared success!
As an animal lover, I personally care for 3 stray dogs and 2 cats at home. Still, there are many more I want to help! With United Metal Minds, my goal is to also make a positive impact on dogs and cats in need. With your support to this campaign, I will also be able to buy and deliver food to local shelters and care for a larger number of animals in need.
Giving to the community and making a positive impact has also been of importance to me. In summer of 2007, I did a fundraiser "Ride for the Jaguar" where I completed a bike race in La Marmotte, France raising a total of €3.850 for the WWF (World Wildlife Fund).
Support and Rewards
By participating in this campaign, you will be a part of a worldwide collaboration uniting our metal minds and making this album possible. There is a range of perks available – from our digital album and artwork, to having a Skype chat with me!
By pledging for any of the Collaborator perks, you will be able to submit your vocals, riffs, lyrics or artwork to be considered for the album! From all the submissions, I will pick my favorite riffs, arrange them and compose songs out of them. I will adapt lyrics to the songs or song titles, and chose the voices and musicians that best fit the songs. Some of the music I will write myself and start song ideas for you to experiment with. The digital album booklet will include the most beautiful pictures you send in relation the main themes of sacred geometry and the flower of life.
Some perks will allow you to submit work for two people. This could be a friend or a talented musician who wishes to collaborate and may not able to pledge. We will keep a waiting list of aspiring collaborators (send us a message to be included). As a pledger, if you choose to give away the chance to collaborate, we will select the next name in the waiting list. Thanks to your pledge, this person will be able to submit their work.
While I can't guarantee that every idea submitted will be included, there is definitely an opportunity for you to impress me so I'll select your contribution. Once you make your pledge, you can email your files via wetransfer.com to mark@unitedmetalminds.com or send me a YouTube link. I will try to integrate as much music as possible from as many different people as possible.
I will ensure the music is recorded, mixed and mastered professionally. And finally, you will choose the album artwork and title! The digital album will be released either by a record company or independently.
UMM Logo and Themes
The design in the United Metal Minds logo is the dodecahedron or Metatron's cube. Metatron references strong energy, motivation and focus. The cube depicts the five platonic solids which may be derived from the flower of life.
These five geometrical forms are said to act as a template from which all life springs and are considered the building blocks of organic life. These five structures are found in minerals, animated and organic life forms, sound, music or language. I've adapted Metatron's cube in the logo as a representation of the musical collaboration in United Metal Minds.
With this in mind, and with inspiration from Drunvalo Melchizedek's The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life, the dodecahedron and the flower of life will be thematic influences in the album lyrics. I'm looking forward to hearing your ideas. When we've collected a list of title options, we will have a poll so you can vote on what will ultimately be the United Metal Minds album title.
From the very first pledge made to this campaign, I commit to recording at least one song, while reaching the campaign goal of €25.000 will allows us to record our entire album in digital format. There is also the chance that if we exceed the goal, we can print physical copies of the album. We could even play an album release show together with as many participants as possible joining in for this event! Check out the FAQ section for more information.
Making a Difference!
What makes this campaign extra special is that 10% of the funds raised will go directly to providing food for stray dogs and cats! Living in Sicily, I see a lot of street dogs and cats in need of help. While I currently care for 5 animals at home, there are so many more that I’d like to help. With your support, we can make this possible!
I will personally ensure the funds are used to buy food for dogs and cats and deliver it myself to local shelters. I'll post regular updates and pictures of the progress and the animals we are making a difference for.
Other Ways You Can Help
If you would like to help, but just don't have the funds, you can still contribute by sharing the news of this campaign and why it is important to you. Share our page, write a post, make a video - get creative and spread the word! Use the hashtag #unitedmetalminds
There are also Indiegogo social sharing tools you can use which can be found at the top of this page. Reach out with any questions at mark@unitedmetalminds.com.
Join United Metal Minds and be part of this
unique worldwide collaboration with me!
- Mark