***This campaign runs from 1 April - 30 April 2016
You know us Vegans are crazy right!?
What’s an even CRAZIER idea than to ‘convince’ 1 Billion people to join our ‘cult’ – yes?
...And all in the name of “World Peace”
Even more insane! I know right? Who do I think I am, Miss Universe or something?!
What if it works? What if it’s just CRAZY enough TO work?
What if it’s SO ‘extreme’ we could ACTUALLY create some REAL changes on our planet?
Imagine if we had 1 Billion people experiment with being Vegan for just 4 weeks?
I’m Bev Buckley and I’ve been full on Vegan for nearly a year now.
It’s been an amazing adventure so far and it just keeps getting better, I almost feel like I have ‘come out of the closet’, and I don’t have to follow a belief system that doesn’t support my values anymore (aka – Carnism).
Growing up I didn’t even know there was such a thing as ‘Vegan’… as I’m sure you may have had the same experience. Now, being Vegan is becoming more and more ‘normal’.
Most people choose to go Vegan because they are concerned for the massive amount of animals enduring huge amounts of suffering.
In honesty, that fact did contribute to my choice of becoming Vegan, but it wasn’t my main reason.
My main reason for choosing to be Vegan was because Vegan food just tastes better, I had SO much more energy! I had given up so many of the foods that caused me discomfort, it was just the logical next step, I couldn't live my life with pain anymore.
It was a process, it didn’t happen overnight, and it was challenging. Mostly because our mass society REALLY doesn’t support this way of living and neither do most of our family or friends.
It’s also such an inbred, indoctrinated belief system that has been made ‘familiar’ to us from birth! We are taught that eating meat, dairy and animal products is: Natural, Normal and Necessary ...
But is it really?
I now have so many friends who are Vegan and who had the VERY SAME issues as me, when exploring the Vegan lifestyle.
We all want to be accepted and most of the time being vegan isn’t acceptable.
I feel very strongly about giving everyone an opportunity to at least experiment being Vegan for a month and FEEL what it feels like.
I began thinking of what I could do to contribute and assist in ‘BEING THE CHANGE’.
I came across a book by Will Tuttle called the “World Peace Diet”, long story short he came to South Africa and gave an AMAZING talk.
After his talk, as we were leaving I saw a book by Master Ching Hai which we were given. In the book she says:
Now I don’t really know how viable it is, I mean 8 weeks… really?
We could certainly make some dramatic changes just by having 10 000 more people giving Veganism a ‘test drive’. BUT to my mind …
…ones that naysayers say are ‘impossible’, ‘impractical’ or ‘unrealistic’…
So, I set up this campaign for our planet, our beloved Mother Earth, Pachamama, Gaia, Tara and so many other names we give her, she gives us life. I feel very strongly that it’s up to US to ‘Be the change’ we want to see in the world. To wait for the corporations to catch up – will quite frankly never happen.
One of the most intimate relationships we can have on this planet is the food we eat, water we drink and air we breath. All three are being polluted and we are contributing to the destruction (whether we know it or not). Our Standard American/African/Asian Diet (SAD) is no longer sustainable, are you going to give Vegan 4 Good a go?
…to one of reverent respect, kindness and love for all beings, but most importantly yourself. I believe experimenting with being vegan is one of the kindest things you can do for YOU.
The truth is it’s gonna take more of us for this to happen, to sign up and share the message. This is a co-creative project, I have the idea, the platform, the support system and the program, everything for YOU to succeed.
… that is versatile enough to make it more raw or substitute alternative Vegan options. It is also relative to different parts of the world that may not have ‘ready made’ Vegan products or restaurants in your country. (Trust me in South Africa Vegan options are few and far between).
… to make it easy to buy your goodies
… to keep you motivated
… where you can ask any questions or get advice too
… of favorite recipes and more Vegan recipes from other Vegan fundies and foodies
… where you can ask questions, share stories and recipes or give/get advice
… in your area, from restaurants to nutritionists, chefs and vegan produce creators (this will be developed as our reach grows)
I know RIGHT! I told you being Vegan makes you crazy! Everything is delivered electronically – since I’m all for being more sustainable, let’s go for the quickest, easiest and simplest route.
Become a part of our support system for transitioning Vegans Contribute a recipe or success tip for aspiring Vegans with recognition
Be listed on our Vegan 4 Good website as a contributor
Be mentioned/featured in our Vegan 4 Good Recipe book
Be mentioned/featured on our Facebook Group page
Be mentioned/featured/interviewed in or on our coaching videos
*Limited to 40 of each category see the perks :-)
Good for YOU! You can support by choosing
the $1 option, you wont get the program but you will be included and recognized as one of the Billion people who MADE HISTORY!
We love you! Most of my family still eat meat, this is about educating and enlightening EVERYONE to make their OWN choice!
You may still love animals and support the vision for World Peace, but may just find that you don’t want to or cant stop eating meat.
We are not intending to force anyone into anything.
You are welcome to support too for $1, and take a look at why we are so PASSIONATE as Vegans.
In this campaign I have structured it to break the BIG 1 Billion People Target down into smaller, more attainable targets. Meaning I will run 8 campaigns, consisting of a launch month (to spread the word) and a ACTION/fulfillment month, where we will do the 1 month Vegan 4 Good experience and support each other and others exploring being vegan for the first time.
Each meal plan will be different from the last, Ill have new coaching videos and interviews with more experts too. This is intended to be a very dynamic, ever expanding campaign and I will be documenting everything in this process.
When this gains more momentum more people will hear and know about it, and then decide to join us.
It's also up to YOU to share it :-) - if we can exponentialize it to the power of 10 in each round we will be that much closer to the end target of 1 Billion people Vegan for a month.
Of course if it is done sooner then that will be even MORE AWESOME!
I must be honest, I am excited and scared all at the same time! I wonder what amazing possibilities this will open up for ALL of us!
Here is a video of me explaining the strategy:
**Timeline to Success Vegan 4 Good Video
And here is a simple idea of the timeline and targets I have set for us to reach:
Simply choose your perk on the right hand side of the page, pledge your amount and BOOM! You will have taken the first step with us to an amazing adventure of being Vegan for 4 weeks.
The rewards will be fulfilled from the last week of April, since we want you to prepare to start the 4 week program as a group collective on May 1st 2016.
The target for this campaign (Round 1) is 100 - 1000 people (or more), and you can share and encourage your friends and family to join too.
When we reach or exceed the target, the next rounds target will be higher, so we could even have 1 billion people be Vegan for a month in our first round! What amazing things are possible?
I ask that when you choose to do this with us for the 4 weeks, join the Facebook group, join us on the coaching calls, ask questions and for support. That is the whole reason I put this together, because the No.1 thing that holds us back is a weak support system. Support yourself and ask for support.
We can DO THIS!
Facebook Vegan 4 Good
Youtube Vegan 4 Good
Ok… I have a confession to make… I’m a tree hugging fairy that believes in riding rainbows on unicorns. You got me!
I love dancing with bunnies and butterflies in my spare time (which is most of the time). I laugh more than I frown and I think I might be addicted to raw chocolate.
I’m more in LOVE with myself and my life now than ever. I feel as if I can just be myself and that’s ok. I believe that the number one thing that is contributing to ALL of this is the fact that I have become Vegan.
My wish is that every human being on earth could feel how great this feels, which is why I started this Indigogo campaign.
If I could choose to leave any legacy it would definitely be ‘The fairy who inspired one billion people to be Vegan for a month and sparked the initiation of world peace’.
So if you feel like you would like to be a part of this amazing adventure, back this campaign.
Also, since I love hugging trees, I firmly feel that there should be plenty more on the planet. So whatever profits get generated from this campaign I have full intention of buying lots of land and planting food forests with lots of cacao (chocolate) trees, and retreat center where you can come for a magical Vegan getaway too!