Venice Football Club Swag
For our non-profit Venice Football Club (VFC) we are starting an additional little fundraiser for the second half of the world cup. Please donate and help us building the club further.
We all do this on a voluntary basis, but need funds to build out the club and make it as much fun as possible. Any surplus this project will generate will be donated to the Athletic Football Club ( a wonderful soccer program on the west side, that offers scholarships to underprivileged kids to learn and master the game in great team spirit.
The official VFC merchandising will be for VFC members and their friends only. We do not ship the swag, you can only pick it up at the club. T-Shirts and scarves are live-printed today (Sunday June 22nd) at the club.
Printing will be done by our friends from
Forza, Forza, Forza VFC.
Tobi, Eric, Andreas & Marc