K9s Harmed in the Line of Duty
Everyday K-9 officers are put at risk when they are dispatched into the field, oftentimes without proper protection. Without ballistic-and-stab resistant vests to prevent harm to these dogs, they can be seriously injured and sometimes even killed. In the month of January 2014 alone 13 canines were killed in the line of duty.
What We Aim to Do
For every $999 that we receive, we'll be able to purchase one vest from a local company, Bullet Blocker® for donation to various Police Departments. In addition to the vests that we purchase, Bullet Blocker has promised that they will match the price and donate a second vest. If all goes well and we raise our goal of $25,000 we will be able to purchase 25 vests and with Bullet Blocker's gracious donation we will have an additional 25 vests to donate to K9s in the line of duty.
Our Partnership
When selecting a company to donate vests to our cause we wanted to have somewhere close to home and lucked out in finding a local business that specializes in the production of ballistic-and-stab resistant protection. Bullet Blocker® has been nothing but, helpful in our campaign to help make these dogs safer out in the field. With their charitable donations we hope give away at least 50 vest, although Bullet Blocker® said there is no limit on how many vests we can donate!
The Impact
By donating these vests we can rest easy knowing that these K-9 officers will be much safer out in the line of duty:
- With these vests the dogs are now better protected from slashes and stabs as well as various firearms.
- Officers who own these dogs can now feel more at ease knowing their lifelong best friend is safe from harm.
- With these vests these canines can now more effectively protect and serve without falling into harms way.
Other Ways You Can Help
We know that not everyone can contribute but, it would be greatly appreciated it if you could share this campaign with all your friends and family. Every little bit counts and we hope that we can reach our goal to help protect these dogs out in the field. In addition please visit our partners website at: http://www.bulletblocker.com/