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Veterans Empowered Through Technology VETT

Improving the lives of Veterans through Innovation, Training and Community Support

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Veterans Empowered Through Technology VETT

Veterans Empowered Through Technology VETT

Veterans Empowered Through Technology VETT

Veterans Empowered Through Technology VETT

Veterans Empowered Through Technology VETT

Improving the lives of Veterans through Innovation, Training and Community Support

Improving the lives of Veterans through Innovation, Training and Community Support

Improving the lives of Veterans through Innovation, Training and Community Support

Improving the lives of Veterans through Innovation, Training and Community Support

Robert Slack
Robert Slack
Robert Slack
Robert Slack
1 Campaign |
Redwood City, United States
$1,545 USD 19 backers
4% of $32,585 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

Early October 24, 2013 I awoke to a phone call...the call that all parents of active duty service members dread. My son had become a casualty of war.But this did not happen on the battle field.My son suffered from the debilitating effects of PTSD.

After surviving the battles fought by First Battalion Fifth Marines his injuries would linger for years.The physical and mental effects of this disorder are well
documented. They effect all areas of the veterans’ life. Relationships, educational
goals, social interactions, holding down a job, at times all seemingly impossible tasks.
My name is Robert Slack. I am a Third Generation United States Marine Corps Veteran. Father of two Marine Corps Veterans and Director of Veterans Empowered through Technology VETT.

  • Vietnam‐era veterans comprised the largest group of veterans, making up 31.7 percent of California’s total population of veterans. More than three out of every five (63.8 percent) Vietnam‐era veterans were between the ages of 55 and 64. Nearly 3 out of every 10 (28.6 percent) Vietnam‐era veterans were age 65 or older.
  • Gulf War veterans from September 2001 forward, or recent veterans, comprised 15.0 percent of California’s veteran population, followed by veterans who served between the Vietnam era and the first Gulf War (12.6 of all veterans), and Gulf War veterans who served between August 1990 and August 2001 (10.0 percent of all veterans). World War II veterans comprised less than 10 percent of California’s veteran population in 2009. 


 Nearly 80 percent of all male veterans participate in the employment pool while only 73 percent of civilian men do. However, our young male veterans, those 18-24, have a higher unemployment rate than their civilian counterparts: 20.4 percent compared to 16.4 percent. Young women veterans (those aged 34 and under, have higher unemployment rates than either male veterans or their female civilian counterparts (civilian women aged 25-34 have 8.3 percent unemployment whereas women veterans 25-34 have 11.6 percent unemployment and women from the most recent conflict have 12.5 percent unemployment).


Male veterans living in poverty are about 1.2 times more likely to progress to homelessness when compared to civilians living in poverty. Women veterans, however, are twice as likely as other adults to move into homelessness, and women veterans in poverty are 2.7 times as likely to move into homelessness as other adults living in poverty. For 18-30 year old veterans living in poverty, when compared to non veteran adults living in poverty, veterans are 3.4 times as likely to become homeless.


Veterans face different health problems than the civilian population. While heart disease, high blood pressure, and musculoskeletal problems are common among veterans, other physical issues not as common in the civilian population occur at high rates for veterans. “Hearing impairment was the most common traumatic injury, affecting some 63 percent of the veterans, followed by vision loss, orthopedic injuries, traumatic brain injury (4.2 percent), burns, spinal cord injury, and amputation (1.3 percent). Just over five percent of the veterans had polytrauma wounds — multiple, complex injuries requiring intensive therapy.”


Veterans face an array of mental health problems. Depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and substance abuse all occur at higher rates for veterans than they do for their civilian peers. Women veterans appear to be at greater risk for developing behavioral health problems than their male counterparts.

Where do I start?
What do I do?
How do I succeed?

The demands of our society puts great stress on the individual. Family and personal lives, social interaction, education and career choices are challenges we all face. Our veterans deal with these same challenges but with the added baggage of physical and mental trauma. Service to our country comes with many costs. When reentering the job market one penalty we face is “Lost Time”. Often military occupations do not carry directly over to civilian equivalents. And years of faithful service seem to have lost their value.

The VETT Program supports the interests of the Veterans Administration, as well as the Education Community and organizations like AARP, in finding new ways of providing Veterans with resources that will help them improve their economic position, live healthy fulfilling lives while continue to be productive contributors to their communities. 


VETT BOOT CAMP. This ‘boot camp’ challenges the individual to expand his or her talents and skills through a 6 week, rigorous series of classes and hands on training focused on all aspects of prototyping and design. Following the classroom instruction members apply the training through participation in group prototyping sessions. These group activities and workshops address the development of important collaborative skills, required to maintain gainful employment and be comfortable in normal social situations.



TechShop is a membership-based do-it-yourself workshop and fabrication studio that supports a growing community of makers and innovators. Along with classes and personal instruction Veterans can use TechShop's cutting edge training and equipment to become more competitive in the job market or pursue entrepreneurial goals while interacting with other TechShop and community members, including fellow Veterans.       

                     VETT Journey Map: Program Overview /  VETT Full Class List


What can $32,585 do?


  •  Upstream Suicide Intervention.
  •  Improving Veterans receptivity to Mental Health Care,
  •  Promote treatment, Engagement, and Participation.
  •  Improve mental wellness by creating Innovative method of incentivizing        behavior.
  •   Provide an atmosphere that stimulates Veterans to achieve their Educational  and Career goals.
  •  Provide a usable skill set that can provide immediate job opportunities as  Private Contractors.
  •  Exposure to Entrepreneurial opportunities in a wide array of Emerging                 Technologies.


The explosion of Maker Spaces around the country is creating an innovation revolution. Techshop is a leader with 8 facilities running and two in planning. The Techshop Business model allows the VETT program to be ‘facility independent’ and thus expansion and reach of services is unlimited.


The final stage of the VETT program is to create a pool of skilled veterans for the large quantity of California Tech Start-up businesses. Also many established businesses need labor for overflow work. Contract labor fills this need with lower costs to the employer and flexibility for the veteran contractor. The contacts gained through networking can lead full time employment or other business opportunities.

Project 1
Unmanned Arial Vehicle Systems

UAV remote sensing functions include electromagnetic spectrum sensors, gamma ray sensors, biological sensors, and chemical sensors. A UAV's electromagnetic sensors typically include visual spectruminfrared,  or near-infrared cameras as well as radar systems. Biological sensors are sensors capable of detecting the airborne presence of various microorganisms and other biological factors.Chemical sensors use laser spectroscopy to analyze the concentrations of each element in the air.
Aerotestra, an innovator in the emerging field of Unmanned Arial Vehicle Systems, is collaborating with VETT to provide real world manufacturing experience to VETT participants. The UAV’s created using Techshop facilities will be donated schools, and Not-For-Profit organizations involved in research for land and watershed sustainability, forestry, sustainable land management & conservation

Project 2
Cloud Based Telecommunications

Cloud communications providers deliver voice & data communications applications and services, hosting them on servers that the providers own and maintain, giving their customers access to the “cloud.” Because they only pay for services or applications they use, customers have a more cost-effective, reliable and secure communications environment, without the headaches associated with more conventional PBX system deployment.
Semper Fi Telecommunications, a Veteran owned and operated tech company provides opportunities for veterans choosing VETT Electronics Class track. Network equipment installation and maintenance, troubleshooting, marketing and customer relations to support other Non Profit and Veteran assistance organizations as well as the general public. 

Project 3
3d prototyping systems

Rapid prototyping is a group of techniques used to quickly fabricate a scale model of a physical part or assembly using three-dimensional computer aided design(CAD) data.Construction of the part or assembly is usually done using 3D printing or "additive layer manufacturing" technology. As with CNC subtractive methods, the computer-aided-design - computer-aided manufacturing CAD-CAM workflow in the traditional Rapid Prototyping process starts with the creation of geometric data, either as a 3D solid using a CAD workstation, or 2D slices using a scanning device.
GMax 3d printing system. The gMax printer is ideal for printing large sized products that can be used in the real world, high resolution models, as well as functional prototypes. All of the printable component are available as downloads. Sources for all equipment and materials are also available. The printers created in the program are donated. VETT participants can then use Techshop to create their own 3D printer.

Beyond money — we need your help spreading the word!

At its heart, the VETT Program is a grassroots movement driven by family, therapists, educators and Veterans who want help change the conditions that exist for some of our bravest. Whether you donate to our campaign or not, you can still help make change for the future.

Ways you can help:
·  Spread the word about theVETT Program on FacebookorTwitter.
·  Get involved in bringing a Makerspace to your city.
·  Stay connected. Follow VETTprogram.Org on Facebook and on Twitter to stay up-to-date on the Innovation movement.
·  To date, we've been privileged to have the support of many generous individuals,But to sustain our organization for the long haul, we need to engage local businesses, corporations, and foundations. All donations, regardless of the amount, help further our mission and allow us to reach more Veterans. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Are you a non-profit?

Can I write-off my contribution with my taxes? Yes, VETT is registered as a public 501(c) (3) nonprofit. Contributions to VETT are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. VETT tax ID number is EIN 47-3006274.

How can I get a tax deductible receipt? 

When you contribute, you will receive an email from FirstGiving (Indiegogo’s nonprofit payments processor) confirming your contribution. This email receipt can be used for tax deductible purposes. For all contributions over $250, you will receive an official receipt for tax-reporting purposes by email after the campaign ends.

Payment methods do you accept?

Indiegogo accepts all major credit cards.

Large Contributions - How can I make a contribution over $10,000?

The nonprofit payment processor (FirstGiving) that is handling the transactions for this campaign is able to accept direct wire transfers for contributions of $10,000 or more. If you are interested in making a large contribution through a wire transfer to FirstGiving, please contact us at(                       ) . We’ll connect you with a specialist at Indiegogo who will assist you with the contribution transfer process.

Is shipping included?


Does international shipping cost extra?

Yes, but Indiegogo doesn't allow us to add any extra shipping to the perks, so it is included in the suggested donation price.

I have more questions. Who do I ask?

Please contact to ask your question. We’ll get back to you as soon as we can.


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Choose your Perk

ID tag and Wrist band

$5 USD
Contributors at this level will receive a souvenir of their good hearted concern for this worthy cause. For your participation you will receive the VETT Supporter camouflage wrist band and one set of personalized anodized dog tags. Choice of colors, red, blue, green, black or gold.
Estimated Shipping
March 2015
4 out of 1000 of claimed

Ammo boxes and Ammo cans

$50 USD
This Perk is one of my favorite. Ammo boxes and Ammo cans are unforgettable reminders of the traditions and history of our nation’s protectors. Your contribution at this level gets you a personalized 12” x12” x2” Wooden Ammo Gift Box, and one standard issue Steel Ammo Can. The wooden ammo box can serve to store ribbons, metals and awards in safe keeping. The uses for a steel ammo can are unlimited.
Estimated Shipping
May 2015
2 out of 250 of claimed

Custom Laser-etch of photo

$100 USD
Send us a picture of a loved one or friends to and we will do a premium quality laser etch print of that photo. See example below
Estimated Shipping
April 2015
0 out of 10 of claimed

Commemorative Custom Etching

$325 USD
My career as an illustrator has been very fulfilling. It has been my pleasure to have been commissions to create compositions for many special occasions. Contributors at this level get a custom 18” x 24” coated metal etching personalized with Name, Rank, Service Bio, Units served with etc. These one of a kind commemorative is shipped in a custom engraved wooden gift box. Very personal, very sincere unforgettable.
Estimated Shipping
May 2015
1 out of 100 of claimed

“Silver Star” Contributor

$500 USD
Individuals and Corporate contributors can donate directly. Your contributions provide one veteran access to the VETT “Boot Camp”. Contributors receive status as an Honorary “Silver Star” Contributor. Your framed Certificate of Participation will be sent to you confirming your commitment to this veteran support program.
Estimated Shipping
March 2015
1 out of 100 of claimed

“Gold Medal” Contributor

$1,000 USD
Individuals and Corporate contributors can donate directly. Your contributions provide one veteran access to the VETT “Boot Camp” program plus the one year membership usable at all Techshop locations nationwide. Contributors receive status as an Honorary “Gold Medal” Contributor. Your framed Certificate of Participation will be sent to you confirming your commitment to this veteran support program.
0 out of 100 of claimed

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