This campaign is closed

Vulture Industries 4th Album

The crowdfunding is now stopped. We will announce further when we open for preorders at our webshop

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Vulture Industries 4th Album

Vulture Industries 4th Album

Vulture Industries 4th Album

Vulture Industries 4th Album

Vulture Industries 4th Album

The crowdfunding is now stopped. We will announce further when we open for preorders at our webshop

The crowdfunding is now stopped. We will announce further when we open for preorders at our webshop

The crowdfunding is now stopped. We will announce further when we open for preorders at our webshop

The crowdfunding is now stopped. We will announce further when we open for preorders at our webshop

Vulture Industries
Vulture Industries
Vulture Industries
Vulture Industries
2 Campaigns |
Bergen, Norway
$11,448 USD $11,448 USD by 242 backers
$11,270 USD by 238 backers on Apr 8, 2017
Mountain Filled 2 Projects Mountain Filled 2 Projects
We are taking the next step in our career with this album. We have put a lot of effort into song arrangements, so it has really taken too long since our latest album, but now we are ready to excite our fans and those who haven't heard us before.

Congratulations everybody, we made 100 %!

And with a sigh of relief, we can say THANK YOU for the massive support. We honestly didn’t know what to expect when we started this crowdfunding; we were very happy and grateful to discover that we have committed supporters all over the world, friends who are truly interested in the progress of Vulture Industries.

The contributions are greatly appreciated and mean a lot to us. In addition, we have received tremendous amounts of positive feedback, leaving us overwhelmed and in awe that our work is so highly valued.

If you check the campaign site, it has turned into InDemand mode. In practical terms, this means we won´t actively be pushing the campaign further, but it will still be possible to pre order the perks we have listed. At the same time, we can keep updating backers with news from the production and designs. After a certain time, we will close the InDemand mode and open our web shop for pre orders. So the perks from the campaign will still be available as long as InDemand mode is on.

A small up-date: the recordings are all finished and we have booked mastering just after Easter. We are all very happy with the songs and the sound. Costin has sent us a preview of the front cover – it´s going to be awesome!

Again, thank you all so much – see you soon, somewhere!


Here's the campaign pitch:

We're five guys from Bergen, Norway, who have kept the same line-up since we started up in 2004. Since then we have released two albums on Dark Essence/Karisma Records and the latest on Season of Mist.

Being a rising band, but still relatively small, means that we have to finance all the recording, mastering and artwork ourselves. For the previous albums we received very good support through different grants and cultural foundations. This time, however, just as we are about to release our most important album, we have not received the support we need to cover the production costs. So far. That's why we are trying something new.

In order to be able to release AND be able to follow up the release with touring, promotion, videos and producing merchandise, we need your support. Our goal is to get as much pre-sale income as possible, so that we are not broke when the album is finished and ready for pressing. By contributing to the making of this album, you will, in return, receive some nice Perks from us which include receiving the album a few days before official release date.  If the campaign goes really well, we will also be able to finance touring in new territories and increase our already very nice fan base.


Those who have had access to the pre-listening have been overwhelmingly excited by what they are hearing, and we get reactions like "fantastic", "...huge hit!", "congratulations!". 

We promise to make you proud.

 We want to see the world...and we hope that the world wants to see us. After touring all over Europe and doing more than 150 gigs we are anxious to go touring again and hopefully be invited to some nice festivals. We would like to see America, Australia and perhaps Asia, but also to go back to many of the places we have played so far. The costs of touring anywhere are considerable and in order to bring our music to the fans, old and new, we need financial support.

If you take a look on the right you will find some nice Perks that we hope you find interesting. If you can't afford to buy a Perk, then you can still help us by spreading this to everyone you know!

 Limited Campaign T-shirt

Basically, the aim of this campaign is to finance the release of the album. In all honesty, we think many of those who will be buying Perks now are probably the same guys and ladies who have been buying from our web store and at our concerts.  Therefore, we will effectively be starting out by "removing" future income that we were previously able to rely on to finance some of our touring, and we have to do better than that.  It is our hope to be able to go out touring with money in the bank rather than a lot of debt. Therefore, we also need your friends, and your friends' friends, to give us their support.  If we can achieve that, then we will have something very special - a brand new Vulture Industries album and a band that has the possibilities to go touring.  That would be nice indeed.

How  about a vintage shovel?

The campaign is "flexible", which means the album will be released no matter how much we manage to collect. But the more we collect, the more we can work to ensure that this is the best Vulture Industries ever, both live and in the studio, and bring it to the attention of more people to enjoy.

Signed sticks and drum heads perhaps?

 So what needs to be done?

You can make a difference here! For those of you who know us and have supported us before we need you now more than ever! And for those that are new to our world, we welcome you with open arms!

The album we are about to release is a huge step for Vulture Industries, and we want to bring you along for the ride. As we are well into the mixing stage of the recordings we hear that this is turning into something really special. For us it's hard to tell, working on these tunes for a long time you get somewhat biased about how good it is. But what we do know, and can hear for ourselves, is that with the amount of work we have put into this it is already sounding very very nice.

 Are there risks involved?

Every purchased Perk will be shipped as promised, at the promised time.

We don't have designs for the stuff yet, but we will update the campaign pages as things become available.

There will also be Special Offer Perks along the way, so keep coming back for updates and more info on how this is going.

How can you help?

Please share! Today and the next day. Then again and again, until our goal is reached.  And hopefully then some.

Funding goal

We have set a staged funding goal. The budget below shows the first stage, which covers the recording costs and cover design. If we manage to set this first goal we will raise the goal to the next stage, which will finance press photos, a video budget and a web page re-design. Third step will be for raising money to finance touring.




Producer Fee

 € 3 058,62


Rental  and tech

 €     689,70



 €      602,41


Misc. costs

 €      418,85



 € 1 000,00


Cover art and design

 € 1 000,00


Studio rental

 € 8 416,44


Cost of perks and crowdfunding fee

 € 4 420,00






Grant from Bergen County

 €    2 873,56



 € 10 000,00


Covered by VI and SoM

 €    6 732,46



 € 19 606,20



 €                  0





How can I get in touch with you regarding the campaign?
Please press "Ask a question" at the top of the page or email us at Or you can get in touch via Twitter or Facebook.

When is the album release date?
As this campaign is started the most reasonable date will be after summer, before the touring season starts, which means late August/early September.

Where can I choose T-shirt size?
You can choose size when you check out. If you want a girlie size, give us a message afterwards.

When will I receive my Perks?
The CD and the LP can will be shipped a few days before the official release date. Digital copies will be two days before the release day. Other Perks can be shipped earlier.

The Jacket Patch and Drum Sticks have no shipping; do I have to get two perks to get this one? No, of course not, send us a message if you want to purchase a perk without shipping, and we will arrange for this.

There are no shipping costs included for the Perks. How much do I add and where do I do that?
After you press Get this Perk you will have different shipping options.

I would like to buy more than one perk. Can I combine shipping? Please send us a notice telling us what you would want to add, and we'll figure it out. There is no default "ship multiple items" setting in yet, but we have a solution if you send us a message.

Any more questions? Send us a message, and we will respond as fast as possible (daily). Cheers!




Looking for more information? Check the project FAQ
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Choose your Perk

Jacket Patch

Currency Conversion $9 USD
€8 EUR
Any free space on your jacket? If not; make room! There is no shipping for this item, which means it will be shipped only along with another perk.
Included Items
  • Jacket Patch
Estimated Shipping
September 2017
10 claimed

Digital album

Currency Conversion $11 USD
€10 EUR
Be the first to download the digital album. Hi-res edition (FLAC) or MP3. We cannot promise an early release, as we have obligations to our record company, but you will get it FIRST.
Included Items
  • Digital Album
Estimated Shipping
September 2017
15 claimed

Drum Stick

Currency Conversion $11 USD
€10 EUR
Get one of the sticks that survived the recordings, signed by TH (and the rest of us if you ask very nicely). There is no shipping for this item, which means it will be shipped only along with another perk.
Included Items
  • Drum stick
Estimated Shipping
August 2017
2 out of 6 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Drum skin

Currency Conversion $11 USD
€10 EUR
TH changed his drum skins. The old ones can be yours, signed of course.
Included Items
  • Drum skin
Estimated Shipping
September 2017
2 claimed


Currency Conversion $16 USD
€15 EUR
Pre-order a signed CD. This will be a limited first pressing digipak edition.
Included Items
  • CD
Estimated Shipping
August 2017
70 claimed
Ships worldwide.


Currency Conversion $16 USD
€15 EUR
Get a special ltd. ed. campaign t-shirt designed by Costin Chioreanu!
Included Items
  • T-shirt
Estimated Shipping
August 2017
17 out of 100 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Signed Picture and Sticker

Currency Conversion $22 USD
€20 EUR
We have gotten a suggestion to equip Bjørnar with a red nose of a clown. Somebody wants to see a Vulture eating its favourite meal in its natural habitat. YOU tell us, we might fix it. Each picture will be unique. The sticker is the campaign front picture of Mr Vulture ( asking "pretty please"). Shipping is not included.
Included Items
  • Signed picture and sticker
Estimated Shipping
August 2017
1 claimed
Ships worldwide.


Currency Conversion $27 USD
€25 EUR
Get a signed LP and a digital download. We have been thinking of releasing this as coloured disks, but will probably press on black vinyl, as this is supposed to have better sound. Tell us what you want, and we'll see what we can do.
Included Items
  • LP
Estimated Shipping
September 2017
16 claimed
Ships worldwide.


Currency Conversion $49 USD
€45 EUR
The hoodie will be made of highest quality cotton and have zipper. Designs by Costin Chioreanu of course. As always: If you have bought other items: please send us a message before your press Get This Perk, so you don't have to pay too much shipping!
Included Items
  • Hoodie
Estimated Shipping
September 2017
2 claimed
Ships worldwide.

LP Bundle

Currency Conversion $65 USD
€60 EUR
This lovely package includes a signed LP, a digital download, a special bundle campaign T-shirt, a unique signed picture and a campaign front page sticker.
Included Items
  • Digital Album
  • LP
  • T-shirt
  • Signed picture and sticker
Estimated Shipping
September 2017
13 out of 50 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Mr Vulture Package

Currency Conversion $76 USD
€70 EUR
Get a foldable top hat, a monocle, a home made Vulture Beak, signed of course, and a deck of Vulture Industries cards. Become a real Vulture!
Included Items
  • Foldable top hat
  • Monocle
  • Hand made Vulture beak
  • Deck of cards
Estimated Shipping
September 2017
4 out of 20 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Mr Vulture Society Member

Currency Conversion $87 USD
€80 EUR
You will get a Member T-shirt and a laminate with your picture, that you can bring to Vulture Industries shows and get very special deals at the merch table and of course special deals and releases from our web store. For each tour we will think up and print something special just for you.
Included Items
  • T-shirt
  • Member laminate w/picture
  • Tour specials
Estimated Shipping
September 2017
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Join Us On Stage

Currency Conversion $109 USD
€100 EUR
Bring your axe, drumsticks or mic and join us on stage performing on your favourite song. We will rehearse the chosen song at soundcheck, have a meal and some drinks and then hit the stage together.
Included Items
  • Join us on stage
2 out of 6 of claimed


Currency Conversion $136 USD
€125 EUR
Shovel your own coal with this one! Has been used both on stage and on previous recordings. We will also invite you to join us on stage to do shovel percussion. Signed of course. You will have to join us for sound check to receive the shovel and rehearse a chosen song.
Included Items
  • Shovel
Estimated Shipping
September 2017
0 out of 1 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Mr Vulture Soc. Premium Member

Currency Conversion $142 USD
€130 EUR
This membership grants you all the benefits of the Mr Vulture Society Member, and a signed picture and a sticker. AND you will receive the Mr Vulture package
Included Items
  • T-shirt
  • Foldable top hat
  • Monocle
  • Hand made Vulture beak
  • Deck of cards
  • Member laminate w/picture
  • Tour specials
Estimated Shipping
September 2017
2 out of 50 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Ltd Edition Box

Currency Conversion $163 USD
€150 EUR
The Ltd Edition box includes LP, CD, and everything from the other bundles. AND hand written lyrics PLUS a secret item. Everything signed and with a greeting. What more can you ask for?
Included Items
  • CD
  • LP
  • T-shirt
  • Hand written lyrics
  • Secret Item
  • Signed picture and sticker
Estimated Shipping
September 2017
7 out of 30 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Mr Vulture Society Knight

Currency Conversion $196 USD
€180 EUR
You will get access to all Premium Member perks, but also one ticket to a live show and meet and greet before the show, as well as side stage access during the show, if there is room and as long as we are headliners, and not at festivals .
Included Items
  • T-shirt
  • Foldable top hat
  • Monocle
  • Hand made Vulture beak
  • Deck of cards
  • Member laminate w/picture
  • Tour specials
  • Ticket, meet/greet, sidestage
Estimated Shipping
September 2017
0 out of 30 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Mr Vulture Soc Inner Circle

Currency Conversion $251 USD
€230 EUR
This exclusive package gives you the same benefits as the Knights, but also the LP, a digital download and a backstage pass along with your laminated concert ticket.
Included Items
  • Digital Album
  • LP
  • T-shirt
  • Foldable top hat
  • Monocle
  • Hand made Vulture beak
  • Deck of cards
  • Member laminate w/picture
  • Tour specials
  • Laminated ticket/backstage
Estimated Shipping
September 2017
5 out of 10 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
sold out

CD Bundle

Currency Conversion $44 USD
€40 EUR
Estimated Shipping
September 2017
50 out of 50 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
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