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Wanderlust LP Vinyl

Help Bob and the Apple print their second LP in 12" vinyl format!

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Wanderlust LP Vinyl

Wanderlust LP Vinyl

Wanderlust LP Vinyl

Wanderlust LP Vinyl

Wanderlust LP Vinyl

Help Bob and the Apple print their second LP in 12" vinyl format!

Help Bob and the Apple print their second LP in 12" vinyl format!

Help Bob and the Apple print their second LP in 12" vinyl format!

Help Bob and the Apple print their second LP in 12" vinyl format!

Giacomo Gilmozzi
Giacomo Gilmozzi
Giacomo Gilmozzi
Giacomo Gilmozzi
1 Campaign |
Trento, Italy
€702 EUR 18 backers
46% of €1,500 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Wanderlust is the new album by Bob and the Apple, a band based in Berlin, Paris and Trento, Italy. Their new self-produced record contains two EPs released throughout 2018 and 2019, and it's the band second record after the 2012 album Rouge Squadron. Help Bob and the Apple print Wanderlust 12'' vinyl LP and receive your own copy as soon as it's ready! The artwork contains two beautiful pictures by the Colombian artist Juliana Gómez Quijano and a letter design by Matteo Campostrini.

Hi, we are Bob and the Apple, a band based in Paris, Berlin and Trento. We just self-released a double EP called Wanderlust and we need your help to print the 12" vinyl LP version of the record!

We started Bob and the Apple almost 10 years ago, back in our hometown in northern Italy – Trento. We released our first album in 2012 - called Rouge Squadron - and then we moved abroad and took this project with us. We have been recording our follow up record for the past 4 years, and after countless studio sessions in between our working and studying life duties, we managed to release a double EP featuring 8 new tracks, Wanderlust.

The whole record is self-produced and self-released together with our producer Ricky Damian (Mark Ronson, Dua Lipa, Lady Gaga, Adele..). It was recorded between our bedrooms and more appropriate studios such as Abbey Road and Tileyard Studios in London and Magister Studio in Treviso, Italy.

The album cover features two beautiful photographs from Colombian photographer Juliana Gómez Quijano and letter design by Italian designer Matteo Campostrini. They captured perfectly the emotions of our album through their work – and that's why we can't wait to have this album printed in our hands! We love vinyl records, and we felt that this recording experience and artistic process deserved more than to be uploaded as a bunch of mp3 files on a Spotify server.

This record was 100% self produced, and in order to be able to print the LP we are asking for your support. We are not looking to make any profit from this: all the money will be used to print the vinyls. You can select a pickup location in Paris, Berlin or Trento, Italy – or have it delivered at your place paying a small additional delivery fee. Thanks for your support!


Wanderlust I - side one:

Listen on Spotify:

Listen on Apple Music:

1. Wanderlust

2. Desolina III

3. Big Sky

4. Instant Lover

Wanderlust II - side two:

Listen on Spotify:

Listen on Apple Music:

5. Soanne

6. Feeling

7. Sitar

8. Strangers


Ciao! Siamo I Bob and the Apple, una band italiana attiva tra Parigi, Berlino e Trento. 
Siamo qui a chiedervi un piccolo sostegno per la realizzazione dei vinili del nostro nuovo album, Wanderlust.

Abbiamo iniziato a suonare insieme quasi dieci anni fa, nella piccola città dove siamo cresciuti –Trento. Dopo aver registrato “Rouge Squadron” nel 2012 ed averlo suonato soprattutto in Italia, abbiamo passato gli ultimi 4 anni a produrre nuove canzoni. Il risultato di innumerevoli registrazioni, scremature e aggiustamenti è un doppio EP di 8 canzoni, chiamato Wanderlust.

L’intero album è prodotto e arrangiato in collaborazione col nostro producer Ricky Damian (Mark Ronson, Dua Lipa, Lady Gaga, Adele, …), e l’abbiamo registrato fra le mura delle nostre case ed alcuni studi professionali sparsi in Europa, tra cui Abbey Road e i Tileyard Studios di Londra, il Butterama di Berlino ed il Magister studio di Treviso.

La cover dell’album vede la collaborazione di Juliana Gómez Quijano, fotografa colombiana che ha colto perfettamente l’essenza dell'album con due scatti, mentre il lettering è stato curato dal designer Matteo Campostrini. Il risultato è stato superiore a qualsiasi nostra aspettativa, tanto che desideriamo valorizzarlo con un formato "classico", che ci sta molto più a cuore rispetto ad una semplice pagina su Spotify. E quale migliore formato del caro vecchio vinile? 

Abbiamo prodotto quest’album da soli, ed arrivati a questo punto abbiamo bisogno del vostro aiuto per poterlo stampare. Vorremmo fosse chiaro che le vostre donazioni serviranno unicamente a finanziare la stampa dell’album. Potete scegliere una zona di ritiro a Parigi, a Berlino ed a Trento, oppure riceverlo comodamente a casa vostra – con un piccolo sovrapprezzo per le spese di spedizione.

Grazie mille per il vostro aiuto!

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LP delivered to your home

€18 EUR
Get Wanderlust 33'' LP shipped to your home address. Shipment is available within all Europe for a 9€ fee.
Included Items
  • Wanderlust 12'' LP
  • Wanderlust LP Digital Download
Estimated Shipping
May 2019
2 claimed
Ships to European Union

LP self pickup

€18 EUR
Pick up Wanderlust 33'' LP in Trento, Italy, Paris or Berlin to save shipment fees.
Included Items
  • Wanderlust 12'' LP
  • Wanderlust LP Digital Download
  • LP Pickup
Estimated Shipping
May 2019
9 claimed

LP + Shopper delivered to you

€25 EUR
Get one Wanderlust LP and digital download + one Wanderlust Shopper bag (available in black or white) delivered at your place!
Included Items
  • Wanderlust 12'' LP
  • Wanderlust LP Digital Download
  • Wanderlust Shopper Bag
Estimated Shipping
May 2019
0 claimed
Ships to European Union

LP + T-Shirt delivered to you

€28 EUR
Get one Wanderlust LP + one Wanderlust T-Shirt (available in Black, White, Mint Green and Dark Grey) delivered at your place.
Included Items
  • Wanderlust 12'' LP
  • Shipment within Europe
  • Wanderlust LP Digital Download
  • Wanderlust T-Shirt
Estimated Shipping
May 2019
2 claimed
Ships to European Union

LP + T-Shirt + Shopper deliver

€33 EUR
Get one Wanderlust LP and digital download + one Wanderlust T-shirt (available in black, white, mint green or dark grey) + one Wanderlust Shopper bag (available in black or white) delivered at your place!
Included Items
  • Wanderlust 12'' LP
  • Wanderlust LP Digital Download
  • Wanderlust T-Shirt
  • Wanderlust Shopper Bag
Estimated Shipping
May 2019
0 claimed
Ships to European Union

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