We are looking for help to bring innovative tried and tested water harvesting techniques to the attention of more small scale subsistence farmers and community leaders in Zimbabwe.
Mr Zephaniah Phiri is a recognised pioneer of keeping water in the landscape. Despite living in a very dry region of Zimbabwe he is able to grow a diversity of crops even in times of drought. Unreliable rainfall patterns can destroy the livelihoods of small-scale farmers across the country. Mr Phiri is a charismatic teacher and thousands have people have visited his farm since he started developing his unique techniques in the 1960's.
But for many this is not possible as he lives in a remote part of Zimbabwe. We plan to set up a demonstration water harvesting plot at Kufunda Learning Village just outside Harare, the capital city of Zimbabwe. We will invite Mr Phiri to teach young leaders on Kufunda's Environmental Leadership Programme - and they will carry out the practical work to build the plot and learn how to manage it. In the future visitors to Kufunda will be able to learn about Mr Phiri's techniques and get inspiration from his life-long work through seeing them in practice.
Kufunda Learning Village is visited by well over 500 people every year to take part in a range of activities. Most of these visitors are involved in some form of community development, so they are ideal candidates for spreading awareness far and wide. In one week this March there were nearly 200 people visiting us! So our demonstration plot will bring Mr Phiri's sustainable ideas to so many more people.
What we need:
Yes, we need money! To be precise we need 4500 US Dollars to make our vision come true. This will pay for:
Two members of Kufunda Learning Village to spend one week with Mr Phiri, learning his techniques first hand on his farm.
Mr Phiri to spend one week at Kufunda to inspire 23 young leaders aged 18-35 during the six-month 'Communiversity' Programme. Each year Kufunda hosts 20 + young people through a leadership apprentice programme for sustainable community.
Members of Muonde Trust to accompany Mr Phiri to help with the practical training necessary to establish the demonstration plot. This includes mapping out the site and digging Phiri pits, contour ridges and ponds. Muonde Trust was established in 2014 and works with Mr. Phiri to train and inspire dozens
of local farmer leaders, mostly women, to transform agricultural practices in their home area of Mazvihwa and beyond
The production of publicity materials. Leaflets, a display board and a short video
Even small contributions will go a long way.
But if you don't have cash to spare that's ok too. We'd love you to read on and learn about our project and tell others about our campaign.
Read more about the project here
Read more of Mr Phiri's work here
Thank you to Muonde Trust for the use of some of their photos
Those who have not met Zephiah Phiri would find it difficult to imagine the integrity and charisma of this inspirational figure, while those who have met him never forget him.