The arts have always had a remedying place in crisis, but with Covid-19, theatres have been forced to close their doors. However...
Contributors who assist in funding this project would help ANTS adapt and allow theatre not just to survive, but thrive, both in this socially distanced world and beyond.
Your support would bring forth ground-breaking new work and provide an escapist adventure for households to enjoy across the UK. We are so excited to share our journey with you…
Formed in 2020 at the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama during our respective MA/MFAs, ANTS are a group of six international artists who work together to pursue seemingly pointless endeavours until they become pointed.
Our nest is in North London, but we have roots across the world: Catalonia, China, England, Scotland and South Korea.
How could we take our lives offline? Paul, one of the ANTS, brought out his mum’s old-school laptop. It was enormous. It had a handle. We were fascinated. Our minds began to wonder about other kinds of old tech, and (aside from homing pigeons) one in particular peaked our interest: the fax machine...
Incorporating building components and tech, we have worked out that each fax machine will cost just over £600 to build. With four fax machines, we will be able to:
If we are unable to reach our goal, funds will be used to build fewer machines; but the show will and must go on!
If we clear our goal, we will use the excess funds to operate the shows, build more machines and offer We Still Fax to more people at risk of social isolation; offering free and discounted tickets to those in need.
Ever feel like you’re an ANT, deep down inside, but just don’t know how to be an ANT? Embrace your inner ANT with this ANT badge.
Limited-edition prints of We Still Fax image, sent to you in the post on high-quality 250gsm paper. At a certain funding level, prints will be signed by the ANTS (and of course, will one day be worth a fortune, right?)!
Receive a fax scroll in the post, printed by one of our four inter-dimensional fax machines. The content on the scroll is a mystery - it could be a love poem, an insight into our working process, an invitation to a rehearsal or an easter egg from We Still Fax, WE JUST DON’T KNOW.
Booking for We Still Fax will open one week before public sales for VIAs (very important ants). Early-bird booking will be complemented by up to 100% off the price of a show - very important indeed!
FYI tickets will arrive in time for Christmas, in the form of a We Still Fax relic - you will need to keep this safe, as it will hold the key to the show...
While the complex integration of digital and analogue technologies has been an enormous challenge, and one worthy of note, it has already been achieved by our incredible ANT, Diana! Going to market now presents the most substantial risk, as for any new venture, but now more than ever.
There is a thirst for live, tangible, real theatre, but we need your support to achieve our vision and keep theatre alive!
This is a tough time for all, and even if you are not in a position to contribute, we would very much appreciate your support by making some noise and sharing our project with friends and family.
The journey is only just beginning...