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When will Our Black Lives Ever Matter?

A series of short films based around the experience of the rise of black lives matter campaign

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When will Our Black Lives Ever Matter?

When will Our Black Lives Ever Matter?

When will Our Black Lives Ever Matter?

When will Our Black Lives Ever Matter?

When will Our Black Lives Ever Matter?

A series of short films based around the experience of the rise of black lives matter campaign

A series of short films based around the experience of the rise of black lives matter campaign

A series of short films based around the experience of the rise of black lives matter campaign

A series of short films based around the experience of the rise of black lives matter campaign

Jameil Player
Jameil Player
Jameil Player
Jameil Player
1 Campaign |
Richmond, United States
$264 USD 11 backers
3% of $7,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

Short Summary

Timeka Scott & I (Jameil Player) are two filmmakers who have collaborated on many ventures artistically. Timeka has worked on many films an actor and can be seen in such films like Netflix's House of Cards. She is also a very talented dancer & model as well. Jameil has directed a feature film, Ballin in the Fall of America, and many music videos & shorts. 

Unbeknownst, to Jameil, Timeka is also a very talented writer and she shared a series of shorts with him from her inspiration of the Black Lives Matter Movement. We both decided to work together on this project in hopes of telling the stories of being black in America. 

However, something of this magnitude doesn't come cheap and we need to funding for this project. Not only will you be helping to tell stories of an African-American perspective but you will be helping to employ actors (black & white) in the Virginia area.  We believe actors & crew should be paid for their hard work and set locations aren't free either. Timeka and I believe in this project and we will pay out of our pocket as we have already done for the first in the series, The Talk. However, as the great Les Brown says, "You don't ask for help because you are weak, you ask for help because you want to remain strong."


What We Need & What You Get

To pay for actors, crew & locations for these series of shorts we are hoping to raise $7,000. I've been a broke lol filmmaker since I been in the game and  I will create on micro budget. I think Timeka & I spent about $500 to produce The Talk. So,  if we can have the same budge for the next 14 shorts we can make it and anything extra we'll pay. We have a few perks physical & digital. We hope you'll get the perk being live front row at the premier! :)


Other Ways You Can Help

Share! Share! Share! Helping us get the word out is just as valuable. 

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Choose your Perk

Shout out!

$10 USD $20 USD (50% off)
Shout out on Social Media: Facebook & IG
Included Items
  • digital
2 claimed
Ballin' in The fall of America

Ballin' in The fall of America

$25 USD $30 USD (16% off)
DVD or Blu Ray of Visions Filmworks first full feature Film. Ballin' in the Fall of America
Included Items
  • Physical
Estimated Shipping
January 2023
2 claimed
Ships worldwide.


$40 USD $50 USD (20% off)
Unisex TIMELESS T-shirt
Included Items
  • Physical
Estimated Shipping
April 2023
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Thank you in Credits

$100 USD $200 USD (50% off)
Thank you in credits of film
Included Items
  • digital
Estimated Shipping
October 2023
0 out of 100 of claimed

Executive Producer

$500 USD $1,000 USD (50% off)
Listed as an executive producer in the credits
Included Items
  • digital (10)
0 out of 10 of claimed

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