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Who, If Not Us? Essay for European Youth.

Who, If Not Us? A Four-Step Guide to Empower Europe and Our Generation.

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Who, If Not Us? Essay for European Youth.

Who, If Not Us? Essay for European Youth.

Who, If Not Us? Essay for European Youth.

Who, If Not Us? Essay for European Youth.

Who, If Not Us? Essay for European Youth.

Who, If Not Us? A Four-Step Guide to Empower Europe and Our Generation.

Who, If Not Us? A Four-Step Guide to Empower Europe and Our Generation.

Who, If Not Us? A Four-Step Guide to Empower Europe and Our Generation.

Who, If Not Us? A Four-Step Guide to Empower Europe and Our Generation.

Vincent-Immanuel Herr
Vincent-Immanuel Herr
Vincent-Immanuel Herr
Vincent-Immanuel Herr
1 Campaign |
Berlin, Germany
$4,802 USD 141 backers
43% of $11,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

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Excerpt of the book

Press Release

+++ Note +++

This campaign collects dollars instead of euros, as that will allow for contributions to be both done via PayPal AND credit card. Euros allows only for PayPal to be used.



What This Is: Who, if not us? is an essay, written by young Europeans for young Europeans. It seeks to motivate our generation to become active agents for change in Europe. In order to do so, we only need one thing — funding for the printing and distribution. 

Who We Are: We are a group of 12 individuals with backgrounds from 11 different countries. We are all part of 'Generation Y.' We are all Europeans. However, what unites us most of all is the motivation to make a difference in Europe and empower others, who share the same ambition. 

What We Want to Achieve: We all believe that our generation has the power to define our continent's future. We are aware that one key challenge when striving for this aim might be the lack of a shared vision. However, we believe that before we can even start negotiating this vision, we need to overcome another obstacle first: the lack of belief in our own abilities. This is where our text comes in. It aims to tackle this motivational challenge and encourage our generation to become change-makers. 

What The Text is About: The idea for this essay derived from the way we all first met: on a journey through Europe. We realised that what fascinated us most about our continent is the people you meet on the way. We found that a shared vision and belief can come out of the exchange of experiences, thoughts and inspiration. That’s why this essay – rather than being a theoretical analysis of the current state of Europe’s youth – utilises a story-led approach that’s taking the reader on a journey with a European destination. This story brings together our different backgrounds and personal experiences to address the most common complexities of being young Europeans whilst showing that despite all differences we also share similar challenges and opportunities.

On his or her journey through the text, the reader will be guided along a framework of four steps that help all of us to unfold our potential and empower our generation: 

  1. Be truly critical — think for yourself, independently and without limits. 
  2. Overcome your fears — fears will never be a good guide. So let's cast them out. 
  3. Realize your power — we all have power to make a difference. We just have to find it. 
  4. Become a change-maker — this is where we take action. Everyone can do it. Start small and keep going. You will see the impact of your work in your own and other people's lives. It's the best feeling. 

The purpose of going through this journey is to illustrate how we can all do more and better than we think. Thus, beyond functioning as a motivational piece, the essay, most importantly, is also a call to action.

Why We Need You: The text is all written and edited. It is ready to reach Europeans and people near and far. What we still need are the means to do so. We want to print 2,000-3,000 copies and distribute them all over Europe and the globe. We need your help in making this possible. By donating you are becoming a part of our vision and goal: To activate young Europeans' potential, to interconnect them, and to take part in shaping our continent's future. 

Find out more about our team and project here:

Project Details:

How The Text Will Be Delivered: We believe in the power of the written word. For centuries, printed books and pamphlets have helped to facilitate the democratic spread of great ideas and inspired people across and beyond Europe. Yet, one might wonder why our group – being digitally native – thinks it’s particularly important to provide a printed product rather than simply distributing the essay online. Additionally to reaching a significant number of people, we also want the reader to qualitatively engage with the text. In our fast-pasted contemporary society, we suffer from a limited attention span and an oversupply of stimuli. We believe that physical copy of a text can help us unwind and personalise the reading experience and thus allow us to properly engage with, reflect upon and respond to an idea. In the spirit of the theories of the French anthropologist Marcel Mauss, one could argue that our essay thus becomes similar to a gift: being exchanged as a physical item it can create a bond between young Europeans. After all, one of our key aims is for our story to be passed on and connect people through the exchange of ideas and inspiration. And in order to make this sharing process as easy as possible, we will naturally also provide the text as an e-publication in a next step.

What Are Our Strategic Objectives: There are two key pillars to our strategy: Firstly, we want to share the mutual story of young Europeans in order to motivate and activate our generation to participate in shaping Europe’s future. Secondly, we want the text to serve as a vehicle to connect young Europeans in order to start negotiating this future within a broader debate. 

How We Plan To Achieve This: Our main goal is to distribute the text to as many young Europeans as possible. The book is meant to go on a journey across and beyond in Europe. We call this the Read and Pass On principle. After reading a copy, one passes it on to another young European. The donors will be vital in achieving this goal. They help us gather the funds to print and ship the text, and will also be the first readers of the text, before sending the copies on their journeys through Europe. Additionally, in order to facilitate an even broader reach and extend our audience, we plan to distribute a number of copies to targeted individuals and organizations such as newspapers, politicians, NGOs, refugee shelters, and other places in order to maximize its impact. We hope that this additional coverage in combination with the Read and Pass On principle will motivate young Europeans to get in touch with each other and ponder similar ideas. Whilst we aim to reach as many people with our text as possible, we also believe that the process of readers interacting with other readers will create dynamic networks and exchanges that go beyond the book and its words. Our group will work hard to follow up on the impacts and ripples created by the text, and will always be there to help connect readers and those interested in making a change by facilitating dialogue and exchanging ideas. 

Who Supports Us: We were able to write and finalize the essay thanks to the great support of the Mercator Foundation, which funds the work-meetings of our group. Additionally we have been working with a wide array of supporters and experts in various fields from design, marketing and distribution to political and social multipliers, who have been so kind to help us out to get this far. Printing and distributing the book is the final step for which we now need your support!  

How Much We Need: We are aiming to receive €10,000. This amount is our estimate to pay for designing, printing, and shipping 2,000-3,000 copies to various parts of Europe, and to circulate the essay amongst all those interested in its message.

If we'll be gathering more than the €10,000 ($11,000), we will simply print more copies and send them on their way to European youth. 

What Are The Risks & Challenges: 

We have never done anything like this before, nor do we know of a similar campaign. Therefore, this entire idea will be a first for all of us, and likely for you, too. 

However, we believe that having worked together as a group, which connects so many different cultural, personal, economic and political backgrounds, over the course of several months, we believe in our ability to address core questions of our generation and propose answers that will be relatable to many young Europeans. 

We want to keep learning, and we see this campaign as an opportunity to connect with other young Europeans in order to positively impact our generation, and Europe. 


You can take a look at our perks on the right-hand side. The general rule is — the more you donate, the more copies you get. 

Other Ways to Help:

As part of this campaign, we would be happy to hear from you, and always appreciate any help, support, ideas, and inspiration. This process to us feels like Europe at work — we are coming together with a shared goal to embrace our diversity, and you are a part of this, too. 

If you like this idea, but are unable donate at this time, we totally understand. You can still support us by sharing this campaign and talking to those who might be interested, but haven't heard about it yet. To do so, please share this campaign through Twitter and Facebook. You can also send information about the campaign to local newspapers, favorite websites, politicians, and to journalists. 

The more it circulates, the more people will see it!


Thursday, September 17th, 2015: Press conference and public presentation of our text in Berlin, Germany.

September, 24th, 2015: Crowdfunding campaign will end. 

September 2015: Printing first copies of the text.

October/November 2015: Shipping the perks and books to donors and supporters.

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Choose your Perk

The Book Lover.

$10 USD
Every donation helps. Thank you! You will get one book shipped to your home (if you do not live within Europe, there will be a $3 additional shipping fee).
62 claimed
Ships worldwide.

The Supporter.

$25 USD
Your contribution is great! We will list your name in the book as a donor. Also, two books will be sent directly to your home address.
29 claimed
Ships worldwide.

The Donor.

$50 USD
We appreciate your help! We will list your name in the book as a donor. You will get two copies of our text + a handwritten note sent to your home.
6 claimed
Ships worldwide.

The Important Donor.

$100 USD
Your contribution makes a difference. Thank you so much! We will list your name in the book as an important donor. You will also receive three copies + a handwritten note sent to your home.
5 claimed
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The Major Donor.

$250 USD
Thank you for your incredible support! We will list your name in our book as an important donor. You will also receive four copies of the book + a handwritten letter.
0 claimed
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The Change Maker.

$500 USD
Wow! You are amazing. Thank you for supporting this project and for helping Europe's youth! Besides finding your name on the list of important donors in the book, you will receive five copies + a handwritten letter. We are also looking forward to having a Skype call with you to talk about the essay, Europe, and its young generation.
1 claimed
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The Europeanist.

$1,000 USD
YOU are a true Europeanist. Your donation helps European youth and the essay to be spread. Thank you so much. You will be listed as a top donor on the first pages of the book and will get up to eight copies + a handwritten letter. We will publicly thank you on our social media channels (if you like) and have a Skype chat with you.
0 claimed
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$10,000 USD
We are beyond words!!! You are a Master European! Thank you so much for making such an important contribution to our project for European youth. You will find your name on the first page of the book and will receive up to 20 copies, including a handwritten letter. We will publicly thank you on our social media channels (if you like) and at least two of the authors will visit you in your hometown (within Europe) to invite you to dinner.
0 claimed
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