One of the great advantages of Wheelys is the Wheelys app. Customers can find you, order, and pay for their coffee before they even physically get there. For the Wheeler, the app is a smooth way to re-stock supplies and keep track of inventory. The app will be launched Summer 2016!
By scaling down on administration, marketing, and bureaucracy—and instead letting YOU, the Wheelers, do that together—we are now able to offer this complete café for less than $5,000.
The Wheelys team have years of experience in innovation and brand building with a company called "The Nordic Society For Invention and Discovery."
Wheelys was hosted at Y Combinator in Silicon Valley during the summer of 2015. Y Combinator is the accelerator that gave the world companies such as Airbnb, Dropbox, and Reddit.
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There seems to be someone new every day at Wheelys. Below are some of us.
Having founded several companies like T-shirt Store, Nordic Society for Innovation and Discovery, and several others, Per has a very valuable knowledge in how to build...anything. He is the go-to-guy when you want to know anything about your Wheelys Café.
Maria is extremely resourceful, to the extent that we, every day, live in fear that some foreign intelligence agency will headhunt her. It is rumored that one time last month she stopped working at 11 p.m.
Tomas is the guy who constantly thinks opposite. Some things Tomas has been up to lately include winning the Gold Epica for best PR in the world (with the highest score EVER), and getting the Belarusian minister of defence fired.
Want to buy a Wheelys? Talk to Hannah. She is a sorceress and can write two e-mails with three hands. Or at least the other way around. AND she knows everything about Wheelys. Try her!
Without Cenk (pronounced “Jenk”), nothing really works. He connects things. Makes everything digital just work. And, not to forget, Cenk is also a designer. Some people are just lucky.
Simon is our own MacGyver. MacGyver could—by using a paperclip and a pingpong ball—build a helicopter. Simon is building these things for us but is more focused on bikes and coffee.
Meet our awsome support person Emma. She is the go-to-Irish-girl when something needs to be straightened out, fixed, explained, and—now recently—baked. Emma knows everything about everything.
If Jamie could have it his way, he would be living in a far-away country nursing coffee plants, taking care of them like his children, gently picking the beans on the exactly perfect misty morning, roasting them at the exactly perfect temperature, grinding them on an old fashioned British grinder from 1923, then... Jamie loves coffee. And he is good at it. Just ask some of his customers in Stockholm, who have tasted some of Jamie’s coffee magic.
Good idea. If you have the money to invest, the price of a Wheelys means you could buy 100 Wheelys for the same price as opening ONE generic café in a city. Why not place a Wheelys Café at every subway station in your home city?
Wheelys will also consider master agreements, for countries or cities, for the right people. A master agreement may give you the exclusive right to run Wheelys, and the benefit of belonging to our global brand.
If you are interested in orders above 10 Wheelys, talk directly to
NOTA BENE: we are very careful when choosing our master partners, and only a very few of those requesting exclusivity in an area have been approved. Current Wheelers are always prioritized.
Do you have any questions for us? Why not check out our FAQ? It's packed with important nuggets of gold!
If you still cannot find what you are looking for, just send us an email at:
Please note that the $700 deposit is not refundable.