“A mighty poem for love” - the world‘s first museum for romantic love.
Hello dear ones,
there are over 18,000 museums in the USA, 6,000 in Germany, and so forth. These include sex-museums, museums of weapons, wars and many other things, but there is no museum for love, more precisely for romantic love. But love is the highest of all.
Please help to create a museum in the trues sense ot the word a “Shrine for the Muses”. I have developed a concept for a worldwide unique interactive museum for all the senses. This will be a place for love with all its romantic and sensual riches and arts.
“No one has ever tried to live with the power of love” Ralp W. Emerson
My name is Hans-Georg Renner and I have a professional experience with outdoor events and city tours. Currently I offer special city tours for lovers, publish the world‘s first city map for lovers (Cologne) and organize small art events such as a love-trail with many events, a love-poetry-trail, heart-actions and much more to send more love impulses into the world.
A world unique museum for romantic love - and you can decide in which city this lovemuseum will be built. Please send me a mail and write the name of the city in the subject line. Below is how I will thank you in detail for your support.
Plan B – If we don‘t quite reach the 4 million, every cent of you will still flow into “love”. Depending on the amount of the sum, we start for example with further city maps for lovers, in the cities which you will call, or we found the “Walk of Love”, a worldwide unique way on which lovers immortalize each other. I have worked out some projects that bring more love into the world and thus further pave the way for the museum of romantic love. At some point people con no longer get pass this museum and we can raise the necessary capital in a second attempt. So, no matter how much we collect – your money and your commitment will benefit 100% the love in our world. I promise!
J.F. Kennedy said: “We choose to go to the moon”
Let us say: “We choose to go to the love”
The museum for romantic Love is for people in the city, in the region, who can also get involved with their love stories etc. At the same time, it will enhance the image of the selected city and country. And it is also a magnet for people in the world and will attract many guests.
A museum almost never bears the cost of entrance fees. The museums, that are economically successful, achieve this through a museum-shop. Just for Love there are very nice articles, which we offer in a shop and the museum will carry itself so financially further.
400,000,000 people live in the USA and Germany alone. We need (only) 0. 05%, which means, 200,000 people who donate $20 - a great challenge. So, I‘m asking for your support. Please tell your friends and loved ones and donate money, so that together we can bring to life the worlds‘s first and unique museum for love. Thank you very much!
I hope to welcome you soon to the Museum for Love.
“Love is the only thing that grows, when we give it away”. Ricarda Huch
See you soon and love regards