Xarde is a fantasy adventure comic book about a young, feckless woman living in the modern world who realizes she has innate, nascent dragon-like powers. She inherits the Sword of the Dragon Warden and must come to terms with her thrice-cursed existence.
Xarde has arrived in Drachensburg, but only just ahead of Mercy and her Legion of Devilry. Mercy and the Black Dragon are intent on wiping out Drachensburg, the Draconic Templar and the Sword of the Dragon Warden in one fell sweep. Can Xarde and the Templars stop them? Find out in Xarde #3: The Battle of Drachensburg.
New to Xarde? Get all three issues of Xarde - Xarde #1: The Dragoness and Xarde #2: Into the Hellscape and Xarde #3: The Battle of Drachensburg on this campaign and catch up with the dangerously seductive heir to the Dragon Warden!
(/zɑːr’deɪ/ zahr-DAY)
Interior Page Sneak Peak
Xarde #3 assets are more than 90% complete at the start of the campaign. We wanted to be ready to print the moment the campaign ended so we can fulfill within weeks of the campaign ending (pending printer turn around of course).
Printing and fulfillment are planned for November 2022. We will report regularly here on Indiegogo as the project progresses and comes to completion.
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Tell friends, family, everyone you know and everybody you meet!
Like and repost our Instagram posts, like and share our Facebook posts and Indiegogo updates. We want to own the #dragon and #xarde hashtags, so use these hashtags liberally and help Xarde dominate social media!