What makes Zainab Rights different than any other show or news community out there?
Zainab Rights is the first of it's kind that combines storytelling and journalism to give our subscribers a holistic view of justice.
Upon navigation of our website, you will notice there are many categories under stories and those categories also have sub categories. These stories are responsible for breaking down the bigger picture, literally everything that affects global justice from business, to economics, to foreign and domestic politics to even social issues and philosophy.
Through storytelling, we will be able to tackle difficult concepts and bring them down to a level that makes sense to most of us in our efforts to spread awareness and empower our readers with the knowledge they require to make informed choices.
Coupled with the talk show that is never scripted, we will have in depth analysis into a specific issue (rather than gleaning over headlines as most news channels do), we aim to answer the question "what do you want me to do with this information?". In a world where we continuously feel small in the grand scheme of things, we want to empower our community to feel a little bit bigger and realize the potential to attain justice lies in our hands.
Most importantly, our project does not label itself as progressive, conservative, liberal etc. Although this would be beneficial for ratings and attracting certain type of viewers, we are striving for a niche that is steps ahead of all these labels, a community that solely seeks justice and peace no matter what form that ends up taking, no matter whom it ends up offending.
Additionally, most of our team is a student and we are all volunteering our time to provide this service to humanity. The premise of Zainab Rights is founded on humility and accepting the fact that we too are growing along with our family of readers, viewers and subscribers.
Lastly, the Zainab Rights team believes staunchly in the concept of justice and holds unwavering hope in a time where justice will prevail over all lands, peoples, and tribes, a time when peace and tranquility will be enjoyed by all. Until then, we will continue to strive.
We know that we have many odds stacked against us, but we know we can grow successfully with your support and contributions.
Short Summary
Zainab Rights calls for each and everyone of us to stand steadfast against the face of injustice, oppression and violence wherever it may be. Neutrality, now more than ever, is not an option.
We invite you to support us, believe in us, invest in us and more importantly join our journey as we fearlessly pursue a dream; a world filled with love, justice and peace. Who’s to say a dream can’t be a reality?
What We Need
The industry of news, media, video production and journalism isn't easy on the wallet and as many of the Zainab Rights team include students, we wouldn't be able to grow at the pace we need without the means to do so. We hope to circumvent the investor route so that we can maintain full influence of our operations, vision and goals.
This is our breakdown:
- $1000 for website
- $7200 for studio space
- $1200 for web/social media marketing
- $2000 for equipment, audio, video, mics, technical support, media
- $600 licensing/mail box
- $1000 show hosting/guest travel expenses
- $2000 marketing, tabling, vendorship, promotional material
The Impact
In the current climate of fear, hate, violence and war, Zainab Rights cannot afford to take steps towards growth, it must take strides. Your contributions will enable our team to have the funds we need to develop, grow and sustain ourselves in the long run. Your contributions will ensure that truth, justice and peace always have a voice, no matter what the costs.
Other Ways You Can Help
If you cannot donate, you may know someone who can. Please share this campaign on your Facebook, Twitter, and other social media networks. Most importantly, support our vision by participating in our conversations. We care about EVERY voice, EVERY story, EVERY perspective. Be part of our family.
Also support us on Amazon as you shop. Just copy this link in your browser and bookmark it for your future purchases. https://www.amazon.com/?ie=UTF8&tag=zainabrights-20