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2052 is an action short film set in
the post-apocalyptic aftermath of a global thermonuclear war. When a
ground-breaking fuel additive, hailed as the invention “that will save the
world”, is discovered by Indian scientists, it’s not long until the formula is
bought by a multinational American corporation. However, it’s not long until
cases of deformities and mutations begin to emerge in those exposed to the
fumes. And there’s only one problem – the additive has been distributed globally.
With political tension at a boiling point, it’s not long until someone
presses the red button.
2052 tells
the story of a British survivor, Daniel Stafford. With the global population
ever-diminishing, he is amongst a small few that now wander the deserted plains
of rural England. Cold, hungry and alone, we follow his struggle to cope with
the harsh nuclear winter. But a much greater threat is upon him, and they’re
dressed head-to-toe in black.
conceptualising for 2052, we wanted to avoid the typical post-apocalyptic theme
unless we could justify it with a solid backstory. With fossil fuels currently
projected to run out within 40 years, we felt that the global energy crisis was
a very current and talked about issue in society that could
be tackled in an informative yet engaging way in our short film.
This production company has signed up to the Protecting Actors Casting Agreement, helping to ensure all actors involved receive a copy of the final footage in a timely fashion.
Good question. We have budgeted extremely carefully on 2052 to ensure that every last penny is best spent where we need it. The money you pledge to our project will find it's way into one of the following categories;
- Cast fees
- Props
- Costume
- Set dressing
- Location fees
- Catering
- Equipment hire
- Logistics
You can see a full breakdown below.
You'll notice we have accounted for £1,600.00 in the above breakdown. The remaining £150.00 has been allocated for IndieGoGo's cut of our funding.
There's a whole heap of reasons why you should pledge.
First and foremost, you'll be helping a group of aspiring filmmakers to bring to life a project they've wanted to create for years.
Secondly, we've got a tonne of great perks and incentives to offer to you guys, including digital downloads, signed scripts and props, credits on the film and even the chance to become an extra! You can check them out right here ------>
We've put together an all-star cast and crew for
2052, all of whom are professionals working in the industry.
2052 is a challenging project by any definition and we wanted to ensure that your money was being spent on the best possible practitioners and creatives to really bring our idea to life in a stunning and engaging way.
Alexander is a director and filmmaker from Milton Keynes. Graduating from
Northampton University with a BA in Media Production, Dean went on to set up
media production company Timecode Pro with friend Jimmy Bricknell. In the past
five years, Dean’s extensive showreel has led him to work with fashion giants
including Primark, New Look and Burton as well as overseas to the likes of Miami and
directing talent is evidenced by his multi-award winning short films and guest
judge status at Northants Film Festival.
You can see
his work here: http://vimeo.com/deanalexander
Josh Monie
is a director of photography and camera operator from Northampton. Although
barely 19, Josh has built up an impressive portfolio of work ranging from music
videos to short films to corporate promotions and has received acclaim from the
National Film and Television School, BFI and Paramount Pictures.
passion for working behind the camera stems from his intrigue with theatre
lighting and effects at a young age, all of which has now led him to be
extremely competent when it comes to lighting and shooting a scene well.
You can see his work here: http://vimeo.com/joshmonie
Wilkins is a camera operator, Steadicam operator and sound technician. In the 4 years Terrence has
been working in the industry, he has mastered his craft as both a camera and
boom operator and worked alongside Timecode Pro on various high-scale projects.
His technical knowledge of equipment is unsurpassed and is a cornerstone of the
crew on-set.
eye for composition and easy operation of the Steadicam make him invaluable on
any set.
You can see his work here: http://vimeo.com/terrencewilkins
Bricknell is a VFX artist, camera operator and co-director of Timecode Pro.
Jimmy’s expertise in the VFX field is proved by his recent role as a Motion
Graphics lecturer at Northampton College. Having worked on various creative
projects with Dean before, Jimmy has an excellent understanding of how a scene
can benefit from visual effects and how they can best be applied.
Pro and Selective View are production companies based out of the Midlands, UK.
Formed of creative individuals driven by their love of filmmaking, these
companies are fast making a name for themselves in the county and beyond.
We really hope you are able to pledge to our project and help bring 2052 to life but if not, no worries! You can help us out in other ways:
If you can't afford to pledge to our project right now, you can help us by sharing this funding page around to your friends and family, via Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn. If you make YouTube videos, drop a mention in there. If you're chatting to colleagues at work, see if they might be interested. Every little extra push helps.
Thank you.
Note regarding Perks with *: These perks require you to be available on the shooting days of the film. We will contact you and you will be expected to make your own travel arrangements.