2A Patch Batch 2020
2A Patch Batch 2020
2A Patch Batch 2020
2A Patch Batch 2020
2A Patch Batch 2020
Getting Patches for 2A Projects
Getting Patches for 2A Projects
Getting Patches for 2A Projects
Getting Patches for 2A Projects
This campaign is closed
2A Patch Batch 2020
Getting Patches for 2A Projects
Getting Patches for 2A Projects
Getting Patches for 2A Projects
Getting Patches for 2A Projects
Getting Patches for 2A Projects
Contributors each get a COMPLETE set
of ALL the new 2A Patches that get made
1st 100 Patch Sets ordered
will be numbered for collecting purposes
The 2A Projects get the rest of the patches !
To Give Away, Trade or Sell, to Raise Funds
Let's Give Each Pro-Gun Project 100 of their own patches, for FREE
Their own logo Patches, they can; Give Away, Trade or Sell, to raise funds
We will run this just like last years 2018 Patch Batch
Details on the patches:
- Campaign Starts - June 29th
** July 7th - 2A Projects - LIVE Meetup & Chat
We will chat LIVE about the Campaign & the 2A Projects represented
** July 14th - 2A Projects - LIVE Meetup & Chat
LIVE with Campaign Updates
- Campaign Ends - Sunday July 26th
** July 28th - 2A Projects - LIVE Meetup & Chat
Finalize Patch Designs and Campaign After Action
- Patches Designed & Ordered - Wednesday July 29th
- Patches Finished - Mid Sept
- Patches Arrive to You - late Sept or early Oct
** Sept 10th - 2A Projects - LIVE Meetup & Chat
We will chat LIVE about the Patches and how they came out
This one will either be a success, or it won't proceed (no middle ground)
Now, if we fund the project even further than needed to get those 100 patches for each 2A Project, then we will add extras !!
DC Project - 50 Women, 1 from each state. Annually visit Washington D.C.
to talk 2A & Guns with our representatives,
Amazing boots-on-the-ground effort, the Future of 2A
Connecticut Citizens Defense League - a non-partisan, grassroots organization devoted to advocating rights affirmed by the Constitutions of the United States of America and the State of Connecticut
Skip's Tactical - Podcaster, Advocate, veteran/Woman-owned firearms Instruction
Guns & Gadgets - Your source for 2nd Amendment news!!
the best source for Updates and 1st Alerts
2A4E - Diversity Shoot, Minuteman Challenge competition New Shooter Firearms Orientation and Familiarization & Shooting Opportunity in New Jersey !!
No Other Choice (NOC) - a change agent for all communities. Aiming for the Truth "Sighting in on Real Issues" and Train & Learn 2A Media & Instructor resource
Riding Shotgun with Charlie - Fun interviews with major players in 2A & Gun Culture, driving and talking all around the USA
Liberty Doll - Liberty-minded news, discussion, and witticisms with a little punk rock and vintage pin-up flair! ;)
GunTube.org - Pro 2A , Firearm Focused Video Hosting Platform
with an eye on the future, providing tools for activists & content creators
Clover Tac - Pro 2A Podcaster, 2A Content Creator, Coach & Cheerleader
* Surprise Patch Design TBA
This project is entirely in our comfort zone. there should be few risks, if any
Here is how we did it.... with help.
These are the videos, blogs, podcasts, LIVE shows and IG posts that made this campaign a success. Thank You for helping to spread the word about these pro rights organizations
July 14, 2020
Was the FIRST to spread the word with a produced video dedicated to the 2A Patch batch, thank you Travis !!
July 23, 2020
Posted a video to let people know the status of the project, and encouraged folks to share the campaign
Guns & Gadgets
July 23, 2020
Posted a dedicated video, let his viewers know about the last days of the campaign, and those that jumped on, immediately reached the funding goal, and then went on to exceed it by the end of the evening. Amazing results from the Guns & Gadgets crew
July 3rd
July 11th
July 11th
July 11th
July 11th
July 12th
July 12th
July 23rd
July 25th
Some people just can't contribute, or don't want patches.
But if you would still like to help this project and the 2A Organizations involved:
Thank You for your continued support
2020 an interesting year !