![Description: Hollywood Star]()
Unfuck The World. What Does That Mean?
Unfuck The World is a call to action. It means get up, go out and do something. It means find out what you are passionate about, what change you would like to see, in your street, your community, your city. It means to reach out to like-minded people and realize you are not alone. No positive action is too small, and it will make a difference!
![UTW Shirts hanging in Denmark.]()
What Does Unfuck The World Do?
Our team at the UTW Headquarters in L.A. creates local networks by organizing events, like donation drives at homeless shelters
, a free haircut day for homeless men and women, the installation of a community garden, an art show benefitting someone in need
, a day of fun for the kids who live on skid row and more.
![Community Projects in L.A.]()
What Is The Goal Of The Fundraiser?
The money raised with this campaign is seed money to help us help others. We will use it to fund Unfuck The World Day 2014, which in turn will enable us to pay for future UTW events providing a platform where people who are active in making a
positive change in their communities, and those who are looking for a way to become active can meet, network,
inspire and get inspired.
![UTW DAY 2014 flyer UTW DAY 2014 flyer]()
Where We're From & Where We're Going
A message from the creator of Unfuck The World
My name is Maike; I am a German transplant in L.A., and my background is in music and film production. In September of 2006 I began to sell Unfuck The World t-shirts, so
I could donate proceeds from sales to charity.
First just through word of mouth, then via Unfuck The
World’s YouTube channel and Facebook Page, the motto began to spread. More and more supporters around the globe sent us messages asking how they could join the UTW movement, and what started as a passion project of me selling t-shirts turned into us organizing Unfuck The World community projects.
When somebody suggested we should have an Unfuck The World Day to celebrate the good things that people do, the idea took off immediately, and the 1st Annual Unfuck The World Day took place a year later, on June 8, 2013.
![Description: Malin in Germany wearing our UTW shirt.]()
About Unfuck The World Day
On Unfuck The World Day 2013, we had
events in 12 cities on 4 continents, from Australia to Asia, Europe to North America, each benefitting a local charity.
Some organizers collected monetary and/or in-kind donations, others organized hands-on positive actions, like reforesting an area outside of town, or picking up trash in a local park.
It was such an amazing, positive experience for everyone
involved, organizers, bands, causes and visitors alike, that we immediately
knew we wanted to do it again.
The 2nd Annual Unfuck The World Day will take place
on Saturday, June 7, 2014. The list of official
participants is growing; some of last year’s cities are on board again and they are being joined by others.
Please visit our official Unfuck The World Day website for more information on the individual events. We will frequently update the site as new information comes in. You can also already find some of the official UTW Day events posted on Facebook, they will pop up when you type 2nd Annual Unfuck The World Day into the search bar.
Awesome Perks To Show Our Appreciation
We think we created some very cool, unique gifts to show you how much we appreciate your donation, including first time and limited edition Unfuck The World hoodies, t-shirts and tote bags, and we hope you are as excited about these perks as we are! You can see some pictures in the Gallery on the top of this page.
![Description: Beach shot of UTW.]()
Other Ways You Can Help
Don't feel bad if you don't have any money to spare. There are many ways you can show your support!
Help us by telling people about Unfuck The World, at a coffee shop, at school, at work...
Spread the word on social media, share Facebook posts with your friends and use #utwnow #utwday #unfucktheworld when you post about us!
You can also help by becoming a volunteer on Unfuck The World Day, in Los Angeles or in one of the other participating cities. Send us a message via the contact sheet on the website.
Whatever you do to support Unfuck The World, it will be very appreciated by us. Together, we are the wave and we will make a difference!
Thank you,